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Everything posted by 7-UP

  1. Watching Eagles make me realize the only difference between us and them is they have senior players that been there and won premierships. Maybe we should change the policy and have few guys with good experience so we can be the eagles of 2012.
  2. Hopefully this is the case for Scully, Morton and Martin.
  3. Can we delete this topic.
  4. Hopefully he didn't sign because dees already know scully's decision. But i am over the moon Sylvia committed to us and F**** off media you got another story wrong.
  5. You forgot Gubby Allen. P.S- and Israel Folau, who according to sheedy the best talent in AFL :P :P
  6. Didn't sheeds say he secured one of three players out of Pendles, Swan and Thomas. Obviously even Sheedy doesn't know what's going on inside his club.
  7. After reading the first two paragraphs in the article, some might definitely change their opinion, even though the author is Caroline Wilson. SCULLY FUTURE NOT SET Warning: Just read the first two paragraphs because the rest is as bad as than anything written in this forum about Tom Scully.
  8. At least I can say Morton is not going. Why would he appear in Footy show grand final review with boys at the end of september if he is already leaving to GWS. If you want confirmation check JTren9 's twitter account.
  9. I heard SEN talked with Sam Blease and he said he is best mate with Scully and confident Scully will wear Dees jumper next season. That's a big confident booster for people that still believe he will stay.
  10. Well don't just ask us to delete, you delete your comment first. And this person is not the only one who blame us having a bad culture. I heard this comment a lot after Dean Bailey got sacked. Don't speak if you don't have any evidence.
  11. or maybe he is already agreed to stay with dees but decided to talk contracts after season? Why do you think demons administration perfectly fine with waiting until end of the season.
  12. This is an AFL video that shows kicks after the siren to win the games. http://www.afl.com.au/video/tabid/76/contentid/384765/invoke/default.aspx#playvideo#playvideo Warning! It has 1987 Dees vs Hawks Preliminary Finals footage of Hawks kicking the goal after the siren to win the game to advance to the grand final. Which makes me wonder has any Demon player has a kick after the siren to win the game, because i hasn't seen any footage in this video.
  13. Scully is a smart kid, who knows he might have agreed to stay with Dees already but been true to his words will talk about his contract at the end of the season. From what i know Jack Trengove signed his contract 3 weeks before the announcement, so don't be surprise demons just want to surprise their fan's and get their membership up by announcing scully's decision right after the season end.
  14. But the thing is Ward hasn't made up his mind when the news broke out about gws offer and has been playing fantastic footy for bulldogs, maybe Rodney Eade been sacked and Bulldogs missing Finals mght have motivated his decision to leave. I have to say right now even though we had a bad season we are ahead of bulldogs right now, and they are going to be in rebuilding phase starting next year so that might be the main reason ward decide to take the cash and run.
  15. Has media got anyone right about who GWS will get next year. Why am i saying this? Because Alipate Carlile resign with Power. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/122247/default.aspx And for a fact only GWS signing Davis came into media attention just week before his announcement. So who do you believe scully or media? I think the answer is simple, because there hasn't been any proof yet that scully lied to anyone so I trust scully.
  16. Can you say a team that went to preliminary finals as a team under-performed, I know Geelong were premiership contenders, but they are clearly the number 3 team last year. IMO there's a main reason everyone inside the club defend Tom Scully all season (Because they all have a reason to believe Tom Scully is staying.) Unlike some tabloid reporters who doesn't know anything. I think people will be surprise by the announcement Scully makes at the end of the season
  17. mate have you asked him his opinion about scully's decision?
  18. IMO Tom Scully seems really happy and pumped with our win and for those people that make assumption that he is gone I'm not being sarcastic.
  19. Demons sign $6M deal with EnergyWatch I want this to be the headline with Tom Scully's name at the end of the season. Well except $6M
  20. Well the last time i check this article is written by Mike Shehan, so it's up to us to make our own assumptions.
  21. And apparently the main person behind energy watch who agreed to this deal is a bulldogs supporter. Bulldogs won't be happy about that, what is bulldogs main sponsor some sort of restuarant or something?
  22. wait let's trade Colin Sylvia, Cale Morton and Tom Scully for 6 first round picks for GWS, no matter how good that trade would be it wouldn't help club's development
  23. it's frustrating to see some people still see negative jokes about this contract............ I wonder how they survive this season? I am shamed to have demon supporters like that.
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