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Chopper Lovell

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Posts posted by Chopper Lovell

  1. I doubt he will want to come to Melbourne with little resources compared to Carlton, Hawthorne and GWS who may also be after his services.

    Ratten only has to win one final to keep his job, and given the way Hawthorn are traveling so far this season, it's doubtful that they'll sack Clarkson.

    As for GWS? Malthouse has just recently had a grandchild born to Christie, so I strongly doubt that he'd be up for moving to another state - he's in Melbourne to stay.

    Our only real competitor is the Bulldogs after Eade, if he's booted, and maybe St Kilda (though that's looking increasingly unlikely, considering they seem to be coming into form).

  2. Hrm....

    Heard it on AW, not sure if it's confirmed elsewhere or not.

    Could be either a gnarly tactical ploy by DB (in which case if it works my respect for him rises) or simply a young player being honest about his role.


    Nah, the kid told the reporters today that he would be sub, without realising the mistake he made....

    DB, in his interview later, said something to the effect that he'll have a chat to him about what to say to the media in future....

  3. Surely people are sick of hearing about Tom Scully and his contract. I can tell you he's signed nothing him and his family are sick of what is continually written regarding his contract especially when he indicated to the press in front of the camera that he will sign at years end. He said he would love to stay a demon loved the boys ect.

    It's really embarrassing that it continually gets brought up. There is not much more he can say. Why should he? We cleared room in the salary cap (Cameron Bruce) for this EXACT reason. Also we have extra room in the cap as in recent years (last 2years only) have started paying the full 100% before this we were paying 92.5% All this hysteria is just helping his price grow. get a grip and have faith both in the club and the 20 year old kid thats a lot smarter then a bunch of you...

    Don't be silly, many of the posters here seem to like torturing themselves over the Scully topic, just don't read the threads f you dont like the topic is the answer.

    Deleting or banning the threads isn't the answer.

  4. Just to add another possibility for the fear-mongers, what if the "deal" that Scully's management is negotiating is just between Richmond and GWS?

    GWS uses their uncontracted player powers to get Scully, who is then traded off to Richmond for a player/s and/or their first pick?

    Then, technically, if Richmond is the side dealing with his management, Scully hasn't been lying about being approached by GWS - the approach will have been by the tigers, who alone are dealing with GWS...


  5. Yep, spot on. I wouldn't move him for pick #1.

    Exactly, and anyone that thinks otherwise has no idea.

    Yeah, let's take away the backbone of our side (who took almost a decade of hard work and development to finally become one of the best players of his ilk in the league) and take a punt on another young player, further putting back our possible 'premiership window' by another couple of years....

    Look at how well our midfield is doing without him now.


  6. How about we don't trade our best and only ruckman, our 2nd most important player (behind Frawley), who happens to be an All Australian, and in the top 5 ruckman in the AFL.

    do people even think before posting anymore.

    Thankyou, just what I've been thinking all thread...

  7. Nothing to Lose

    It's hard to remember a genuinely nothing-to-lose situation for the club recently. There have been situations where the club has been judged to be winning by losing. Last season, every win was a treat, a delight.

    Now, the situation is different. The pressure is on...or is it?

    The Melbourne Football Club faces three sides in the next three weeks all challenging for the top four.

    While the media seek to put the pressure on the coach, I would suggest there is anything but. This is the time where the pressure is off. There is nothing for the club to lose.

    Every neutral, every head-before-heart tipper will consider Carlton favourites for Friday night.

    But, at the hallowed turf of the MCG, the kids will get a chance to shine. The names are not household outside of those uttered by the Melbourne faithful. Names such as Gysberts, Jones, McKenzie, Martin.

    These are not the shining lights that other supporters know as the Melbourne guns. They are not Trengove, Scully or Jamar. Yet they are just as important and even moreso heading forward. And they have a chance.

    Their task is not an easy one. Names such as Judd, Murphy, Gibbs and Waite sit on the opposing team sheet. Yet it would be foolish to discount their chance. Because ultimately, any given Friday anything can happen.



