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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. And, the point is, the AFL should never have approved that joke of an "away jumper". It does not solve the clash problem that away jumpers are supposed to solve! It makes a complete mockery of the AFL and the rules it supposedly requires all teams to follow. Whoever approved that jumper needs a good kick up the rear! And, Balls is right re Collingwood. Collingwood DOES have a clash jumper. It's all white on the majority of the back, instead of the black on the home jumper. It therefore does not clash with anyone except possibly Nth Melb. It's certainly WAY ahead of the Essendon joke. The fault with this fiasco lies equally with BOTH Essendon AND the AFL. With Essendon, because their joke of a clash jumper clearly does not comply with the requirement of avoiding a clash, and is a cynical response at best. With the AFL, because they have been too weak to stand up to Essendon and read the riot act to them.
  2. Exceptionally well put! I agree with everything you've written. It's kinda like Travis Johnstone revisited. In both cases, they have teased us with their potential to the point of extreme torture. Colin gave us hints last year, and I think we all salivated at the prospect of him dominating this season. Alas, to this point, we have again been left shaking our heads and lamenting unfulfilled dreams. Ah! The lot of a Melbourne supporter...!!
  3. Agree completely, guys! MFC needs to serve notice on the AFL. Give Essendon 7 weeks to get their act together and to fall in line with the rest of the competition. On July 11 Melb will be wearing their traditional strip, and Essendon MUST present on that day in a predominantly WHITE strip. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED!!!!!!! If the other teams can do it, so can they! (Even Collingwood have at least made an effort, by changing the predominantly black backs of their home jumpers to predominantly white backs for their clash jumper. So have St Kilda. IT'S TIME!
  4. Thanks for all your comments on this, guys. I really didn't know what I'd get when I started this thread. Good to know I'm not alone in my observations, even though not everyone is convinced. But, for me, I just reckon that, whereas previously I couldn't stand the guy, now I find him to be more palatable and very listenable. (I also hasten to add my observations are limited solely to his TV work. I haven't heard him on radio lately.) Anyway, the focus today is on the big game. Happy B'day to Tom, and many happy returns to the MFC!! Go Dees!
  5. That's a bit unfair. Certainly doesn't deserve to be called a "spud". The guy has been cruelled with injury. The couple of times he was able to get on the park last year, he really showed something. The Footy Dept also obviously see something in him. Don't forget Danny Hughes has also laboured through many years of debilitating injury. Again, the Footy Dept stuck with him, and he finally got his chance last week. I just think we should be a little more circumspect about the way we refer to the guys on our list. Really think they deserve a little more respect than they are sometimes shown. Surely, we can place our views on here without stooping to name calling.
  6. Mate, the point of my thread was that the man seems to have pulled himself together of late, as other posters here have also concurred. His comments last night re the MFC certainly were positive. If the guy really has taken stock, then surely he deserves some credit for that, rather than just bashing him for his past. He's certainly won me over to the point where I think he's become one of the better commentators. He is just coming across these days with fair and reasonable comments on a regular basis.
  7. I wouldn't be writing him off just yet...
  8. Looking at the Casey team for the weekend, I count no less than eleven guys who I reckon are all seriously pushing for spots with the Melb team, and who would probably be automatic starters, and acquit themselves well, if there was a need in the Melb team. Great signs! Casey Scorpions vs. Northern Bullants Saturday 15th May Casey Fields at 2:00 PM Casey Scorpions B McNamara Panozza Stockdale HB Dan. Bell Macdonald Cheney C Morton Nicholls Wall HF MacReadie Dunn Wonaemirri F Jetta Newton Miller R Spencer McGough Gysberts Int Taylor Hoghton* Smith Bail Wylie Maric Healey Strauss
  9. There have been a lot of derogatory comments about Brian Taylor as a commentator, and I have to admit to agreeing with many of them. However, in recent times, it seems to me that Brian is a changed man. On AFL Teams on Thurs nights and the guest appearance on On The Couch this week, I just reckon he has become a much more pleasant and easy to accept character. His comments aren't as inflammatory as they used to be, and he is just a whole lot easier to listen to. Am I just suffering from Old-timers' disease? Or, have others noticed this, too?
  10. Agreed! I remember as a kid going to the odd game at the MCG and watching both the Reserves and the Seniors. Made for a great day!
  11. One of the guys on the Foxtel AFL Teams show (think it might have been Liam Picken) also claimed a couple of weeks ago there would be a Reserves comp next year. Would love to see it, but who knows?
  12. That's a great idea, heartbeatstrue! Alas, this weekend she's heading 2 hours NORTH (to Port Douglas) for some serious celebrating up there with some of her mates, rather than two hours South to Melb. Have to be another time. Cheers!
  13. Yes, Old Fart! Very true! LOL
  14. My daughter's 30th today, too. (Yes, she's a Dees supporter, too!) So, congratulations to Jack & Ruth! Ouch! How old does that make me...?!!!
  15. Agree 100% Dreamin' Man! Bennell played very well on Friday night, and is continuing to prove his worth to this ever-improving team. In fact, some of the things he did in the wet were quite exceptional! The coach praised his efforts, and so should we. This nit-picking is downright unfair on the player!
  16. When Ronald Dale presented him with the #31, he said words to the effect that if the kid ever failed to give his all, he would personally come down to the rooms and rip the jumper off his back. Ronald Dale was firmly affixed to his seat in the Stands last night, and me thinks that's the way it's gonna stay. Ronald Dale, like the rest of us, was well pleased with what he saw...! Well done, Tom!
  17. Anyone know what's happened to Strauss? He's not named for Casey, and not on the injured list. He played for Casey last week. Any clues??
  18. Great stuff! So good to have a person of the calibre of Karen Hayes aboard as part of the MFC!
  19. Where's Strauss??? Also, see the Morton brothers will be crossing paths, too...
  20. Yes, McKenzie certainly adds some grunt to our team. And, I'm happy about Hughes. Saw him for the first time last week at Southport, and really liked what I saw. He's been on the Rookie List for a very long time. Nice to see him get his chance. Just hope he repays the Footy Dept's faith in him over such a long time. I'm sorry to say it. But, although Miller was named in the best for Casey last week, he certainly didn't dominate the way he should at that level. Reckon he needs a lot of improvement to force his way back into the Melb side.
  21. Agreed! Green for Full Forward. If that doesn't work, give Garland a go...
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