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Posts posted by Nasher

  1. Any form of protest? Would that help or be relevant?

    Not renew membership? What would that sort of hissyfit achieve? We keep a dud player and the Club is one membership less.

    Agree, I've never understood that mentality. Seems petty to me.

  2. McDonland

    Who? That makes it about 17 times now :P

    Pickett is gone. If you're on the wrong side of 30 and you spend more time out of the senior side than in it due to form and fitness then you're pretty much stuffed.

  3. Why is this so?

    My accountant, a huge long-term Bomber member, berates me each year at tax time as says Sheedy was the underachiever of all time who plays favourites constantly and watsed the last 7 seasons at Essendon, constantly playing others out of position.

    He planned to not renew next year unless Sheedy went.

    Figure that out.

    "Playing favourites" and "playing players out of position" are two of the lines that people who have very little depth of understanding of footy tote the most.

  4. Selfish! <_< :lol:

    I want to see Neita play his 300th when he is fully fit and surrounded by a winning team.

    If that means we put him on ice until 2010, than so be it! :P

    No point dropping CJ. We're going to lose anyways, might as well see what more he has to offer while doing so.

    Hey, I've seen the Dees play once in my life and it was a flogging at the hands of Geelong! Since the result of this game probably won't be much different I'm entitled to be selfish.

    With CJ, I've personally already made up my mind on what he has to offer, and I don't think it differs much from what our former senior coach seemed to think. I suspect you will get your wish of him playing again though.

  5. We're going to get our arse handed to us on a platter over there.

    A 12+ goal loss is not out of the question. No doubt I'll develop a sudden urge to stab myself in the eyes at about the 10th minute mark of the first quarter.

    With that in mind:

    Out: Neita, Robbo (both to take a holiday until October), Brown

    In: Bell, Bruce, DUNN (why the hell was he dropped?)

    Swap Neitz for Chris Johnson and I'd be happy.

    a- because I think Neitz is fit enough to play, he's just in need of match fitness

    b- We need every ounce of leadership we can muster at present

    c- Round 20 vs Collingwood is now written in pen in my diary, I want it to coincide with Neitz' 300th. :)

  6. well look at Rodan last year. Port picked him up with their last round pick...80 something. If we can do the same for Sampi then it would be worth it as its terribly unlikely that we will get a good player at pick 80 anyway. Thats my thought anyway

    Rodan is a completely different scenario. He had injury problems and was not rated by the club that axed him.

    Sampi (as far as we know) is of healthy body, and everyone knows he can play. His headspace is an issue and generally, once a player is a headcase he is always a headcase.

    Big fat PASS for me.

  7. That is the sort of mark every person dreams of taking when you play kick to kick with your mates at the park.

    Textbook. Awesome.

    Just love the split second of hangtime once the mark was taken.

    Oxygen sapping at that height!

    It seemed effortless. He just glided in to the air - it was more of a forwards-upwards floating motion rather than Robbo's heavy-looking straight-up jumps.

    Truly awesome.

  8. If we want a long-term coach to keep developing our list, Sheedy isn't the answer.

    He won't spend another 27 years coaching. At best, you'll get 3 years out of him, in which time he might win you flag, or you might sit on the bottom of the ladder and achieve no progress.

    I don't follow your logic. Why can't you develop your list and win premierships at the same time?

  9. Not sure Ash is right about that January agreement though. I haven't heard the press conference but Sheedy seemed to indicate he'd consider going to another club to coach which doesn't sound like retirement to me.

    Ash didn't say anything about Sheedy retiring, nor did Sheedy. The "retirement" was in reference to James Hird, you've just misread it.

    HOw about offering Kevin Sheedy 2 years with Michael Voss a role as assistant? Might cost a big bucks but I always say you have to bet big to win big........

    With 4 vacancies you can bet at least one of them will take the "punt" on Voss as senior coach.

  10. you're all class Essendon !!

    Before ppl say...but hey...what about us ...ffs the guy had been there 27 years... given them 3 cups !!!!!!! and they cant let him out at end of season ?? A mongrel act, thought Bomberland above that !!

