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the pearl

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Posts posted by the pearl

  1. Stunned when Barass sent all to one side of the ground except Rob Flower on the Member's wing. The ball was kicked in Flower's general direction for one out contests. Time and time again, he won the contests and we went into attack or scored. Rob Flower was on the same plane as Hudson and Carey, in terms of the way he was the basis for a whole team offence - probably better than both of them because he could and would beat any player he was up against. Easily the best player I've ever seen anywhere!

    RIP, you shining light!

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  2. Bit harsh to leave Jones out of that, but otherwise you're not far wide of the mark.

    It is a sad sign of how we clutch at straws, when we speak in glowing terms about Nate Jones, who is seen by many as our best player ( dual Bluey winner who might very well win his third this year) when, in reality, he is a battling scrapper who is B grade at best, compiling meaningless possessions. He has always been too slow to really compete with the best but we love him because of his courage and pure guts.

  3. I wanted Sylvia to be captain a few years ago. Since then I've watched him find himself second to the ball more often than not. Then he had to try to tackle, which he didn't do too well and, let's face it, he really didn't want to tackle. Players have to want to defend; it doesn't happen naturally. When he hit the ball running, every now an then, he was unbelievable. I don't expect him to succeed - a la Woey - and it is quite possible, he will be watching future demons performances thinking: " Geeezuuus. I could have been part of that!"

  4. Byrnes has defiantly shown something this preseason, didn't he kick 5 goals against Stkilda?

    We need a small forward and he also provides some run in the midfield. As for Gilles i guess he is replacing McDonald - its either him or Terlich. I hope Terlich is not selected in the team for we have to many tall defenders and would have benefited from playing another small defender/runner (Jetta). As for Pedersen I have no idea he is slow and flat footed, he plays as a 200cm player but is really not even that tall.

    I would defiantly bring in Blease to add to the midfield (speed) and possibly Tappy to add some grunt.

    I like your defiance.

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  5. Some of these pre-season conditioning experiences seem to be trying to address the main causes of fatigue. The main causes of fatigue in an afl game are fuel depletion and the build up of metabolic by-products that are both delayed by developing a higher oxygen carrying capacity and a more efficient aerobic energy system. Of equal importance is the players ability to keep their body temperature at a level that is not over the top. They do this by hydrating properly and cooling themselves, even in the winter! Poor thermoregulation means that the body will send more blood to the skin and organs to keep the core temperature down instead of sending enough blood to the working muscles to supply oxygen energy and to clear the metabolic by-products - therefore rapid fatigue.

    The body can be trained to do a better job at thermoregulating and therefore, reduce the onset of rapid fatigue and this could be one of the objectives of the team's Darwin camp.

    I thought that an athlete had to train at significant altitude for about six months to really develop more red blood cells, unless they combined a short term period of altitude training with EPO or blood doping. The same gains could be achieved with hypoxic tents or rooms in Melbourne.

    The team-building positives are probably the main benefit of all AFL team's training camps.

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  6. The Carey factor.

    Take a slightly wayward, talented footballer and give them the responsiblity of leading the team. Create a champion.

    Compare that with the scenario of taking two greenhorn, wide-eyed potential footballers and give them the responsibilty of leading a team of strugglers out of the dark. Destroy their potential.

  7. Moloney has always had 'quiet' games where he is completely taken out of the game. It is because smart coaches realise that he can only play on his right side; right foot kick - usually bombed up in the air into the forward line indiscriminately, right hand pass and he only has vision to the right hand side of the ground. Because of his bullish style, his junior coached probably never coached him out of it. Now, it seems that most teams overplay his right side and he can't get the ball and when he does get the ball, his opponents don't let him do anything with it! This is not something that can be easily changed or taught at his age.

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  8. but the more games he plays the more his value slides! (moloney that is).

    The trouble with Moloney is that the opposition are all over him. He can only turn right, kick right foot, handball right hand and only sees the right hand side of the ground. Any assistant coach worth his salt, can teach even your average stopper to over play Moloney's right hand side and that is the end of Moloney for the game. He might get eight or nine scrambled possessions but that is it. It's not his fault that he is limited. It is our problem that we expect him to do more than he is capable of agianst quality opposition.

  9. Out: Midfielders who can't get the ball, who can't take care of the ball and can't dispose of it effectively.

    In: Midfielders who can get the ball, retain it and pass it by hand or foot to someone on our team.

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  10. I am not sure what Ward gave us considering after he would run he too often would turnover the possession to the opposition. Hardly a memorable player.

    Flippant remark. Ward was highly regarded by coaches and selectors in seasons where we had some success. He had anticipation, pace and, despite what you say, quality disposal. A player with this sort of ability would be more than handy.

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