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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Just for your knowledge - I'm bald. However, furthermore, all I'm suggesting is the MFC look into the matter.An inquiry,to me, is a systematic investigation often as a matter of public interest .I do not any member /supporter of the MFC would want our opposition to learn from any investigation. A review is a reappraisal or evaluation. To me, similar but different. One which could be done quickly and be able to move on during now and when the players resume in January 2010. Hope this explanation meets with your approval,R.R.
  2. Who knows- however it maybe a factor to consider.Wonaeamirri was travelling from Braybrook this time last year virtually or slightly longer than Brock had to travel.
  3. I welcome your imput however never ever was the suggestion that an inquiry was needed. Like everything in life, a review is always required as an ongoing mamagement tool.One of factors in the review are the resources applicable-have we got the right ones and/ or do we need more. I was actually amazed when I read in the latest Melbourne F C mag- that we now have 10 personnel in our list /recruitment area whilst only 7 in our fitness , pre season staff .A review may show up that we might be satisfied with what we have got right now.Unfortunately we do not know how many of our players are injured or in rehab- but the papers report that Garland, Meeson, Strauss, Blease and now Wona are at least in this unfortunate situation. This is the reason I believe we should consider our position now- then realign after the Xmas break. I respect your points to the effect of our problems in 2006 however it was Bomber Riley whom told me the guys bodies could not stand up to such a long year without the right conditions.(maybe that may include pre training.)
  4. In the latest Melbourne FC DEC.2009 Edition mag-it states Bohdan Babijczuk as our High Performane coach- well I hope he can get them and keep them on the track.
  5. I based my thread on Wona- and his continuous soft tissue and knee problems and furthrermore Rivers where it was reported in the Herald Sun yesterday, that this year is the first proper pre season for 5 years that he has beenable to do. Col.Sylvia had his first pre season last year ever.These are the reasons I think a review is needed.And whilst we are still half way through our pre season, thr timing is fitting.
  6. In 2006 we were blaming the lack of training facilities regarding our injury woes. Whilst otherclubs at the same time or a little earlier were really having major issues such as soft tissue injuries- St Kilda, to name one, blamed the surface of the ground. Since going to Casey ,although our tanking was a major factor this last season ,we seem to get our fair share or more so, since going to Casey. As we read today,Wonaeamirri has done another hamstring,surely we must look into the causes of our soft tissue injuries. Maybe we need to analyse our football department further regarding our Doctors etc.. in this area,to prevent these injuries, especially reoccuring. We cannot afford to have issues similar to Joel Smith happen to our wonder players such as Watts, Scully, Trengove etc.. Need to do something & NOW.
  7. Good points- both will get there chances in a year or two- both still very young.Morton is still only 19, whilst Jones is 21. Plenty of time for these two.
  8. I'm actually hoping Tapscott & Trengove actually play there first game together.Whenever that is. Scully,even though he has missed the first week or two of available training is so super fit he will pick up optimum fitness very quickly. I believe he will be ready for 1st round.
  9. Yes unfortunately please refer to thread below- Utter shame isn' it Last training at Casey for 09 Still Waiting Great afternoon at Casey with an almost full list on display for all to see. Big semi trailer set up on outer wing with kids attractions, BBQ , etc. Plenty of people out for a look see, including new-ish Casey Mayor Cr Lorrainne Wreford, I think is her name. She has converted to be a Dees member as promised. Players look a treat and put on quite a show. A bit of concern was LJ leaving the field for what appeared to be a wrist injury and Wonna with a left leg/knee/ankle/groin injury?? Gee this club has an abundance of young talent now and Watts, Scully, Trengove etc are the path to a superb future. Just gotta keep em on the park! Go Demons.
  10. I do not want to get into a dog fight re the Meeson & Newton saga- however I understand it as basically these two players have been demoted from a SENIOR list post to ROOKIE position. Basically the MFC has to guarantee that they will honour their position to the players by taking them as a rookie if they are not taken up in the draft by another club. Therefore, we will have to take one as our 1st pick(6th overall) and then another at our next pick. Actually, it will be interesting to see whom we pick first. However,if another club picks one or another then we can pick other players. So that is why they kept training with us- however, if another club had asked permission for any one to train with them, then we would have obliged. Seeing as no other club did- then I believe it is most likely we will retain them. Hope Newton stars at Casey and is promoted whilst I do worry about Meeson- don't even know his stautus at this time- re is he training or in rehab. or resting?
  11. Therefore very confident in his own circle which is what one wants in a team enviroment.
  12. Thanks for a better explanation than mine.I know what I wanted to say-however you emphasised it more accurately-thank you
  13. Regarding Morton putting on 5 kls shows how light his body is- possibly could put on another 10 kls then it would show.Very much a pity after this report to see or hear that WONA- came off injured AGAIN.
