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Tigers Dayz

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Posts posted by Tigers Dayz

  1. Fair call, I think, Belzebub59. I bow to your innate ability to constantly change your avatar without any help from the forum administrators.

    Oh, and to further the thread, let's not get caught up in a rucking type player unless we think he can be a 200+cm Ruck Rover who can pull 25 possessions per game, including 5 contested marks, 2 goals avg, and if he can't garrantee 1st possession from ruck contests, then be a competitive engine room partner at all stoppages.

    For the above I would sign up a 3 year contract for $500k first year, $400k second year, $300k 3rd year. But renegotiate contract yearly.

  2. Fair enough.

    Personally though I just found it unnecessary and at times embarrassing to see the premeditated "showmanship" of Carroll and co. before the match begun wherein the Demon side proceeded to meekly surrender the physical advantage.

    I found it an unwanted distraction and I wouldn't want it in my team if I was coach

    I understand and agree. But would it have stood out so much if he had some mates around him? He may not have needed to be so animated.

    At the end of the day, he needed to go from the club, but I'll be one who appreciated his on field contribution over much of the time, particularly 2006. That proved he can play.

    Sorry end to a battling Demon.

  3. Warnock is basically a ruckman who has potential and only hindsight will discover what level he achieves

    Yes we are in need of another bigman and the oppurtunity to get him i applaud but i do wonder why he didnt choose

    the demons ahead of carlton

    Much like Judd i can only summize his decision is based on finals football or his wallet

    Like the song says every heart beats true for the red and the blue makes it quite clear that players who want to be demons

    will at least try to play like them

    Judd , Warnock and the unsigned Green all fit into the OUT BASKET


    Thanks Swampfox, my opinion exactly. There were mutterings from DB and CC a couple months ago about wanting players who are prepared to play for the jumper. If that is the case for our current players, it should also be a criteria for drafted or traded players. Get us some players who are prepared to trailblaze the Demons to success!!

    We don't want players who want to suck and spin off the unethical and supposed Lords of this game. If that's what some prospects want, then let them eat cake!

  4. Something you would know a lot about Y_M. Give him a call, offer him a job, and give him your address.

    i must say

    i was very impressed with the way he stuck up for nathan jones in i think round 2 against the dogs

    jones stupidly took on a player, got tackled and the resulting turnover became a goal

    all of the doggies players started ribbing into jones, so carroll ran over from 50M away and stuck up for him

    sounds like nothing, but sitting near it, you could tell he had all intention of sticking up for jones

    Agree Nugget, and I also liked the way he handled Barry Hall in 2006. We'll never know how much physical damage our lightweight, fainthearted backline would have taken but for the only physical presence back there.

    This man should have played for Brisbane.

    Some would say "animal like reflexes"?

    Too often he was engaged in those ridiculous pre-game melees, acting the tough guy. (Worst that springs to mind is against the Saints in 05? Roughed up Riewoldt etc. before we got belted to the tune of 80 odd points).

    Played a role, did it pretty solidly, but was never going to be the backbone of our defence, especially given that he isn't the most socially capable

    45, You're right that he "did it solidly, but was was never going to be the backbone of our defence". You are Wrong about everything else.

  5. I wouldn`t call averaging one goal per game damaging

    Cam Bruce, at one goal per game, given he has played mostly midfield, down back, and run-with, most of his career is not shabby though.

    Russell Robertson has played his whole career at half forward for 1.8 goals per game. Is that damaging?

    Back to Morton; he has shown to be a better 18 year old than Cam was, and if he can maintain Cam Bruce possession rates throughout his career, he will be extremely damaging, match winning in fact. I hope he plays midfield/half forward.

  6. Congrats to Cam Bruce.

    Just goes to show he has played the season in the way his coach, teammates and the rest of club has wanted.

    I laugh at FW's who have slammed him during the year.

    I am pleased to see the slippery, dickheaded, know alls, who have never played footy in their precious mummy/cyber lives, find that a spartan ( Courageous in the face of pain, danger, or adversity) has won MFC best player 2008.

    I'd particularly like to dedicate Cams win to Yze_Magic and present YM the NBOTY (nancy boy of the year) for 2008.

  7. The DEES do need to lose the beige, boring old fuddy duddy conservatism, & Niknat would be great for that. I love his style & dreads, & his athleticism is awsome.

    But, we can't take a risk with the No 1 pick, were just not that well off enough to gamble with THIS No 1 PICK.

    We must take Watts now, BUT lets get some attitude with some of our other picks if possible, not too mant of the short back 'n' sides brigade.

    bring back the mullets & a bit of riske' style, maybe some bodyart & some extroverted players.

    Fair call, dee-luded.

    It is good to see that all proper due diligence is being conducted by the club during this cattle auction....sorry, draft analysis.

