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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. RFLOL - proves you don't need to be smart to play sport. If you had a choice in life, be smart or dumb and make lots of money playing sport!! hmmmm hard one really. Just shows its 90% in the head.
  2. works a treat on my mac, install flip4mac and silverlight and you'll be right for most videos...also flash'' I liked it but its out there.
  3. While we are 150 odd years old, in reality we only left home a little under 30 years ago. Unfortunately it wasn't done well and we got no inheritance as we left. Maybe we should have taken a couple of stands as ownership. Though I do agree, the majority of the profit needs to directed into acquiring assets for the club for the long term. I know this takes away from the FD in the short term, but in the long run the club will win. 500,000k investment should be a nice start. Next time I see CS, I'll have a chat about the clubs plans in this area and his thoughts.
  4. Yes its a 700k odd real profit with the creative accounting that has been done in the past. 3.5m profit with abnormal items. The main issue now is to increase our total revenue, which was 32m which increased 6m on last year on raw figures. We now need to catch the big clubs, Collingwood turned over 75m so at present we don't have half their resources, I know where at "base camp" but that is where are are heading. And I agree with the club as we improve in the near future the clubs financial position will also rise with it. Love the financial liabilities section... all dashes
  5. Given the stuff I stumble across on m computer, forgetting something that is a year old is easy.
  6. We may be getting some unwanted publicty "In an interview with the Gold Coast Bulletin, the 17-year-old claimed to have 19 unreleased and compromising photos of players from Sydney, Melbourne, Collingwood, St Kilda, Richmond, Perth and Carlton clubs. Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national/afl-offered-counselling-to-st-kilda-photos-teen/story-e6frfkvr-1225974965379#ixzz18opVOJME" Depends on what happens with the court case.
  7. brillant, get ireland behind us, make a deal to sell dee's games onto to irish tv
  8. admins: can this been pinned at the top as its a good resource...
  9. Hi all Anyone know when the club expects to announce how we did for the year? Cheers
  10. A Chaplain of the players (and club) is great as its been mentioned I also worked with them while in the army. They provide a person who a person can to speak to that isn't part of the formal structure of the club and therefore people who use them know they will not be judged as opposed if they go spoke with a coach or administrator for example. You will find in that role they won't provide any religious advice unless specially asked for. As for the video it was what a Chaplin does, but its also a role another person in the club could have also done, but its a role of the chaplain. But despite what certain sections of society say the majority of people in Australia at this time still associate their lives with the Christian faith, whether formally or informally as it had has a major influence on western culture. "Is anyone else disappointed with the club hiring a chaplain? Are they gonna pray for a premiership now?" Strangely I've been praying for a premiership for decades... lol And I'm still praying, though my local priest is a dockers supporter so they gets lots of mentions in services
  11. Hi all Good example of a good club president can achieve. Its about Geelong but shows where they once were. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/cats-sunk-without-frank-costa/story-e6frf9jf-1225969555070 In some ways mirrors where we are going, without the stadium
  12. IMHO it will be Green, do the players pick or the coach?
  13. Brad Hardie was saying in the sports chat today that Scully's management has announced all negotiations are off till the end of the year. I haven't read with this is true or not, we do know he is on their hit list with any other good player of note, so not big news there. Brad Hardie doesn't think scully will go but all the managers want everything on hold so they get overinflated values for their players in 2011. FYI he also mentioned they are making a big play for Dale Thomas, pendalbury(? spelling), with thomas a big target. He also said they have already signed their marque player but wouldn't name who it was at this time. Hopefully the club and the boys (teammates) get Scully's manager to play ball honestly, as the manager does work for Scully not the other way round.
  14. True Except if he wasn't playing that match in the first place it would have never happened...scary thought though. I don't think it was even considered, simply we have a brighter future earlier than the GC.
  15. Love the jumper but the clash jumper is the best one the club has had IMHO.
  16. Looks great http://preview.globalvision.com.au/mfc_guernsey/
  17. I has hoping for the emblem to be at the point of the V, similar to the 150 jumper. Otherwise on the Christmas list.
  18. Looks interesting, put me know...3 going at once, DT, SC and ultimate!
  19. The club has told Hansen's management we are not interested: "Melbourne, who had been on the lookout for an experienced power forward, is believed to have told Hansen's management it isn't interested" http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/mitch-hahn-accepts-western-bulldogs-offer/story-e6frf9jf-1225963498585 End of thread
  20. They weren't thugs, just didn't flinch at a contest and took the hit. The different was their body was ideal for it therefore the oppo often came off second best. .
  21. SS was a good player, its only commented on as it happened on the biggest stage when we got smashed, as most the game was boring, the incident stood out. I remember reading an article about it, how one incident can cloud a persons reputation, despite opposing evidence over a career. Hope his son and all future sons are better than their dads Love the father-son rule as part of the game, - is it unique in professional sport?? Even West Coast got their first F/S pick this year. Its something they should now leave alone forever as its changed a lot in the last 10 years.
  22. The FD is certainly on the ball. Also talking to future fathers sons I hope they also sit down and help with their development even in its the odd clinic of mentoring type of scheme. For example, it would be great to see young Viney for example down the club having a run with the boys from time to time. - not sure if its allowed under the rules? So they hit the crowd running.
  23. You don't compare Jimmy on his pure physical ability which is what sheedy was doing, which is most likely true on pure athleticism but Jimmy was a ruckman. The real successful for Jimmy came as we all know from inside and that drive and determination is a rare thing even at afl level. As he is more there for the money and ego than a love of the game.
  24. Old TJ has had a chave ad looks bloody young again!
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