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Posts posted by rpfc

  1. I'll look past the condescension and reply that we are talking past each other. You deride his attack on the ball and the man, as do many of us, if not all.

    I say he should still be held in great regard as a servant of this footy club. From what I gather, you agree, albeit before his laser skills deserted him.

    I personally don't have him in the 25 come round one, and I would hazard a guess that you wouldn't either.

    So Yze: soft, frontrunner, valued skills for better part of a decade, fine career, and not in the starting 22 come 2008.


  2. Exactly right Detox.

    Rpfc's analysis was about as rigorous as Yze attacking a contested ball.

    I don't know what you expect from a bloke as thin and as soft as Yze.

    He got the footy, he delivered it well. That was his job for a decade. He is/was extremely good at it.

    Stats are always meaningless when they don't support a certain view that is ingrained in ones mind.

    I stand by the assertion that, for what Yze was (a frontrunning winger, FP, HBF), he was very good for a decade.

  3. Yze (No need for games, he played every one from '98-'06, and 9 in '07


    1998 489 7 37 Stellar year for a 20 yr old

    1999 348 10 26 Disappointing year, especially for a frontrunning winger

    2000 534 37 42 Stellar season

    2001 489 24 37 Solid year in a dissapointing season

    2002 546 19 67 Stellar season

    2003 453 17 43 Another solid year in a disappointing season

    2004 514 19 54 Excellent to stellar season working on a back flank

    2005 322 41 34 Excellent and seamless transition to forward pocket

    2006 476 30 44 Solid to excellent year

    2007 165 4 16 Awful season, dogged with injury after a decade of non-stop footy

    Yze is soft, of that there is no doubt. But that does not mean that the vitriol in this thread is justified.

    By my count he has enjoyed 3 stellar seasons ('98, '00 & '02), 3 excellent seasons ('04, '05 & '06), solid seasons in '01 and '03 and disappointments in '99 and '07.

    We all love Macca and Neita more than Yze. The fact that they are harder at the ball, and win their own ball is endearing to supporters.

    But you still need your quarterbacks, to reference my previous thread, and Adem Yze is one of the best this club has seen in the last 40 years.

    Don't ask players to do more than they can.

  4. who cares. sampi is an ordinary footballer who said at wce he had no passion for playing afl. I dont care if jones said that, people that have no passion shouldnt play. hes a byron pickett all over again. not worth the risk which is huge

    What risk?

    At no money and for a PSD pick.

    You can't find a less risky way of getting a former top 6 ND player onto a list.

  5. I think people are retroactively asking alot of Yze.

    Yze and Green are wingers, forward pockets, and half-back flankers. They get soft footy, no doubt. But for a decade Adem Yze was a fine winger with an equisite kick.

    He truly was a quarterback of a kind. (Stand by for a Gridiron analogy, most should be able to follow)

    And the quarterbacks are the softest players in the NFL, but they are celebrated for their poise and decision making. Aswell as the execution of their skill.

    I think some are asking a quarterback to be judged as a running back. (Running Backs being the bloke who runs straight forward into a line of huge men becasue the quarterback palmed it to him)

    Bringing it back to AFL. Yze and Green over their careers have not averaged 2 tackles a game, but their value isn't in the guts. It's on the periphery. McDonald should and will be celebrated more than these two because he gets his own footy and contested ball.

    But don't miss the value in Yze and Green as excellent periphery players. (Although Green has that kicking thing that I mentioned earlier)

  6. Green will kick it indiscriminately to avoid contact.

    Does it all the time, I can't believe no-one else notices it.

    If Green has a role in the midfield then Yze has a role in the forward line.

    Personally I'd like to see Green take on Yze's role in the FP. Make Green earn his kicks rather than get cheap ones off the half back line.

  7. All teams have frontrunners, even good ones.

    He is a forward pocket now, not a midfielder. Sure he's soft, but terribly good in the forward line as he has shown before.

    Green also slams the ball indiscriminately onto his foot as soon as he hears 'footsteps,' and yet there are many who think he is worthy of captaining the side.

    Greens' faults are more damaging to the side, because he still thinks he can play in the guts. Therefore, his mistakes are magnified.

    Don't want to turn this into a diatribe against Green, I just want to point out that at FP there is still a role of someone as soft as Yze, who can find the footy.

  8. We quickly get a selective memory whenever someone turns 30.

    In the last ten seasons, Yze has averaged 20 disposals a game.

    He has never been highly rated by the 'football world.' Sheahan doesn't rate him at all.

    Got 38 touches against Freo only this year.

    If he's in the best 22 play him; our team is young enough as it is. No need to cut good careers short.

  9. Dammit. There I was comfortably believing that it was only every workplace I or anyone I knew had ever worked in which was where the managers with poor people skills worked.

    But seriously, I really do expect better. I've been known to quit jobs in direct response to poor managers, it's not something I stand for.

    PM me if you have something clearer which will spark me into action - once I get riled I can actually have an impact in my odd, furiously calm little way.

