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Posts posted by Retrospective

  1. I am starting to have a man crush on Peter Jackson.

    Finally someone is in charge who knows what the hell they are doing.

    Keep up the Excellent work Peter.

    Ahhh PJ....The next NEW New new messiah of the MFC....forget all those false gods. PJ will lead us to salvation....he is the real Messiah......

    ...isn't he?

  2. Moloney is not a champion of the club. Never was.

    Bluey Adams or Robbie Flower deserve that status.

    Brent Moloney is unwelcome back at the club imo

    You need a cup of tea,a bex and a lie down.

    The Moloney story...

    Played with the club for years, sometimes well sometimes not

    won a B&F,

    fell out with the coach (my view is that Neeld handled this really poorly but it's irrelevant and if he'd been replaced with a decent midfielder probably wouldnt have batted an eyelid),

    moved on to another club,

    tore us up,

    was the subject of a revisionist comment from the coach (we tried but couldn't match the Lions offer blah blah)

    watched on while MFC board finally worked out that coach wasn't going to get us anywhere and sacked him

    posted a pretty tame instagram message

    that's it....

    If you want to get upset about something take a look at the debt demolition money we've p1ssed away and our complete loss of independence as we hop on the AFL teat.

    • Like 2
  3. nothing to do with hardness mate

    and if you think hes tough because of that your dreaming

    its nothing but private schoolboy tuff

    hes a little greasy tuurd that is not a leaders bootlace and blokes like him lead yopung players astray

    And if it was schoolboy stuff it would be in line with the rest of the MFC game plan 2012-2013

  4. nothing to do with hardness mate

    and if you think hes tough because of that your dreaming

    its nothing but private schoolboy tuff

    hes a little greasy tuurd that is not a leaders bootlace and blokes like him lead yopung players astray

    He is a player who feels shafted by a coach, who then posted on instagram...Get a grip.

  5. he has shown his true colours and is not the sort of person you would want to lead your footy club and younger players

    Certainly not the gentlemanly type we need at MFC....gosh darn it we need real fellows who when they feel they have treated in less than stellar fashion just button up the old bottom lip by crikey. If we allow this sort of caddish behaviour into the club then the next thing you know we'll be seeing is spiteful competitive behaviour on the field... IT JUST WON'T DO

    • Like 1
  6. And for the future, add Hogan, maybe Toumpas , Davis and a couple of newly recruited midfielders and get our rucking division right (Fitzpatrick IS a real talent) and we are DEFINITELY on the right track... Neeld or no Neeld.....But will MN receive any credit when (not if) we turn things around?? :lol:

    Will Dean Bailey receive any credit?

    Should Dean bailey receive any credit?

  7. if you were ranking the first 10 draftees of 2008 with today's knowledge I don't think Jack could get above 8th.? Still I suppose he is still at the club

    1. Hill (3)

    2. Rich (7)

    3. Hartlett (4)

    4. Ziebell (9)

    5. Yarran (6)

    6. NN (2)

    7. Hurley (5)

    8. Watts (1)

    9. Vickery (8)

    10. Davis (10)

  8. It's called a discussion hardtack.

    Our draftee is a long way behind the curve. Is that because we got the wrong bloke or because JW got the wrong club?...who knows. Could be both. We certainly set him up to fail to meet expectations but he's done his part in delivering that failure. His treatment this year (around the sub and being dropped then not playing at Casey) has been diabolical. His willingness to go when it's his turn is diabolical.

    We have yet to see any sign of an ability to change the course of a game, small signs of his capability occasionally. NN is not perfect... but he's building a list of actions that show that he can turn up when required...as highlighted this week....find me one of those moments for Jack.

    We'll be able to understand more about Jack when he is traded to Carlton. Maybe he'll go on to fulfill his promise. Maybe he'll just drift. In my opinion one thing is for sure; we are not seeing acceptable output from a number one draft pick with 50+ games of experience.

  9. They are all old topics.....

    What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun. Ec1:9

    ....and if you reckon you can read my mind that's fantastic.

    BTW I won't need the cigar... but maybe you should spark one up...might help you relax...

  10. So, that begs the question. why did you feel it necessary to start this topic?

    I'm really sorry Hardtack ....... Should I send proposed topics and their justification to you before I post?

    I can be supportive of Jack and disappointed at what we are getting from him at the same time....It's like a microcosm of being a Dees supporter.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm not interested in a highlight reel... I'd like to win a couple of games in a row..(but I'd actually accept win followed by a loss where we played like we had some sort of plan ..ssshhh it's a secret)

  12. Not sticking up for Jack necessarily, as he's fallen well below what we hoped for, but you forgot to mention all the other games where Nic Nat had one or two highlights then went missing for 3.5 quarters. Or that Nic Nat is about one full year older than Watts. But of course, that would spoil your cheap, snapshot example of how easy it is to be a draft expert with the help of hindsight. Congratulations Retro.

    Watts has 50+ games of experience and his development with us has been a balls up from the "new messiah" press BS at the start through to the debacle of his first game and on until now.

    Doesn't change the fact that his contribution is "below what we'd hoped for".

    He is miles off actually influencing the outcome of a game. Is it him or us... I don't know but we seem to be able to take players generally accepted as the best talent in the land and sometimes make them just acceptable footballers....

    By the way if Nic Nat has "only" one or 2 highlights in a game and goes missing he is still one or two in front of Jack. I'll use a snapshot of Jack standing up and delivering when (if) he actually does (probably be when he gets to the Blues?)

  13. We will get smashed......but there will be some positives for the press conference.

    We will have improved our "left handed handpass efficiency from uncontested possessions" or some such bulltish

    I look back so fondly on the days we could go to the footy and watch the toiges supporters melt down and eat their own.......sadly passed

    • Like 1
  14. Right Right Lets do a Davey or a Jamar Give him $500000 pa plus for another 4 years and really root our chances at building a great team without underperforming hacks with potential

    better to "do a Rivers" and let him go for Gillies?

    .....at least we wouldn't need to wait years to know how it works out

  15. We should offer Sylvia a reasonable offer for someone of his ilk, equivalent of what he'd get elsewhere maybe with a small loyalty bonus. I wouldn't pay excessive overs just to keep him, as I'd rather spend that on the open market and add value to the club that way.

    I suspect that anyone we can recruit on "the free market" will either be at the end of their career, topping up after success elsewhere or will be looking for a substantial "failure" premium to join our club. Either way we will pay overs

  16. If we had have drafted Nic nat, he would have decided he was home sick and left by now anyway, hopefully we leave jack watts up forward and keep him on next year, a forward line of

    Howe Hogan Watts

    Dawes Clark Blease

    looks pretty good to me.

    Yep...and they'll have long careers with few wear and tear injuries because we still wont be able to get the ball to them

    • Like 1
  17. If you don't think Jack Watts would've kicked that, you've got rocks in your head. One of the better kicks in the league.

    He wouldn't have kicked it because he wouldn't have gotten the ball. He would have been tucked up playing lose man in defence waiting for his confidence to build

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