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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Ponting is a professional Cricketer & has been for over a decade, so he should by now know how to set a field. He is also part of the selection committee so he should also be ready for Hauritz's crap Bowling. I was and i am on the couch at home. Why do you keep making excuses for this rubbish RR??, i consider you a better man
  2. Yes i know, but i could never pass up beer after 69 days-who could??
  3. So you have Met Stynesy & Ronald Dale within a couple of months? Fantastic i am impressed. Keep spreading the Demon energy-Carlton may think they are coming, but the Demons are, starting 2011. B)
  4. Exactly- A player who dominates consistently is "elite" R. Flower was the last MFC player to do that.
  5. Yes there is, 33 blokes in 69 days is way beyond the Boundries of anyone!!! i am not going anywhere near that!!!!!!
  6. Just watch the game right now!!! A complete shambles, even Warnie is Twittering his discontent at Ponting's captaincy. Sorry but he has no idea how to set a field, & Hauritz is bowling crap-& you say that i am Ranting!!! HaHa B)
  7. No i would want the Beer & women HT don't worry!!
  8. Let's not worry too much about the media. We are Melbourne & we know what is going on. Todd has returned home to not only visit, but to seriously help the MFC become the Power club of the AFL. Bring it on.
  9. Send them Beer & Women immediately!! 33 blokes in one room for 69 days. B) i know that's what i would want B)
  10. I do not think we have any "Elite" players on our list at present. I say that because "elite" players are the very best. R. Flower was an "Elite" player. We have A grade Players (Green & almost Davey if he can just be a little more consistent) and players with big chances to become "elite" players, but until we start to win on Hostile grounds & on Friday & Saturday nights, & then carry it through to september i will reserve judgement on that word. I want our whole list to be "elite", but i also want big results so they are worthy recipients. If we want to win a new batch of Premiership Cups we all must raise the bar on what we see as "elite"
  11. So tell me this?? Why wasn't last summers matches in australia used to blood new talent into the Test side? Perfect opportunity against the Paki's. Why keep playing North, Hussey & Hauritz when we all know they are either not up to it or past playing. That series last summer was almost a complete waste of time. The fact the series has been tainted with match fixing makes it even worse sadly The MFC Blueprint is exactly what the ACB selectors should be doing, and for the last 18 months have done very little of. Maybe it is time for the coaches & or selectors to face the media in the same way the AFL coaches have to do win lose or draw. Like the AFL umpires the ACB selectors appear to be a protected species which i think is wrong. This is not a problem that has only been circling for weeks, There has been so much warning & there is talent playing in Australia that is not given a chance at test level. eg. White, C.
  12. Well for a start i would have played Smith in this series. Hussey's career is over, he has been great-But its over. Hauritz is not an option IMO but the selectors think otherwise, Maybe its 20/20 ruining the Test game, but we just pump out the same side series after series. Play more kids, get games into them-if we lose we lose, but at least we learn more about the talent pool in Australia.
  13. Yes where is John Ironmonger?? That was a classic!!! B)
  14. i am talking mostly about the selectors in general. The same problems have been going on since the last tour of india. And that was nearly 2 years ago!! it's time to actually DO something. The selectors are just like the People's Front of Judea in Python's 'Life of Brian' film!!
  15. having grown up in sandringham it's always so hard to support someone wearing a Port Melbourne jumper!! Gulp B)
  16. Imagine if David Neitz was 25 right now!! He must look at our up coming side and just think "Yeah" wouldn't he just love to be back out there..... B) Nieta would kick the Ton with the current midfield (sorry i was dreaming!!)
  17. So what?? The team has been the same for 12 months, we have an ashes series coming up in weeks, and a middle order that has not fired all year! Why is hussey playing FCS Why isn't Smith being bowled?? Sure we might lose, but at least new players are being exposed. At the moment we are losing anyway. Do Something at least. The same players keep failing.
  18. That's good to know...Thanks. 2-3 years down the track. Could this be our Decade? 'Bout time we got some luck B)
  19. Fair enough, it's just an observation i have noticed with Brad on the TV. If Green wants the Captaincy and is ready for all that comes with it, that's fine. He deserves it for sure B)
  20. Interesting thought there. Family and love aside, How good is Jack Viney?? Top 5 in the draft-is he that good. I have seen nothing of him play, just read snippets off here. The Westies did well with there Wallis F/S he looks a star. Is jack Viney on a par??
  21. "Excellent Smithers now your getting the hang of it"
  22. Even Chip Frawley has to be considered in a year or so if his attitude and form continues. I hope we can groom a long term Captain for this Decade and beyond whomever it is. Someone where leadership is a natural to them. (Steve Waugh like!!!!) B)
  23. Maybe John Northey could pop in for the odd speech. I hope he is quietly enjoying the MFC rebuild from wherever he is now (Queensland???)
  24. Good points JC, i agree with what you say, i am just wondering whether Brad Green actually wants the Captaincy? He will be a leader on the field anyway. There are so many extra jobs to do that come with the captaincy off field. For some players it is a distraction. Because we will need another 50 odd goals from Greeny next year. His on field roll is hugely important. Interesting decisions will be made.
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