  14. I suppose because they have never been removed from our list officially.
  15. Thanks Rudeboy for your imput .I did not know he had these qualities. I spoke to Liam when he first arrived and he came across as extremely introverted. Would not have thought he was a born leader. However, as time has gone on and he has got the feel, he seems to really ooze confidence in his own ability and will lead by example.
  16. Thanks Rudeboy for your imput .I did not know he had these qualities. I spoke to Liam when he first arrived and he came across as extremely introverted. Would not have thought he was a born leader. However, as time has gone on and he has got the feel, he seems to really ooze confidence in his own ability and will lead by example.
  17. I received notification on 3 of our players whom I enquired about- just thought I'd give you the update.We will gain knowledge on others during the Xmas break. Hello John, Here is the update from the Footy Dept on the players you requested Col Garland The Club is taking a cautious approach with Garland’s injury. About 11 weeks ago scans confirmed bone stress in the talus bone of his right ankle. Following the scans, he wore a protective boot to rehabilitate the injury and he has now been walking and jogging out of the boot for the past six weeks. At training he has been participating in stationary handball and kicking skills. He also does a lot of cross training around the bike track at Casey as well as swimming and running in the water. The other good news is that Colin has started his running program and the fitness staff will increase his activity after the Christmas break. Austin Wonaeamirri Austin is progressing really well. He has fully recovered from the knee injuries that plagued him last year. At training, Austin has been participating in the majority of the drills and has been training the house down. If his form permits, he is on track to play early next year. Cale Morton Cale has added around 5kgs to his frame since the end of last season. He is otherwise injury free and training well. There will also be some more detailed profile/progress pieces on the website over the Christmas period on a selection of players. Merry Xmas to you & yours
  18. Surely it is our perogative to whom we listen too- we get stuff all from our own MFC webite.Just tell me when we have had an update re our training or injuries or what so ever9usually can read it in the press first)- that is why many of us go to radio stations to try to gleam any info
  19. Could be a reasonable assumption, that the football department added more mature players to the leadership group is, because several of them are not guarenteed a GAME- McDonald, Bruce & Miller are questionable as being the best players in the top 22. This may also be the reason they increased to 7.Still I believe we should have included a younger person to develop. We were very interested in gaining Ball- due to his leadership qualities and hecaptained St Kilda at 22-so to develop one of ours in the leadership for 2010 maybe a missed opportunity.
  20. I was a little surprised that one of the younger brigade wasn't included- however,on reflection Davey & Rivers getting a gig for the first time ,others being, Moloney, Green, Bruce & Miller brings leadership all other the ground with McDonald as Captain- we will have Rivers captaining the backline- Moloney- Centre, Miller, if he gets a game- forward with Davey, Green & Bruce wherever. With McDonald expecting retirement at the end of the year, Bruce & Green will be the veterans leaving, Davey, Rivers, Moloney & Miller as the ones to be groomed as the next captain. I'm told Rivers has done exceptionally well with Leadind Solutions- the company we have used to assist in the development of leaders over the last couple of years. No doubt the opportunity in 2010 is for Grimes,Morton,Sylvia to step up to be included in 2011.Miller himself will be nearing the veteran class after spending the end of his 9th season with the club.He was recruited in 2001.
  21. Good to see the leadership group named- Junior Captain- and six other leaders- Davey & Rivers getting a gig for the first time ,others being, Moloney, Green, Bruce & Miller
  22. For once you are half right- Cam Schwab rang me this evening to apologise. He accepts the club is fully to blame. They should have cancelled the training at Casey today and failed to do so- reason- they had to go to MCG- re induction .Also ran the tan. I explained in no certain terms my frustration and certainly the pathetic conduct in not putting this info on the MFC website- He concured-accepted this was twice in a row. I also suggested he looked at this website and in particular this thread to see and read our disappointment. He sounded very frustrated. Jennifer Watts also emailed me with her apology.I reiterate- it is not just today, or last week- this has been happening for years- as stakeholders we should be shown more respect.He heard me.Lets move on and have a Merry Xmas and an amazing NEW YEAR- GO DEES
  23. It also pays to read the previous replies to a thread- people did RING.
  24. Thank for your explanation- I'm a bit hot under the collar presently. The club just sent mean email- fully accepting responsibility- but I reminded them, this happens year after year-in previous years it was due to a training facility.Actually, another thing upset me was on the way home I went to the Junction oval- I was going to face Connolly- no onw was there from the club- a junior cricket match was being played. Ruddy frustrating- however you brightened up a little with the statenent -Joke JOYCE - I did remember it from the g.k SHOW Showing my age .
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