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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Wonder why Carltank have not signed him? Could be he is overseas still on holiday. But if there is "Trouble at mill" i would hope that the MFC would check out all avenues. Would be a great pick up in the PSD $$ permitting. It would be a great time to get him. He is good but not yet a Champion so his Price may be attainable.
  2. Ray Biffin was playing when i was first taken to the Football. That old no 19 could certainly stand his ground. Opposition supporters hated him so i always reckon thats a sign that he wasn't too bad. He was Big i remember that alright. I think Biff enjoyed footy in the days of one field umpire!!
  3. The point is if we were going to bottom out 2007-8 was the time to do it as you illustrate. Last year we stuffed up, our coach of the day then went to Carltank soon after. I don't think we should waste all of next year for one Draft pick. You Do-Fair enough but don't make out that i am a fool. The MFC has got to start looking like winning club or we shall not keep anyone, let alone a first draft pick.
  4. My understanding of the 2009 Draft is that the GC will have almost unlimited picks of all 17 year olds, add to that the shifting of age requirements i mentioned above makes this years draft the last one to be "as we know it" If these new teams were not being Manufactured i would totally agree with you, but i dont think we can afford to ever think like that again as the safety net is so much smaller from next year. I dont believe it is worth bottoming out for a whole year for a couple of 18 year olds who may be as successful as Luke Molan. The MFC must be a Strong Business not a cozy little soup kitchen for losers.
  5. No RR I promise you it is like the MCC Members on Grand Final Day. People go Early
  6. Many of you may have seen this before, if not I suggest you do as it certainly gave me a lift. I hope our new CEO is the best we have had. Since leaving us 10 years ago i believe Schwabb is a much wiser man. T The New Melbourne Journey Begins. http://bigpondvideo.com/AFL/74447
  7. You have obviously not been to a Grand Prix Race Before. Before the main race there is always a strong suppt card of Races. People go to the Track early in the morning & Stay all day. Very Few people arrive just before the start. This is not good planning if it is correct. This site will be full of complaints next year when it happens. You wait.
  8. Dont take me for a fool!! 2009 Draft is compromised. The age requirements are shifting so a lot of those presently elligable will not be ready till 2010. This is the last draft where all the talent is available. After this year getting early Draft Picks will be a cherished memory. Don't forget Western Sydney will follow in the next 3-5 years God forbid. The way to make our club attractive is to start demanding a winning culture from Supporters Officials & Players. We blew our chance of 2 years of bottoming out in 2007 & cartank knew it.
  9. I have never been a Rod Butters Fan at all, infact the few times i have heard him speak i consider him to be a little derranged!! But i agree with him and his points in this article. For the Saints to be $1.4mill in the red after winning the NAB Cup this year is a Shocking result from thier board. 2-3 years time that club will be in a bad way (All their top players are getting old together) I just hope Jimmy & the Boys are right on top of all the Business economics out there. The new direction the MFC takes has to be the right one.
  10. Is that correct-The Air show is on that day aswell??? The AFL certainly do not care whether the MFC lives or dies do they. T he air show is fantastic & always draws huge crowds, as it is a rare event i shall be attending. If that is also the day of our first round game AFL i shall blame YOU entirely for me not being able to attend.
  11. Gee Thanks AFL Another quiet kick in the Guts to the MFC. I am a fan of Grand Prix Racing Myself as my father raced cars back in the '50's so its in the Blood. Thanks for scheduling the MFC to play against a major sporting event. Low crowds, Low TV Ratings. Thanks so much. What a brilliant selling point for a new sponasor this is-AFL Bastards
  12. Saints blew a huge chance in 04 and are patching up cracks since then. Putting Cousins back with Gardiner-Interesting mix!!
  13. Port Adelaide should never have been allowed in anyway. For all there success (and they have won many SANFL flags) There support base is a slice of the adelaide population. Those who do not follow Port, Hate them with a vengance. So the crows supporters would revell in low power crowds. Within the next 10 years they will struggle unless they can upgrade the stadium deal at AAMI, Like us port cannot Bottom out-Supporters will not accept it. There crowds dropped right off after round 13
  14. Chill out & Have a cold beer Mate. Whatever the Situation with GC, i Don't care if i am right or wrong to be honest. I just disagree with "Bottoming out" again next year. We can't afford it.
  15. Its just that i don;t want next year to be the same as the last 40+ years. It can't be. Sure the AFL will keep us alive on a drip feed, but at what cost. I don't believe we have the luxury of Tanking for Draft Picks. My Opinion
  16. No Melbourne have been "bottoming Out" & accepting Mediocrity for over 40 years. We cannot afford to do it anymore. If we do we will have the same History as Fitzroy. With the 2 new sides being created, this will give the AFL more leverage to oust any "Basket Cases" in the future.
  17. Thats not what i have heard, but i am not going to argue-whatever the answer we cannot afford the luxury of Mediocrity next year, Hawthorn had that luxury because of the success in the 80's & 90's. We must aim higher next year
  18. I have always believed in the Norm Smith Curse. The MFC lost its "Mojo" that Day. Northey almost got it back. (Good man John Northey) but failed ultimately. Re igniting our ties with the MCC is a good start.
  19. The Gold coast recieve a heap of picks next year before the draft is open to anybody else. The Days of bottoming out are OVER. I wish posters here would understand this.
  20. Its what i always thought. 2008 was completely unnacceptable. Any more of those & we are finished. To all those who think we need to bottom out again, I doubt we could afford that. Sponsors would walk. Who wants to be associated with losers. MFC must be bold
  21. Win as Many Games as Possible. Next years Draft is totally Soiled with Gold Coast Picks. Not woprth Bottoming out For. Learn a Win at all Costs Attitude. Our club must strive to accept nothing less than this, as was the case until mid 1965. We must get back to that way of thinking using modern tequniches
  22. Why would carltank want to get rid of him?? He is very average, My next door neighbour has been telling me that for years. Walk away Please MFC
  23. Dean Bailey Cannot give a definitive answer on carroll because of legal reasons. $$$ are involved. Get off his case.
  24. Glad some one else notices that. It is trully beyond me how Maher has got so far in journalism. He really is terrible, & i don't say that lightly. If i was interviewed by him i would have him gagged & Chained so i could answer. John Faine on ABC 774 is the same.
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