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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Posts posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. What do these teams have in common? Sydney Swans premiers Grand finalists 05, 06, Brisbane Lions Premiers 01, 02, 03, Grand Finalist 04, Sydney Swans finalists 09, 10, 11, Premiership '12.

    Extra room in the cap. Obviously the Brisbane extra funding was removed after Eddie cracked the sads, but in addition to having the luxury of living a more normal life outside the football media circus of Melbourne the players at this teams got more money and it kept them there. Maybe its a coincidence, but to me the fact that 5 premierships of the last 11 have been won with extra salary cap room means something....

    Oh woe is us.

    Sydney's extra salary cap must be the reason they tackle so ferociously, the reason they put more pressure on the opposition ball carriers than just about any team I have seen. It's the reason the have a no d!$&head policy that leads to people who don't buy in and play their roles for the team playing in the seconds, regardless of a players individual ability. It must be the reason they trust each other implicitly on the field.

    I've read at least on simpleton, possibly more, argue that the bloods culture is a myth, I'd argue that said posters intelligence is a myth. Even more so than fantastic coaching and intelligent recruiting, the swans success over the last decade is built on the back of one player looking into their history at depth (as opposed to management lecturing on it) and discovering the old 'bloods' culture that existed for a period of time. With the backing of the senior players in Sydney, they vowed to adhere to a culture that represents the 'bloods'.

    Without exception.

    The players bought in, those that didn't, didn't play.

    I envy them and pray for the day that Melbourne show the type of commitment and passion for their club that the Sydney players do.

    • Like 2
  2. Has apparently signed with Collingwood for 2 years... Rumour announced by Richo on the GF pre show...

    That was not what Richo said. He said he believed it was a done deal, very confident in it, but not that he had signed.

    The same program stated how Dawes, despite having a contract for the next 2 years, may have to leave for them to get Lynch and could be shopped around, with us mentioned prominently

  3. I'd love him in our side. He's a competent big forward to compliment Clark, and furthermore would spare Clark of undesirable ruck duties. Would be a significant upgrade on Martin. I'd be surprised and disappointed if we weren't giving it a crack.

    Agreed. He cold help us enormously over the next couple of years. Great foil to Clarke, will be able to teach Watts a heap and help Jack develop as a key forward, steadily improving while playing more often than not on the oppositions 3rd defenders.

    • Like 1
  4. There are only three guys in the Melbourne team that don't need "Rielly" Clarke, Sylvia and Jamar. Send the rest to Rielly please

    Are you for real?

    This thread talks about a bloke who stresses the important of 2nd and 3rd efforts and of our list you say only 3 players don't need him. 1 of whom is Sylvia! FMD, the blind love some people have for this lazy sod beggars believe. Never have I seen so many excuses made for someone whose biggest failings in his career have been a lack of 2nd and non existent third efforts, plus non-existent gut running.

    • Like 1
  5. That's a load of sh!t I know for 100% fact every player is expected to wear a GPS every week in game.

    Always thought there was a limit as to how many GPS' could be used each week.

    Rules may have changed, but in the past there were definitely restrictions on their usage on gameday

  6. That's great news. It's a lasting tribute to a seminal figure in Aussie rules, no worries about that. A champion of the game along with brother Len. (And Peter who I saw play numerous times in the 2's).

    What sticks in my craw is it's called the 'Australia Post Avenue of Legends'.

    Until the next sponsor arrives

    Here's a radical idea. How about the 'Avenue of Legends'.

    As long as the ground remains the MCG forever, I can happily forgive such crass commercialisation outside the ground, even more so when the sponsors are paying for the statues to legends such as Norm

  7. Disgraceful umpiring tonight... a few thoughts,

    1 Umpires put the whistle away in first three quarters and refused to pay Holding the ball. Team affected Adelaide! Then in last quarter Hwaks get paid some highly dubious frees against Adelaide in same circumstances. Consistency???? Nup

    2 Highly questionable 50 for soft interference results in "Gift" Hawthorn goal.

    3 Last quarter Adelaide player clearly had disposed of ball in forward 50 and Hawks late grab impeded progress, result.... Play on!

    Shocking decisions in context of close game.

    Adelaide Advertiser tommorrow

    "We wuz Robbed"

    Yep agree!

    Hope that forward 50 you are referring to isn't the Dangerfield one- nothing in it.

    Then there was the reversal when the crow did his best Lynden Dumm impersonation.

    What goes around comes around...

  8. Imagine the reaction on Demonland if Neeld said something like that.

    Was fiercely critical on 'ology of Bailey when he made some not too dissimilar comments - talking about how difficult it is to win on the road before an interstate trip and was very much in the minority!

  9. I'm just interested in peoples' thoughts on getting their kids to support the MFC did you win or lose, I have a 10 year old daughter who follows the cats got me stuffed why but i call her a glory hound.

    I have a boy on the way about 5 weeks away and I am gonna smash him from day 1 with MFC stuff and memberships and hopefully by the time he is old enough to understand we will be good which will make it easier and because im having a boy it should be easier to convert him to one of us, at the very least it will build some character.

    Has anyone lost the battle or given up trying to get there kids to support MFC?

    Start singing "grand old flag" to your missus tummy. Works a treat. When she cries for first 6 months, most times he'll stop when you sing the song. Your starting late, so sing the song at least twice a day.

    It may feel stupid, but worked a treat with my little girl

  10. I actually hate that the umpires put their whistles away. Its good for the game to keep moving, but in my eyes the game should be umpired the same all season, so i dont like seeing such a drastic change in the way the game is officiated.

    Agree, I just wish the home and away season was umpired like the finals.

    Every year, the umpires seem to 'put the whistles away' come finals time.

  11. Our anthem at federation. Gee it's hard to understand why anyone would question whether we should change it...

    Advance Australia Fair

    Australians all let us rejoice,

    For we are young and free;

    We've golden soil and wealth for toil,

    Our home is girt by sea;

    Our land abounds in Nature's gifts

    Of beauty rich and rare;

    In history's page, let every stage

    Advance Australia fair!

    In joyful strains then let us sing,

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    When gallant Cook from Albion sail'd,

    To trace wide oceans o'er,

    True British courage bore him on,

    Till he landed on our shore.

    Then here he raised Old England's flag,

    The standard of the brave;

    With all her faults we love her still,

    "Brittannia rules the wave!"

    In joyful strains then let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    Beneath our radiant southern Cross,

    We'll toil with hearts and hands;

    To make this Commonwealth of ours

    Renowned of all the lands;

    For those who've come across the seas

    We've boundless plains to share;

    With courage let us all combine

    To advance Australia fair.

    In joyful strains then let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    While other nations of the globe

    Behold us from afar,

    We'll rise to high renown and shine

    Like our glorious southern star;

    From England, Scotia, Erin's Isle,

    Who come our lot to share,

    Let all combine with heart and hand

    To advance Australia fair!

    In joyful strains then let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

    Shou'd foreign foe e'er sight our coast,

    Or dare a foot to land,

    We'll rouse to arms like sires of yore

    To guard our native strand;

    Brittannia then shall surely know,

    Beyond wide ocean's roll,

    Her sons in fair Australia's land

    Still keep a British soul.

    In joyful strains then let us sing

    "Advance Australia fair!"

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