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Chopper Lovell

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Posts posted by Chopper Lovell

  1. This is also bordering libellous. What are you going to do, throw in a no foundation scandalous accusation, then say this is the last time you comment.

    This site is getting beyond the pale from some posters. No-one should make these sorts of accusations without foundation. If they have them then table them, otherwise be quiet.

    Jeez, someone's having a bad day.... Calm down, precious...

  2. Very pompous and high horse of some . Castigating any who's life might not revolve around an unerring commitment of funds annually.

    This is the real world and in it people have choices. They also have various livelihood commitments and then there's discretionary spending. Being a member is a choice. It's how many wish to follow the game and support the club. Some aren't that fussed. That's not a crime. We ought not dispense such folk to the fires of heresy but embrace them and encourage such supporters to attend more and more.

    It bemuses me when people act all lah de dah , they're members and surely any fair dinkum supporter would/ought to be !! Many of us are whether it's value or not. We do because we can . Some can't and some don't. It might not sit well with some that there are those that actually feel return on spending is a reasonable prerequisite but that's their prerogative .

    There are many reasons why footy followers support a team. We could use as many as we can attract irregardless of the how or why.

    Good call.

  3. Interesting that the 2 WA teams have said today that they both wish to have "stand alone" reserves sides so they can fully manage their lists.

    Maybe it will be the supporters who will fund our reserve side in the future, as you say anything for that small edge.

    Agreed; I think it will become more obvious over the next few years just how important having a stand-alone reserves team actually is.

    Is it just a coincidence that the only two Victorian teams with their own VFL sides finished 1st and 2nd last year? Maybe, but then again....

  4. The vibe is not bad, very family friendly at the moment - But certainly the vibe is not as potent as some of the other areas of the ground. There are, however, a select few of us who sit up the front and scream our lungs out each week and Tom who tries valiantly week in, week out to get the section and the team pumping.

    Apparently Legends is close to being sold out this season, hopefully there is a real injection of fresh enthusiasm and we get a few more voices added to our own. :)

    I've got a Trident membership, which is pretty much the next bay across sharing all the same facilties, it's a pretty good vibe up there being surrounded by Dees supporters, and the seats offer a fantastic view

    This will be my second year as a Presidents, now called Legends member. I really enjoy it there, the supporters are friendly and welcoming. It was suggested to join the Legends by my mate that I go to the footy with as a trial for one year, we both enjoyed the presidents lunch day which is part of the membership package and this is for two people for a Demons home game, he takes me and I take him so we get two lunches (this is the only time his wife is interested in going to a game). So we rejoined again this year.

    Awesome, sounds good. My gf and I upgraded to the Legend's membership after the 2010 season, and we're really looking forward to it. What's the word on the Presidents club for one home game feature? What does this entail? Why is it worth $600?

  5. No comprehension problem chief. You need to re-read the thread. Coming on and abusing fans for not putting scores up within the first 3 minutes of the game isn't the way to get scores published. The post I responded to didn't mention scores.... or s.c.o.r.e.s.

    And I've got news for you numbnuts. Nobody's putting the scores up for you.

    Like I said before. Pull your head in.

    If you have any problems "comprehending" this, by all means let me know. I can see you're having some trouble.

    There's the grand old brotherly Melbourne fan spirit we all know...

    FCS, let it go and concentrate on the game.


  6. Spoke briefly about Scully but made it clear that it’s not all about one player. Eddie stuck by his story re Scully leaving and described his source as impeccable.

    They'll prbably have a podcast up soon I'd imagine.

    Why don't the reporters just ask Scully? It's a bit ridiculous really, they seem to have no problem ambushing other players with questions relating to all manner of garbage.... Quite simple, 'are you going to be a Melbourne player this year?'

    What's with reporters these days?

  7. If I were to compare him to anyone, I'd like to think of him as a young Nick Riewoldt; the same people used to bag the hell out of him when he was a kid, but look at him now: silence....

  8. Terrible guernseys - my girlfriend Jade, who is beginning her first season as a Melbourne supporter/member, asked me why the club were wearing pink tonight.

    Talk about an embarrassment to the club. Imagine what the rest of the AFL world were thinking..... It was the first match! Everyone was watching!!!!

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