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whatwhat say what

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Everything posted by whatwhat say what

  1. I would've loved Viney in #31, but very happy to see the skipper in it.
  2. Shame, as he's already behind on his program and now he'll be further behind. He's going to be vital for us in 2013 so here's hoping his conditioning is not greatly affected as a result of the injury.
  3. i'd love it to be garlett - as nomoremrniceguy says, it's the opportunity to give a super talent a chance and prove that the culture we are building is strong enough to take a wayward boy and turn him into a mature man. i expect it'll be colquhoun or some other bloke none of us have ever heard of based upon our later picks in the national draft.
  4. that's awesome. my guess is the story isn't meant to be 'out' yet, but this is what happens. thoguht it might be viney that got it, but very happy to see someone such as grimes don the #31. break the curse, jack, break the curse.
  5. My expectation is that he'll become the Andrew Mackie of our backline. Is that what I want from a #1 pick? Not on yr life! Will I take it? You bet.
  6. Would happily put $0.50 on him leaving as a UFA at the end of 2013 to try and be part of a premiership team.
  7. And while we're at it, why don't men always wear a hat when outside? Make it mandatory! Plus women are only allowed to wear dresses or skirts, never any pants. Don't disagree with the sentiment, as the sound of advertising is revolting and blaring, but it's a bit Romney-esque. Private individuals can't dictate how a private organisation presents itself, if you don't like it don't go.
  8. Ben-hur, you've just nailed my feelings about Watts to a tee. Tapscott I hope will play a lot of football for the Dees, but I have very little faith.
  9. I see him more as Josh Hunt than Paul Chapman. Chappy is a star; would be thrilled if Tapacott got to his level.
  10. Shame, his attitude and application were outstanding. Couldn't kick but. Such a shame he never got to play finals - that ankle injury in 06 was such a terrible way to end what had been a terrific first season.
  11. rounds 1, 4, 7, 14, 19, 20 and 23 are all eminently winnable.
  12. Don't expect us to be involved much in the 2013 draft. Hope we hold into pick #4 this year - the timing of these latest revelations and the thoroughness of the AFL's investigation may see that happen. Next year we're stuffed. It may even impact 2014. We're looking at years in the wasteland. Viney and Hogan will need to every bit as elite as they're touted to be, as there won't be anyone else of a commensurate age and talent level to help them.
  13. yeah, we're in for a world of trouble. just as well we traded all our draft picks, cos we might not have any left in 2012. i was thinking we'd cop the fine in 2013, but it might even be we lose pick 4 this year. we're in big, big trouble.
  14. we'll cop a whack for it. i've never doubted that. it's just a matter of how big that whack is going to be. fingers crossed it's not as big as i think it might end up being (excluded from first two rounds of the 2013 draft - that's just a rough guess).
  15. yep, would be very happy with that as an end-result. it'd make the trade period go from a 'c' to a 'b' in my view. we gave away gys and morton for far, far too little in my view.
  16. Morton for two fat ladies would have to be the worst deal ever offered up, especially when we'll still be paying him!
  17. best ceo in the business! (no idea what this has to do with anything.)
  18. surely that article by gleeson in the age can't be right. pick 88 AND we pay part of his salary? has the mfc gone completely mad?
  19. Hoping you mean 'Jamar (get ON the ground)' He's spent far too long on the sidelines of late
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