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Everything posted by binman

  1. Roos leaves nothing to chance. He knows its a winter game and has organised a cold, wet day to ensure we can practice in all conditions.
  2. Well he should have directed his anger at his team mate who pushed Cross in the back. I think it is a silly rule in so far as it was brought in as a reaction to one event (albeit a shocking one) - Rohan having his leg broken. But seriously how many times has an injury occurred from someone going head first at the ball and taking an opponents legs out from under them other than that incident? I certainly can't recall any, though there have no doubt been isolated incidents. But enough to warrant a rule change that is about protecting players?
  3. I assumed the free was for taking Martins legs out. From the Laws of Australian Football 2013 the relevant rule is 15.4.5 Prohibited contact and Payment of free kick A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against a Player where they are satisfied that the Player has made Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player. A Player makes Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player if the Player: (a) makes contact with any part of their body with an opposition Player; (i) above the shoulders (including the top of the shoulders or bump to the head); or (ii) below the knees. As you rightly point out what the umpire missed (as did i at the ground, only noticing it when i watched the replay) is the shove in the back Cross received that propelled him forward. Actually very dangerous and he was lucky not to be hurt.
  4. Yep completely with you there OD. My pet hate(s)? Posters accusing others of not 'having a clue about football' (and any number of variants of that theme), implying of course that they do. Using the phrase 'íf anyone actually believes (insert opinion/view) they don't understand football' - easy way to slag of specific posters and warning those yet to post on the matter that they best not support the initial post lest they fall into the no clue camp Use of the acronym NFI - i mean c'mon
  5. Is that an article?
  6. Yep, spot on
  7. One assumes then OD that you see value in this thread.
  8. Grimes made the point in his interview on 3aw that it actually might have helped them not having the talls against the tiges as it forced them to 'lower the eyes', chip the ball around and not just bomb away as they might have done in the past
  9. Like Fyfe, i want to be like Fyfe (sung to the tune of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJu0iCZGunw)
  10. I liked his game also. His ability to think his way out of trouble is top notch and i love that Roos has him back where he plays his best footy. Good interview, sounds pretty relaxed and very positive. Talked about the game plan and it seems that the players get what Roos is after. Said Roos had taught it to them in blocks. Also was asked about trenners and says he is fresh and in great space. I'm loving how positive everyone at the club sounds. I'm feeling the love!
  11. leaving aside the fact you can't have an unfounded prediction.
  12. . Good call. I actually thought the last 10 mins of that quarter were great as Richmond looked getting right on top and we were able to disrupt their momentum by controlling the tempo. Terrific.
  13. . It never ceases to amaze me how rude some posters can be to other posters.
  14. . No, but you said he did nohing memorable. His kick was memorable was it not? I agree that he will struggle to play week in week out but roos likes hard workers so if he works as hard as he did Friday night who knows?
  15. . Except drill a 9 pointer from 60 metres that kept us in touch at s time when the tiges were threatening to kick away
  16. Good point about the handballs. I was more referring to the style Bailey favoured of sweeping the ball out of the back half with a wave of handballs but you're right there were lots of link up handballs to get the ball to an outlier. Also a lot of short quick handballs around stoppages. Good point also about their capacity to implement the style of footy. Impressive really and speaks to some good training. As training reports have emphasized there has been a lot of training with footys which has to help but perhaps the biggest ingredient is faith by the players in Roos and his messages. Also i was saying to a mate that perhaps the game plan, which is akin to keeping off, is more natural to footy players than one based on zones and territory
  17. TBO i did - and said as much in post a few days ago about the game plan i expected Roos to implement. I reckon using short kicks is a higher percentage option than moving it arouind by handball as the player can stop and is protected once he marks. It places a huge premium on players running hard to give the outlet option. The risky kicks are the long crosses to the opposite wing (such as the one Dunn unloaded) and the kicks to the corridor. Oh. and any kick by the pencil.
  18. He's hopeless Dermie, can't stand him. Never right - until now!
  19. . You may be right but it was def a calculated gamble by freo as they obviously knew the risks. I guess they're gambling they will be able to turn him around and its only costing them money. They must figure they need some more goal kicking power. I always liked col but I have to say I'm glad another club had to worry about his commitment not us.
  20. You are probably right od but because i'm often ridiculously optimistic i'm hopeful Roos can get a big improvement out of the pop gun. FOr me he was another player who looked mentally frozen last year and dead set fearful of making mistakes (which of course led to lots of them). He's a confidence player in my book (as i guess most are when all said and done) and perhaps Roos can free him up. I have similar thought about Strauss.
  21. He won't put Watts forward. I could see Dunn going forward but even so the main focus of this match is for people to practice their position and role and gell as units (eg mids, backs) so i would not be surprised if he just keeps everyone, bar Pedo, in the nominal positions.
  22. Good points. I'd add that players often looked frozen and perhaps were so focused on minding their man/zone they didn't want to take the risk to run to space or provide options. I'd say this had bit to do with a defeated mindset but also about being afraid of the consequences and perhaps also not having trust in teammates to cover their man for them.
  23. From the HUN: MELBOURNE NAB CHALLENGE SCHEDULE: Friday, February 14 v Richmond at Etihad Stadium, 7.10PM (EDT) Friday, February 28 v Geelong at TIO Traeger Park (Alice Springs), 5.40PM (CST) PRACTICE MATCH Sunday, March 8 v Hawthorn at Casey Fields, 1pm (EST) KEY INJURIES Mitch Clark (soft tissue): Likely to feature in the first month of the season Colin Garland (ankle): Should be right for Round 1 Aidan Riley (ankle): Has been placed on long-term injury list and should be fit come Round 3 NEW FACES The Dees bolstered their midfield stocks in the draft, trade and free-agency periods. Experienced heads Bernie Vince and Daniel Cross will slot straight in, while youngsters Dom Tyson, Viv Michie and Jay Kennedy-Harris are likely to see senior action throughout the season. Paul Roos has stated he won’t rush the young players, so expect the slight of body Salem to cut his teeth at VFL level. ROOS ‘APPALLED’ BY WATTS’ DEBUT ON THE CUSP Jimmy Toumpas is flying. After a difficult initiation to AFL football, the No.4 draft pick has tackled his second AFL pre-season like a man possessed and his increased strength and endurance was on show with four goals in the intra-club match. It’s a make or break year for a number of Dees with James Strauss, Sam Blease, Luke Tapscott and Rohan Bail all desperate to prove their worth at AFL level. SUPERCOACH WATCHLIST Jesse Hogan ($217,300 fwd) Mitch Clark ($249,200 fwd) Jack Viney ($387,400 mid) ADAM BALDWIN’S FORECAST: Melbourne is desperate to get that winning feeling back and will attack the NAB Challenge series with vigour. Roos is not promising early wins, but he has assured Dees fans their team will play an identifiable brand of football, something missing in the red and blue for many years. Three tough practice match opponents is the ideal preparation for Round 1 against St Kilda. Link: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/superfooty-takes-a-look-at-all-18-club-lists-ahead-of-the-preseason-competition/story-fni5f22o-1226822393165
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