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Everything posted by binman

  1. You should see roosy's avatar
  2. I agree, though its an interesting approach to make them so public. One assumes though the private reviews are a bit more 'robust'
  3. I'd keep the Toump and drop Salem. The assumption seems to be Frawley will be fit and if so of course straight in. If not it will be fascinating to see who they go with. It won't be Fitz. Maybe Pedo stays up forward and they bring Kent in for some half forward action (though he got a bit of a bake in in the VFL player review)
  4. Totally agree Steve re Jordie but also how you see them going with their selections. On the player review it is amazingly critical of players. Blimey. Only three players didn't get a bake - Jordie, Barry and Westrupp (who was in the development league). Also the review of individual players is very specific about what they did wrong and what they need to do to be considered for senior selection (or in some cases get anywhere near the frame for a call up eg Blease and Strauss who by the sounds of it are miles away) Players in the VFL can be under no illusions about what they have to do to play in the big show. Link
  5. Actually good call - Garland was excellent last year (and now he has some time to get fit and rad=y with some match touch he will be a big bonus in the second half of the year). Would you accept: Jones, Garland, Dunn then daylight.
  6. Ok. I disagree though. I thought last year was his best at the club - and this year he is even better.
  7. He came 6th in the bluey and in my view should have come higher. Had a great year. IMO was the the best player behind Jones.
  8. Yes it is silly he got weeks (and remember he got 2 weeks, which gets cut to one by accepting the MRP decision). But the right move to not challenge it. If you disagree think Queens Birthday 65,000 people. Beautiful sunny day. And no Dawes. Dawes will now be cherry ripe and angry when he comes out to to play the team that effectively said he was not up to it. For mine the major flaw in the system is the penalty applied for challenging a decision at the tribunal. Whilst i agree in principle that there should be some disincentive to not go before the tribunal (people should not forget the tribunal was schmozzel and super inconsistent, not to mention expensive) there should be scope to say well find you guilty but keep the original penalty in place.
  9. I don't know why people keep saying appeal it. First step is to not accept guilt and the week and go to the tribunal. If the decision is upheld he cops the full 2 weeks. Then we could appeal. In any case this not bend over rubbish is piffle. We need him against collingwood. It would be stupid to risk the extra week. Fortunately the club has stopped doing stupid things. Take the hit send move on.
  10. Funny comments by Welsh - the total opposite of a key good management principle - public praise, private criticism. I read somewhere he was 'seething'
  11. that's true. Also the odd silly 50. Has improved this heaps and is now also showing some great leadership qualities which is exactly what you need from your senior players (and what we have so sorely missed)
  12. . I saw that. And unlike another time when the gun had the injury list completely wrong (as if they had accidentally used an list) all the other info, including the week for Dawes, was accurate and up to date. Too good to be true? A cruel hoax? Accurate?
  13. it funny how views can be so different about players. I'm totally with gnf on dunn. Apart from Jones was our vest and most consistent last year. Was not as consistent the previous year but still good and prior to that has always been in our best 22. Doesn't miss games. Despite his reputation for misplaced aggression rarely been reported. Adapts to different roles. In our best 5 players. Oh yeah - would love to see him on the DL banner!
  14. Its in Alice Springs. Apparently weather is nice at this time of the year - dry and mild. Perfect for footy. Where we played the Cats in the pre season. Nice looking ground But at least he doesn't have to travel in a plane, won't get injured playing and will be cherry ripe for the Magpies game (how's Lynch working out maggies?)
  15. Its in Alice Springs. Apparently weather is nice at this time of the year - dry and mild. Perfect for footy. but at least he doesn't have to travel in a plane, won't get injured playing and will be cheery ripe fro the Magpies game (how Lynch working out maggies?)
  16. Yep agree need a couple of better kicks (or the current players really improve) - particularly across half back. More pace across the ground. Its fine to have some slow mids but as noted above it needs to complimented with some players with real leg speed (3 or 4 minimum)
  17. I think he was pinged twice for htb. Both were ridiculous. The one that you are probably referring to was different to Dawes. Salem and no prior and couldn't dispose of it. The crows player had time, was wrapped up in a perfect tackle and dropped the ball. No free? Crazy stuff.
  18. And many from near the 50 meter arc and from angles. Also i reckon our pressure is such now that we are creating referred pressure where players who have a bit more time than they appear to thin rush their shot because they think/assume they going to get nailed. Grigg was a great example. Been happening to us for years. Nice to be on the other end of it.
  19. I listened to the replay tonight and was amazed to hear prosciutto say they need to send Howe back to the forward line as its not working out for him down back. Others agreed. Good research. Was made even funnier by Howe proceeding to having just about his best game.
  20. but I thought it was paid a mark not a free
  21. Not until Dun gets his rightful place on the DL banner!
  22. Interesting that Watts-Nic Nat is brought up as blunder. A year ago every man and his ill informed dog (and many an increasingly silly looking dl poster - Ben Hur says hello) was 100% certain we had made a massive, massive blue. And now? Also its a nice reminder about Wines. He went number 7. We took the Toump at 4. So why are those two players bracketed together? Are the Bullies who had picks 5 and 6 being criticized? Should it not be the Toump v Mcrae/Stringer? But apart from anything else what the article above pre-supposes is that we got two serviceable players not two stars. What if they both turn out to be stars (as is increasingly looking likely). Would the gob smacked recruiter still be so sure? The other funny thing is Tyson went no 3 in the 2011 draft (one spot higher than the future brownlow medalist Kelly - which by the by if he is so good why didn't any one have him at number i like O'Meara or Martin?). I don't recall any gob smacked recruiters coming out at the time saying he went too high. So essntailly we got a number 3 pick and a number 9 pick. Out of interest i wonder where Edmunds industry sources think Tyson would go if he was available in this years draft.
  23. I recall you saying how soft he was. Didn't appear too soft when he stood his ground under a skied ball on the members HF and got pole axed
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