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Posts posted by keepinthedreamalive

  1. what about the rumours of him not happy at the club and a chance of going to another victorian club??

    Wasn't he a Carlton father & son? He lives in East Malvern, takes him 10-15 minutes to get to training, almost every mate he has is a Melbourne player????

    Don't mean to be disrespectful, but is there anything else?

  2. Can everybody please take a deep breath & maybe a Bex!!

    1 I know Tom well & know what drives him, and it certainly isn't money, mind you he still has his lunch money from year 3!!

    2 He will start talking after the end of the season (As advised by his management more than 12 months ago). Has not deviated & will not, which is understandable due to the fact he is only able to earn a certain figure in his first 2 years.

    3 It appears the only people of importance in this process are the media & posters on this site. He will sign when he is good and ready!

    4 Most of the leaks seem to be coming from GWS, who need the publicity

    5 I know he would not like to be the highest paid player at the club until he IS the most valuable.

    Move on guys, nothing to see here

  3. Firstly, this post was titled, Scully and his mates!!!

    His close mates at the club are,

    Watts, Chunk, Blease, Jamar, Juice, Dunn, Trenners, Bater, Garland, Chip, Flash, Grimes, Tapps & LJ. (As well as the rest of the list included) & reckons Bailey is a very honest and good man!!

    His mates outside of MFC are, Smith (WCE), Ziebell & Bastinac (NM) Tommy Lynch (STK), Tyrone V (Rich) (May wish to get them all to GWS next year)

    Please!! Lets close this & move on!!

  4. Pretty sure I presented some very relevant counter arguments.

    This place can use more laughs and a hell of a lot less panic stricken, drama-filled threads.

    Just like you have the right to clog up the forum with yet another Scully thread, I have the right to laugh at the hysteria.

    And do you know what people care less about? Conclusions drawn from Twitter accounts!

  5. I know his uncle very well & he just laughs and shakes his head every time GWS is mentioned.

    His manager read him to be strong enough to deal with the speculation about GWS, to hold on until the TV rights & CBA were understood before commiting!

    This way all parties understand the landscape and can negotiate a fair deal.

    He is on a standard 2 year contract which is mandatory (Same as Dustin Martin & all other top 10 picks) in 2010 2011, hence the hysteria to sign has been created by the media & forums such as this. John Ralph cannot help himself & is hell bent on him going to GWS.

    Cannot wait for his article when Tom commits to the Dees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Did i miss the dodging and weavering, the rumor came out and he held a media conference staying hadn't talked to anyone about his contract.

    He Actually informed the club In August last year that he would wait until the end of the 2011 season to discuss his contract and as gws can only speak to contracted players between the end of season and the draft means another offer was never the reason for the delay

    It's interesting to note that pavlich(a superstar of the comp) has never resigned during the season and everytime he is linked to SA but never returned

    You are top of the class!!

    1. As a second year player he was not able to earn any more than a standard 2 year deal that is overseen by the AFL

    2. The TV rights have now been completed, but the AFLPA wish of 27% revenue from broadcast rights to players is nowhere near done!!

    3. At this point in time no AFL club knows how much is in the salary cap beyond 2013!!! (So why sign now)

    4. Tom wanted to sign a 3 year deal last year, however his management made the decision to wait as the landscape was about to change & the opportunity was not going to happen EVER AGAIN.

    5. He is super fit, raring to go & Look out the second half of the year!!!! Go DEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. My uncle spotted him out on Saturday night having dinner at a family function in Caulfield. When he asked a family member "if that was Scully & what is the occasion, the family member confirmed that it was Tom and he was moving to Sydney next year & this was his going away dinner. He then saw my uncles jaw on the ground and told him that it was his cousin's birthday, engagement or something. He was clearly having him on & had the biggest grin on his face!!

    Just as he was walking out my uncle asked how long he was out for & is he happy there!! 3 weeks & loves the place!! He went home a happy man.

