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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. I hope the Saints win the Flag this year for Jack...He was a character.
  2. Cameron Bruce is over 30 and a 10 year player. Personally i think a 1 year contract is good business-If he plays well next year well then he gets another contract. Those kicks of his, & those Hammies are not getting any younger, sorry but thats the reality. I like Brucey but if we want to win a flag(s) any player over 30 has to be managed yearly. The speed of the game is increasing every year....The Club has to Fair to itself. Cam has been well paid over the journey & a great servant of the MFC, if he wishes to play in september again. He will stay. GC17 will not play finals while Cameron is there....
  3. Fellahs!!!! "Let's work as a Team & do it my way" (Ritchie 12th man Benaud.
  4. Can somebody please upload the relevant parts of the Footy Show to youtube at some stage or direct me to a link. I am working tonight and would love to see it all.
  5. It is going to be tough, i have known a few cancer sufferers over the years..You gotta treat each morning as GOLD.
  6. Would love to see millsy play in china.....that would be a cool send off. Brad is a good bloke so i wish him all the best.
  7. HaHaHa! that was good, now the season is over a good laugh is well accepted..!
  8. Not once did i say we should Recruit Brennan specifically..i am merely stating that players like this can be gold, if they can re ignite their passions. Recycled players are going to become far more prevellent in the next decade, so i just hope the MFC can snare some good ones.
  9. The Gys will be a beauty within 2-3 years, no worries. He will get those Niggling injuries for a while, because he just has to find the ball. Once his body toughens up he will be part of our elite Midfield...Patience kiddies. His first game was just sublime.
  10. Alwyn Davey always gets injured every time i see him play...is he that Good? Jetta showed me in the Game in Darwin against Port that he can play. He just needs more Fitness and Maturity to do it for longer.
  11. Bloody Oath who says we must wait 3 years. Just take a look at our 2 results against the Filth in 2010. B) It can be done if enough people want it done, and those people are all working together in the right direction.
  12. I am with you there as far as all the Brisbane dealings contract wise, all i know is that Fevs contract to the Lions is about 2.5 Mill for 3 years Back Loaded with carlton paying about a hundred G's for each of the first 2 years. But that they were really counting on a big september this year.....
  13. It's exactly why this club has got to really Go For It next year. From the supporters all the way through to the players on the ground. We have got to do it for the Jimma.....I want to see him smiling next september..
  14. T.S.J i think Brisbane's main concern is that the Grand Plan of 2010 completely backfired, and now the bills have come in. The Club cannot afford these Bills, so a lot of players want out before the Shite really hits the preverbial Fan-Unless Fev is proven guilty, that is the only scenario i can see. Having spoken to quite a few legal Eagles about it, they were thinking along the same lines. These Player "scandals" are usually sorted out quickly, this one has dragged. The Guilty Party in this one seems to be those who first drew up Fev's Ridiculous Contract.
  15. Absolutely right-You can add the MFC 1965 to that list as well. Its the same in world history and in politics, nobody wants to lead a party thats just been thrashed at the polls. Too much success makes people Fat and slow, and the lean hunters take them down. Will Geeeeelong be able to keep the Filth at bay come friday night?? Could it be Thompson & Abletts last game with the Cats?? Friday night is Huge!
  16. Jurrah + Petterd + Watts + Wonna= Bums on seats next year. I am getting one, i better sit down!! B)
  17. Too right we do, GC17 did well getting Brown he will help their kids a lot. We need some grunt Badly...Byron Pickett 2006 although short lived made a huge difference in that centre corridor.
  18. Well said. For all his Faults, i have also seen Fev sit and Talk to kids in Hospitals for Hours. I am just hoping this gets resolved quickly, but i have my doubts-The Bears are going to go down kicking & Screaming very loudly me thinks-But they will go down....
  19. So far many players at Brisbane are Backing Him. Jonathan Brown is taking care of him somewhere down in the GC i heard last week from a Carlton supporting Lawyer. And no to this point i don't think Fev has done any wrongs up there....Brisbane on the other hand realize THEY have made a MASSIVE blunder, but it is not Fev's Fault this time (pending of course the on going investigation)....but each day that is quiet makes Brisbane's case look worse. I doubt very much the police are going to act, So how is it Brisbane can indefinately suspend a potentially innocent employee?? This little imbroglio will be a Test case used for years now legally. Right now the Brisbane Bears are in Damage control in a very large way...
  20. i am not advocating Brennan either way, but its these sort of guys who under achieve that can be an interesting prospect. Lets Put Jared Brennan in a room with Jimmy Stynes for a few hours..Because he does have exceptional Talent when he wishes to use it. Would he re ignite his passions for the game?? The Swans are brilliant at reviving careers...We must improve in this area of recruiting over the next decade as we are not going to get too many high draft picks hopefully. Whoever we do recruit will be fascinating, I bet nobody thought much about Anthony Ingerson before he arrived at the MFC. Brennan just may have "Brain Fades" because Brisbane is not a club he respects anymore...It sure looks like he aint alone.
  21. This whole thing is putrid. Brisbane are a disgrace. If i was Fev i would just shut the F up and sign nothing. Let the players association go in to Bat for him.. Lets see if the AFL gets involved, if Brisbane are Lying....
  22. At this stage Fev has done no wrongs up in Brisbane, it's all alleged. So i would be calling Brisbane at this stage the Absolute [censored] bag Wankers myself. The longer Fev stays quiet the more stupid and suspect Brisbane Become...They have Killed their own list and are now in total damage control. I love it. Suits there Paddle Pop Emblem so well.
  23. Just watch his first Half against Port Power up in Darwin. He can play & my God he knows exactly what he wants to do with the ball. Just needs to work on his fitness tank so he doesn't fatigue late in a game so his Hand & Foot skills are still as sharp. Big 2011 for Jack.
  24. I will make sure i have Lots of Gaffer Tape from work on me next year, dodgy shoulder or not we gotta keep ricky out there kicking goals!!! B)
  25. It is why the MFC must really go for ABSOLUTE broke next year. Our President Jimmy is living on Borrowed time, sorry but that's a fact. Every day he wakes up is Gold. I want Jimmy to see and Enjoy seeing a Full MCG where the Demons play deep into september.... B)
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