    There isn't a scandal here, it's a HR issue.

    Harris is a fine person but he needs to provide some stability; change of behaviour? restructure? I don't know.

    I just know that we are wasting $ on recruitment (because of turnover) around 3 to 1 compared to other clubs. That is why the AFL is worried.

  10. Carroll did not get AA honours in 2006 and its hyberbole to claim how close he was and to make any reasonable comparison with the Geelong backline. Its chalk and cheese.

    He is a hard working mediocre footballer who gets exposed under pressure.

    It is telling that the Club sought to trade him recently and there were no takers. Hmmm!

    In 2006, Nathan Carroll was the 2nd best Full Back to Rutten.

    You can argue the opposite all you like, plenty agree with me on this. If people want to find a scapegoat next season (a la ND for 2007) Carroll should not be the one. He is capable of FB if the rest of the team does its job too.

  11. out of interest, do you know steve harris, have you worked with him and could you elaborate on your experiences?

    i am not saying he is not a problem, but apart from the odd comment on here regarding that turnover rate i have never heard a bad word about him, and would like to know any evidence as to why he is the reason and why it isnt other issues such as poor work place environment, poor pay, another staff member, lack of staff (resulting in extra work loads for others) etc. what makes you so sure steve harris is the problem?

    I hate slinging mud. It's not fun at all but Harris is notoriously hard to work for and with. Was editior of the Age and has many a splintered relationship.

    The AFL has alerted the board to their displeasure of our turnover. As I said, 90% in the past year. It means we keep on losing money we desperately need on recruitment for vacancies.

    Former employees, ever diplomatic, don't refer to Harris as a reason for leaving. But when a bloke with such poor people management skills is in charge at a time of disturbing turnover, it's obvious where the problem lies.

  12. Hyperbole abounds with the most popular (McLean & Jones) and the least popular (Miller & Carroll).

    The fact is that Carroll almost got AA honours in 2006, and you may say that such an accolade would be received only because of the performance of the team and the midfield itself in 2006. Yes, that is true but we sing the praises of Egan and the rest of Geelongs' honest backline - save Scarlett - when their dominance as a team meant that AA honours for their backline were assured.

    Carroll will hold up FB for a year or two until a more skillful and athletic recruit takes his place.

    In other words, Carroll is not the weak link that will affect where we finish in 2008.

  13. This was a long time coming. Clubs have been looking to get CAC for years and he has been here for over a decade.

    Although, this is more turnover (90% in the last 12 months) for the club, and more cash that has to be spent on finding a replacement...

    Steve Harris - He really engenders people to work for him.

  14. Unless this thread is congratulating the 2004 or 2005 draft, we got some problems...

    Morton, Grimes, and Maric are just names and potential at the moment. I'm guessing the effusive praise is coming from the outside opinions of our picks. You cannot determine the performance of CAC based on the opinion of the greater football community (Connors, WB recruiting bloke, Andrew Maher etc).

    BTW I will always defend CAC but seriously...

  15. The Melbourne market is tapped, if a supporter (MCC) isn't paid up for MFC membership no ad or 'brand inforcement technique' is going to help.

    The club IS thinking laterally - looking at new Victorians and the large amount of Chinese coming for study, work etc.

    I can understand your frustrated passion but let's be honest; there is no return on investment for most initiatives.

  16. I don't want my club to waste its small amount of disposable cash on billboards or ads that would do nothing to help the club get financial backing or members.

    Behind the scenes gathering of sponsors and investments are the way to go, but supporters don't see that and if they can't see something then its not happening.

    You want to do something worthwhile for the club - help out The Red and Blue Foundation that's trying to raise a couple mil so we can get into our new digs at Olympic Park.

  17. CAC had Morton in the top 3 and Grimes as no.4.

    So we would have taken Grimes at 4 if Morton had been taken by Rich or WCE.

    You take the best available. Their all prospects at this age but the true leaders are the ones that you shouldn't let slip. From all reports Grimes is that.

    Besides, our midfield is strong but still has some issues (Outside of Jones & McLean): Bate (slow), Sylvia (he's a midfielder?), Dunn, Petterd, Buckley (unproven), Batram (honest toiler), Bruce, Green, Wheatley (lost form), McDonald (tick tock), Moloney (injury setbacks)

    Jeez, looking at that Grimes may be in the 22 come Rd 1.

  18. At 17 he will prob add 2 cm or so, well i hope.

    An inch!!

    He can't play a position because he is an inch too short!


    There's a Simpson quote to reel off, you know, when Bart went for the role of Fallout Boy. Good times.

  19. Morton could go straight onto a wing, although look to CHF in the long term maybe.

    Grimes might be a show off the bench in the midfield.

    Maric would be hard pressed to get into the forward line at this stage.

    Cheney and McNamara would be looking at 2009 and beyond.

    To sum up, don't expect these boys to deliver something they can't. At least not yet...

    BTW - can people stop saying we didn't pick in KPPs in the draft. Morton is 192cm FFS!

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