    Completely agree with that. Stinks of knee-jerk reaction to me. I'd be filthy if I were an Essendon supporter.

  11. If I was applying for the job these are just some of the things I would suggest.

    1. Play davey as a forward pocket

    2.only draft KPP and Ruckman, are midfield is fine apart from the need for pace.

    3. Pick up one of Kane Tenace, or Shannon Byrnes. One of them will be delisted end of year. And they will give us pace.

    4. Play one of Bruce/green as half forwards, and one of Bate/sylvia as midfielders. Bruce and green are classier footballers, and present just as well. Where as Bate, and Sylvia will add extra grunt to our midfield. Imagine playing against a midfield of Jones Mclean Sylvia Bate Moloney in 2 years. I would be scared.

    5.If PJ or any other 2nd ruckman wants to get a game learn how to play in the forward pocket

    We can not affod to have players play 50% of the game. Sorry its not good enough.

    6. When comming out of the backline give Wheatley the ball. HE CAN KICK IT BETTER THAN ANY1 ELSE. give it to him!!!

    7. Give Craig Cameron a pay rise. He is a star.

    8.Dlist one of ward/nathan brown.

    9.Make Cam bruce kick the ball 100 time a session, and if he misses one target start again. YOU ARE AN AFL FOOTBALLER. KICK LIKE ONE.

    10. Give Whelan, and Rivers personal massages if necessary to make sure they are right for next year.

    11. Lots of team bonding session over preseason. Allow Mclean and Jonesy's attitude to rub off on some of the more senior players.

    12. So much more but I got to get to work...maybe ill continue later on.


    DD's 12 simple points to success!

    The problem is mate that almost none of these issues are that simple. If they were, they'd have already been addressed the way you've said.

    Often from the outside the answer looks obvious, but if there's an obvious answer to you and the FD haven't thought of it, it means there's more to it than you understand.

  12. To those who have seen a fair bit of Sandy over the past few years.

    Would Mark Williams be a good (good enough) option to coach the MFC?

    You could watch Sandy 100 times a week and you'd never be able to categorically say he would or wouldn't be a good coach.

  13. Ahhh - why bother having a selection process when we can just poll the members... Maybe the club can run with this idea, let's run a poll and select a coach to deliver more members to the footy club... Nope I think the process should remain, if its Chris Connolly its Chris Connolly.

    Spot on Graz, and tbh I doubt there's much truth in the post from demon3165.

  14. No I mean Sandringhams RESERVES and SENIORS teams play at Williamstown BUT their opponent in the RESERVES match is Frankston and their opponent in the SENIORS is Williamstown. Confusing I know but its a point not mentioned anywhere in this thread.

    Ah, gotchya. Seems a bit strange really.

  15. Ask yourself the following questions:

    1- Does Fremantle have a better list than we do?

    2- Does Fremantle have a better home ground advantage than we do?

    3- Does Fremantle have more money to spend on their footy department, equipment and player development?

    Let me give you a hint, the answer to all three questions, is yes.

    Now ask yourself this; is Chris Connolly really suited to the position?

    He could return to the club and play some role successfully. Not the role of head-coach though.

    4- Is Fremantle's list full of talented but flawed blokes whose football comes a distant second to acting like a bone headed moron?

    The answer is also yes.

    I'm not pro- or against- Connolly, but I think the above point bears as much consideration as all three questions. The answer to 4 could go a long way to explaining 1, 2 and 3.

  16. We've all talked about how the Buckley, Garland et al will be getting more opportunities for the Dees, but this also gives the likes of Neville and Bode a huge opportunity to show their wares for the Sandy ones. Over the next few weeks I think we'll really see what they're made of.

  17. I have to agree Deanox. The toughest support I have ever played is indoor mixed netball. iT'S DEFINATELY NOT A NON CONTACT GAME!

    Indeed. In the one game of mixed netball I've played, I played WD in a "tagging" role on this chick that was everywhere. The whole game I got punched, elbowed and scragged behind play, this girl meant serious business. I felt like Simon Godfrey. Netball doesn't get enough credit on footy sites I don't reckon.

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