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Posts posted by Damo

  1. Culture isn't measured in wins and losses, it's measured in expectations, and you'd be a fool to say that North haven't repeatedly exceeded expectations in recent years.

    And they did today.Again.

    Im always impressed that they are all great in the air. One grabbers all the time. I expect them to win pack marks more often than not and I reckon it is unusual.

    It is a skill they seem to do better than most.

  2. A ruckman?

    Enough said.

    I am a bit surprised that there weren't many messages today bemoaning the fact that Rob Warnock had shown so much last night that he would be hard to for us to pick up easily at the end of the year.

    I was very impressed with his mobility, attack and willingness to go low for a contest.

    He knew where the ball would go for the next contest and went there, covering a lot of space.

    He was also brave except for when he got Ball, which was inexcusable.

    I guess there were a few blunders but I was excited that the word is we may pick him up.

    I think he would pretty quickly become our top ruck.

  3. I find the Saints supporters the worst now.

    Ten years ago Tiger supporters were worst, then they slunk away.

    Magpie supporters seem to not support their ferals as warmly as they once did.

    Nationally, Adelaide supporters are worst and always will be.

  4. I just think we will win now on Sunday.

    We have never played strategically to lose, would we do it now?

    I hope so.

    I'm going but not taking the kid. I find it hard enough to explain it to myself.

    And the Tigers really need to win.

  5. Hell. He has only been in the job for less than a day. As far as Board transparency, 8 members of the Board resigned last night, 7 new members were elected as part of a smooth transition. Would you be seeking a copy of the minutes of the meeting?? All appointees must retire prior to the next AGM and stand for re election at that time. I would suggest un opposed.

    I would congratulate all involved for making the transition as smooth as possible without any bloodshed or acrimony that the Press often dreams up and feasts on.

    Stynes has said on the Footy Show that he is taking up to 4 weeks to determine and announce his strategic plan.

    This would suggest that Stynes may have come into the top job faster than he expected. Hence not securing the mystery 8th member on the Board.

    Lets give him time and support.

    Well said.

    It is a huge relief that those that have large doubts about Stynes capabilities are getting behind him anyway.

    We couldnt have made it as a club with out a bloodless coup.

    There seem to be many reasons to be worried about this new regime but a battle(and Im pretty sure a good one was in the wind) for spots on the board has been averted.

    My worry is that many of the members of the PG committee have felt underwhelmed by Jimmy so much so , they dont want to saddle up again.

    I have not heard anything yet about large injections of cash.

    I am holding my breath.

  6. I would be devastated if I couldn't emotionally blackmail my children to barrack for this club.

    spot on Jaded.

    It IS emotionally devastating trying not to lose your kid to another club.

    It may be easy for many to take a long view but for me, I got to get a win on the board.

  7. Pros:

    - He's actually a good player. If he got to peak fitness, as a leading FF he would create the contests that Davey, Wonna and presumably Maric would need, even if he didn't mark... There would be nothing speculative about him.

    - He's of a good age for a KP forward. 27 would be too old for our purposes, 25 gives him 7 years on the list given the fact he's missed a LOT of footy. If we can't be threatening again within 3 or 5 at the outside, then we are really doing something wrong.

    Good summary but I would give a lot higher.

    Other teams would see us as desperate to get a tall marking forward.

    If King and Gardiner arent successful for the next 11 games they may be interested in Jeff White.

    Not worth much to us but may be someone the saints are keeping an eye on.

    They are both going OK so far. I think we would need to give a high 2nd round with or without White to get Kozi.

    But obviously, if Lyon finally accepts they are re-building, they wont want White at all.

  8. I agree..but good luck getting the friday night games.. we have no clout.

    All fans are within 5 k's of city ? All fans work in city ?

    Speak oh wise one...where exactly are these locations?

    Like they are going to give a toss !! Those who do already support the club.

    A typically weak as [censored] negative retort from a poster who has so much to comment on.

    Which is interesting as he states he has never been to the dome and only goes to 5 mcg matches a year!

    Keep up the good work.

    Even though you have no experience in going to the footy, you could try to add something positive.

  9. It was great to find out some names today - now to hear the plan!

    As a newcomer, I am curious to hear what members of the demonland community would be saying to the board this evening if they were in Jim's shoes.

    What do you all think are the most pressing issues?

    What needs improvement?

    What would you do differently?

    What would be your main strategic focus?

    Any new ideas?



    Play games on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.

    Organise training at places where it is fan friendly and encourage supporters to attend. This has to be wirthin 5 kms of the city as often as possible.

    Target schools in the traditional areas of support with players attendance.

    Open an office/stand in the Bourke st mall or at the parliament end of bourke st where office workers without allegiance may get on Board.

    Get Melbourne trams and the City of Melbourne as a sponsor/advertiser.

    Front the traditional Melbourne clubs for support: Atheneum, Savage, Melbourne.