    To be named


    To be named

    Last Time They Played

    Carlton 7.4 9.6 11.7 15.11 (101)

    Melbourne 2.2 3.4 8.6 9.6 (60)


    Carlton: Houlihan 4, Waite 3, Thornton 2, Betts 2, Simpson, Carrazzo, Robinson, Judd

    Melbourne: Green 3, Watts, Sylvia, Bate, Jetta, Jones, Moloney


    Carlton: Walker, Carrazzo, Scotland, Robinson, Houlihan, Waite, Judd

    Melbourne: Gysberts, Moloney, McDonald, Bruce, Green, Grimes, Morton

    Official crowd: 49,745 at the MCG

    Are you kidding? I'll be happy if we lose by only 20 or so as with the St Kilda match; it's more likely to be an absolute massacre - I'm terrified of another national-level friday night embarrassment....

    What a week for my platinum passes to come through...

  8. Sub.

    He'll be embarrassed, not to mention livid.

    Will come on in the third/last and destroy; will find some small amount of redemption.

    The entire playing group, but more importantly the youth will understand this move without any explanation necessary - nobody is safe.

  9. Always wondered what this meant? MFC, what do the two S's stand for?

    Supporter syndrome.

    Apparently thats meant to be an indictment on the so-called negative supporters who actually question the club's direction and potential, rather than blindly supporting it, despite whatever is the awful truth.

    • Like 1
  10. 2. Green playing as a deep forward, leading to the ball carrier. That is, IMO, where he plays his best football. I don't like him on the wing, I don't like him up the ground. I like him deep, getting on leads, and marking in front of his defender. He is not playing well, which may or may not be related to the captaincy, but I think the best thing to do with him is put him deep.

    Green or no, having at least one player in the forward half when moving the ball forward would be nice.....

  11. Good post. I agree with most of that. Just a few comments. Jamar while great around the ground is actually not getting his hitouts to our players, unlike last year.

    Says more about our midfield than it does about Jamar.

    Not his fault they can't follow their set plays; he's still getting his fair share of the tap, they're just not there.

  12. Since moving out of Melbourne in 1990, I have not been to a Melbourne game at the MCG. I was there in '64 and '88 and have followed and suffered the ups and down during that time. Most years I have also been a club member - even though at times it was not possible to see any games on TV. So, as I am going to be back in town next week, I was really looking forward to going to the MCG next weekend, for the first time in 20 years, to see the team live. I was hoping we'd be playing one or our traditional rivals, on that day - thank goodness we're not !

    I'm sorry for you BD.

  13. Writing won't achieve anything. The only thing that turns the tide for a club is the media scalding. Supporter backlash means little these days.

    And I can assure you, the media will be out in full force.

    You're so wrong - it's NOT writing that leads to the least amount of change.

    Hopefully the club are being inundated with angry emails this morning. It makes a HUGE difference.

    Cue the Bailey/Schwab/Stynes/Green press conference......

  14. Where are the "MFCSS"-saying people now??? You all know who I am talking about... Maybe they can finally see what the rest of us have been saying for years.

    FYI - MFCSS is really an acronym best used to describe those that, despite all evidence to the contrary, constantly say that tomorrow will be warm and sunny - even in the middle of a cold-snap.

    I'm sick of this crap.

  15. I'm wondering how the group was put together

    Jordie and Jurrah would have to be a bit stiff not to get a guernsey? Done a bit more than Watts has at this stage? The older blokes not interested in a possible career in the media?

    Looks like a good initiative though, anything we can do to go anywhere near matching what the big clubs can offer our boys. Fingers crossed.

    What's more likely is that they are more tv friendly than anyone else at the club, regardless of their achievements, age or stature.

    It's a combination of looks, talent, age and prominence/celebrity.

  16. The kid looks great! My first look at him yesterday and I am very impressed.

    I've heard his name pronounced Gysberts (with the "Y" pronounced as in "EYE") and GIsberts (IS).

    Which is it?

    Who on earth calls him "G-EYE-sberts"?

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