  8. Do people on here worry that Scully might be booed by his own fans next time he steps on the field?

    I know it's unlikely and completely out of line but there are some absolute morons in society - MFC fans included!!

    This is exactly what I was getting to!

    Boo him in April/May & June, but then he signs in August!!!

    What then????

    I know for a fact that this kid loves the MFC!!!!!!

    The question that everybody needs answered, is what have the MFC offered him to stay?????

    Maybe we need to look at retention as an option?

    Lets get it all knocked over soon & get on with the footy!!!!

  9. This also irks me. Surely a grown man is not so petty. Not an attack on Markc, merely an opinion. It seems to me that (in all honesty) Kevin Sheedy couldn't give a sh*t about MFC, and this doesn't make him an individual in the football world. We take offense to Malthouse suggesting QB is our grand final! It is our bloody grand final!!! MFC haven't done a thing since 2000 in my memory.

    I hate this attitude I see adopted. I'm reminded of Johnny Fontane squirming and saying "What am I gonna do?" Stand up. Be counted. Forget the Sheedys, the Malthouses and the freaking AFL. Put wins on the board. Get the job done and make the MCG the house of pain. Turn up and cheer because we're gonna win a lot more games from now on.

    Until Jim started turning this Titanic around no one (that publicly mattered) cared about MFC. I'm glad we're on the map now but for God's sake, there is no curse. We make the off field happen and in 2011 the players make the on field happen. That group includes #31.

    OK now literally end rant.

  10. I don't normally like to get personal - but you're an idiot.

    Him or me?

    I am not overly bright myself!!

    Bottom line is that I do know that Tom is

    1 Happy at MFC

    2 Looking forward to NAB Cup/Season proper starting to put all of this crap behind him

    3 Looking forward to SIGNING with MFC when the CBF is finalized (August Sept)

    4 Looking forward to buying a property in Melbourne for him & his sister

    Get him a fair & equitable deal and he is yours for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. If this guy is fair dinkum then these velocity Sports chislers are trying to ransom us and messing with Tom's head. The risk of injury and bad form is far too high for one so young to take these kind of chances when he can get a great deal with us now. But to repeat myself who are you?

    I know Tom's family well through a friend playing at Vic Metro with Tom & others.

    Not that this adds any credibility!! Or does it??

    I am not after the "scoop of the year". All I am looking to do is alleviate the rubbish that has been directed Tom's way due to bulltish written about him DEFECTING to GWS.

    He is the most loyal kid that there is & IF MFC look after him will be a 250 gamer.

  12. Does Tom know how to play poker? Very dangerous slow playing a strong hand. And who are you BTW?

    If you believe in your ability & have done the hard work the risk is minimized!

    Like I said, it was not Tom's call, it was his management's.

    He will give it 110% (As he always does) & hopefully the board see it fit to put an offer on the table!!

    Have not heard much about what MFC have offered him, has been biased toward what GWS have on the table!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Hi Guys. First time poster!

    Despite all of the hysteria I am here to tell you that Tom has

    1 Not signed or even made a heads of agreement deal to head north

    2 Has put off contract negotiations for the simple reason is that his management have told him to wait until the CBA is finalized to see what is in the pool (TV rights & what % is distributed to the clubs), effectively the salary cap in 2013 & 2014.

    3 Is looking to buy a house/property in Melbourne, but cannot get finance until he has a contract

    4 Cannot earn more than a set salary for the first 2 years (Whats the point of signing NOW for "unders" if he has a slashing first 10-12 rounds)

    5 Has been strong enough to resist doing a back flip & signing due to media hype & speculation

    Having said this it is incumbent on the club to put a good deal on the table come contract time as at the end of the day, you have a 10-12 year window at best to capitalize on earning potential.

    For all of those that want him burnt at the stake & playing at Casey please bear in mind that he was HAPPY to sign for 3 years last August, but his management made the decision to play poker.

    The boy loves playing, loves playing at Melbourne, has a fantastic relationship with the boys there and if the club do the right thing, will be there for the next 10-15 years!!!

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