    We seem to have a history of buying quality milkers although they fall dead in the paddock due to timidity and frail nature when the wolf trots over the hill.

    I just wonder how Hawthorn were able to target young knockabouts.... eventual cat beaters.

    I'm assuming our footy dept can identify a juvenile 'Luke Hodge' when they see one.

    Hawthorn targeted specific player types, over 4 years or so, and proved this caper is not a game of roulette.

    It is simply the end of the road if our new administration fails to restock this outfit with the right breed of Demon.

  8. There was a thread on Bigfooty not so long ago that gets dug up ever so often...

    The vote came in as the Tiges having the best song, followed by the dees. I reckon that's probably fair enough... I hate the Tiges more than any other club, but their song is a corker.

    Absolutely correct Dappa Dan. I once coached a tigers junior league side, and that song is the best team building and group consolidating song there is.

    Grand Old Flag is a sentimental tear jerker, but the next best.

  9. Rivers with his OP will get us chicken feed if anything at the trade table . FFS, why are people so keen to trade him? Beggars belief.

    He doesn't get on the park. He is good, but not good enough. Name some recent "kills". For that matter, name some future possible kills; Roughhead, Franklin maybe..?

    he won the rising star the other year and was recognised for his talent/ability to blossom into a star. which he will do

    he's had surgery with a highly regarded specialist, and on the modified program. hopefully back to his best after round 4-5 next season. we must hold onto him

    if we didn't sign frawley we could've traded him although i like frawley

    martin, garland, warnock, frawley, rivers- we're set in the defense

    Enough talent there, even if Bailey's Babies is having troubles understanding who he really loves...

    Like it or not he has no significant trade value in his current state

    IMO he is better off remaining with us and being available to play

    Why? To clog up the list with suspect bodies, and also no possibility of being selected in a grand final side because he doesn't have the ability to win us a flag.

  10. Anyone who uses "stats alone" to judge players performances really has no idea.

    Correct Clint Bizkit, my man.

    Stats = objective

    opinion = subjective.

    Anyone can watch a player and have a different or diverse opinion. I would view a high percentage of similar subjective judgements over stats as a superior analysis of a player. There is still an "X" factor.

    But of course, Y_M will remain an "F" factor.

  11. My Grandfather immigrated to Carlton in the '20s and has followed the Blues his whole life. My father, born 1950, had several close friends who followed Melbourne, and growing up in our most succesful period was happy to switch to us - he has been loyal ever since. My brother, born in '78, switched to the Blues when he was young for similair reasons to my father's, with the added incentive of joining our grandfather and uncle. So my dad and brother both follow different teams to their fathers.

    Meanwhile, a couple of years ago, I converted my then 10-yr-old cousin from the pies, so he now follows a different team to his father.

    D4L, you should be lauded in all the right places for converting a Collingw&%$ supporter, irrespective of the fact that you're bigger than him/her.

    I think you need to allocate AFL caps around the xmas dinner table to decide who gets first crack at the turkey !!

  12. Admit it ! You people don't like to read The Age because;

    - Your breakfast table is too small

    - Your arms aren't long enough

    - Your computer stuffed eyes, corrected by spectacles, can't scan the reaches of that broad, broad sheet.

    - You can't connect the headline to the article, after 3 paragraphs, because all articles are in novel form.

    Don't give me crap about puzzles, piccies, connollies, and caros, and journos who run out of petrol on the page, metaphorically speaking.

  13. Not sure why father-and-son is important or productive.

    If genetic procreation was applied as it is for sheep dogs, then maybe.

    Given human reproduction is a variable sport, I can't see the benefit.

    Give me a mongrel who just wants to play footy. :)

  14. Did anyone read the Dermott Brereton article in today's HUN about the kind of players required to build a team tough enough to Flag?


    I agree with their recruiting rationale, and believe MFC should adopt a similar drafting strategy rather than the usual skinny boys we take.

    Rivers does not fit our requirements going forward, is too injured to fit, if not injured, not strong enough to fit.


  15. Or there are clauses for the 3rd (& other) year.

    Yeah, 2 years should have been enough. Don't think he needed to take a pay cut as I don't believe he was in the Yze, Bruce category anyway.

    I think he should have been offered a carrot for taking 2 years only.

  16. Green has every right to feel aggreived. For years we've been handing out massive retirement packages to aging stars and the gravy train has stopped just before his turn. The club is doing the right thing, and if Brad does leave it will be whoever was responsible for Bruce's, Yze's, White's, Bizzel's etc final contract that is to blame. 28-29 year olds should get 2 years max, 30+, 1 year at a time

    Totally agree, furious d.

    But if Green can't agree to a contract he will need to go. I'm wondering who the mentors (read examples) will be from next year if he is traded though..

    IMHO though, the baby D's will progress better if Green stays through 2009-10.

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