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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. He put in the vast majority of the time he was at the MFC pity we did not have another dozen as good.You can hate all you like I wish him well. I hope he gets the NSM next week.
  2. I think he has had as high as he will get hardtack.
  3. Spot on Bossdog I agree 100%. Hawthorn is everything the MFC should be. Hope JF wins a flag he deserves it after years of crap.
  4. The Hawks stride into another GF. What a team reminds me of a mob from a by gone era. Everything the MFC should be.
  5. Good morning Mr Leg who are you picking for the flag? Because I am putting the house on the other team
  6. That might be a good deal for us DA but Essendrug would need to be way sillier than even I think they are.
  7. Geez you two are making my brain ache this afternoon!
  8. IMO the only way he will be at the MFC in 2016 is that a deal with any value could not be done
  9. Another JB IMO will struggle to make it at AFL level. The occasional good quarter but rarely a whole game. Will need a big 2016 or he can look forward to a career at sub AFL level.
  10. dc please clear your message box I am trying to pc you!
  11. I think it was at the last game of the year For Essendrug dc. Not certain but confident.
  12. Amen to that Jnr but still it goes on
  13. Based on the last few years TF that would nearly guarantee him the job. How can the President who has said he is leaving soon be involved in all these important issues at the EFC? It appears he is going to appoint the next coach etc and then sail off into the sunset and leave someone else holding the bag. They Make Previous MFC management look good by comparison.
  14. They won't be eagles are pretenders.
  15. Well that makes a good football weekend. Hawks beat my most hated team and Roos beat the biggest salary cap cheats. Sometimes life is just sweet.
  16. Probably the odd man out here CBCompared to the dark blue and red MFC and this year the Red and Blue MFC I actually prefer the white jumper. The other two do nothinmg for me. In both cases the MFC is lost.
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