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Posts posted by Rflowerwing

  1. The suspense is killing me. Gardner has done a so so job but everyone reaches a use-by date and now it's time for Big Jimma to come on down.

    Looks like Jim has kept his word by keeping his powder dry and his gun in the holster until last night's 150th celebration was behind us.

    Only just mind you as outside Crown as I left I saw a bloke selling early editions of the Herald Sun trumpeting Jim's plans to save the club.

    Well not exactly plans to be correct - talk of an unknown dream team and great (but unstated) ideas to bring the Club back from the edge.

    Which brings me to the really interesting part of the night for me. There was talk at a number of tables that I visited that Jim is by no means over the line. While impressed by Jim's willingness to get involved some have been asking "Do the Club need a ruckman or a super smart and connected business leader to take us forward"? Word is that an alternative to team Jim is being worked on as we talk in case the big fella fails to deliver.

    Promises to be a fascinating day and week ahead.

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