  10. I didnt want to be too critical of Col today as i thought he showed an encouraging performance, and bar some poor kicking,

    His kicking was pathetic. But thats not the only reason I am now off the colin wagon.

    I made a conscious effort to watch his defensive pressure as I realise I dont normally take note of this side of the forwards games.

    As it is often commented on here, I thought I would make an effort to have a more informed opinion

    I was dismayed with his work ethic.

  11. He has never been "in form".

    He has been on the list too long.

    He is probably a good bloke but has been responsible for losing too many games for Melbourne.

    I dont think he is disappointing as I have never seen him as an asset to the side.

    How long since he has played at Sandy anyway? three years?

  12. Football as taught to me long ago when I could understand it.

    (1)Get the ball out of the centre and (2)have some one who can kick accurately, kick to the lead of a big bloke who is(3) a good mark.

    If he is a good kick (4)you are off to a good start,

    but it is best to tick off the first three boxes as you can teach forwards how to kick.

    Fevola ticks boxes three and four.

    It is interesting how people retell stories about Allen Jakovich with rose coloured glasses but wont take to the Fev.

    I want a Full forward and I would quickly be on the Fev Wagon if it arrived.

    I was in love with Kelvin Templeton as soon as I saw him pull the jumper on.

    Ipso Facto. I got burned then and Im ready to load up again.

  13. So much for the academics.

    I want to keep Bruce Green Jones and Rivers.

    Im jack of giving up proven players for a punt. We are not that good at it.

    I want the club to look hard at winning 8 or more games next year.

    Im happy to go all out and try towin each game this year by playing players whose goal is to try their damnedest.

    Farck off those who wont go hard and run hard to create options.(Bruce and Green do this)

    The gossamer hope of increasing the year end pick is not the jackpot it is made up to be.

    For every Buddy there is a dud.

    I want them to be searching the horizon to make sure we are in business in five years time.

    I dont believe Stynes will be any better than PG without a big injection of luck or hidden treasure.

    Thats the object of my desire, even though I sound like I accept little reward. It is a pragmatic approach.

    You have to be in it to win it and I will refuse to go if I think handbrake harry is pulling the rein.

  14. Bell has had 6 years hasnt he?

    Jeff White dissipates team fervour to win IMO and is more a negative than a positive now. Jamar has no smarts but is honest.

    Id keep Yze in for this week, as it isnt fair to have one week in and it is a stage he can command.

    Chris Johnson now justs makes me ill to think how well I figured he would go.

    If I had a whole nother lifetime I could spend it waiting for CJ and Bell to come good.

  15. Jeff White should not be let off yesterdays pitiful effort.

    When the ball was marked on the wing, he was not prepared to go forward and contest, he would many times run to space behind the ball and demand a soft kick. He tries to make sure he is not in a position to contest in any manner. If he was a decent kick for goal(at least 50 metres) I wouldnt mind so much but all he is guided by is getting cheap possessions.

    With Dutchy injured (I cant stand the thought Bailey didnt need him) White needed to use his run to create an option.

    I dont think any of the players on the field can respect White any more.

    It isnt right that courageous older players like Carroll and Holland may be shelved when Jeff gets off scot free.

  16. At the risk of sounding defeatist, such losses are to be expected (and come draft time perhaps even welcomed), the way forward is not to blame the coach or slam the players, it's to recognise the problem exists, tough decisions will need to be taken, but it's only by being resolute and determined in the face of adversity that the problems can be fixed. I don't see what is achieved by ranting. I've supported this club all my life, I hate losing, but I won't give in to emotion and attack the thing I love.

    Well said.

  17. White bruce and yze all chipped in today.... i think ur assesment of yze in unfair 3 goals is 3 goals and if he gets em from frees good on him...

    once again u protect ur fav mclean who showed alot less than last week

    I note Bell still seems to be going through a bit of a slump... :lol:

    No midfield, No forwards, I have no faith in garland and Warnock(I hope Im wrong).

    With really average up and coming ruckstocks , Jeff White just doesnt seem interested.

    I also have to contend with a 6 year old who only gets to go when we fail miserably.

    Like the Fat Lady, He sang before quarter time that we should just give up and go home. Not even a "giant Hand" would do the trick. Unfortunately there was nothing to wave it at...

    I am now firmly in the Rich not Natanui camp.

    It is cold comfort.

  18. Moloney's turnovers were crucial.

    he is getting better but he kicks long either to a contest or to the opposition.

    He is not a smart footballer as it seems the ball goes exactly where he wants it to.

    He has a problem in always kicking 50 metres.

    Maybe he doesnt trust himself to kick short.

    Or maybe he doesnt look for a 30 metre option. He needs to Drop his eyes.

    One wonders if the opposition are happy to let him possess the ball.

    I dont think Bate has played a better game. he made every possible contest.

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