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Katrina Dee Fan

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Posts posted by Katrina Dee Fan

  1. Garry Lyon reported yesterday on SEN that he went along to training on Wednesday, and Trac wanted to go to training to help out and the club has told him stay home.  Seems he's bored at home at the moment and wants to get back into it!  Doesn't sound like someone dissatisfied with the club, does it?  Poor bloke, he can't run, can't do gym for 7 weeks, can't do contact sport for 12 weeks, it's going to be a long stretch for him, isn't it!!  Cue more recipes for Tiktok, I think....!

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  2. On 17/06/2024 at 19:44, Norm Smith's Curse said:

    In some weird way, somehow MFC are the real villains of an injury one of our players sustained due to someone else's knee.

    The story isnt the knee being lifted when attempting to spoil for no obvious reason (or maybe...), or that in the last two games against Collingwood one of our players has sustained catastrophic injuries, the story is that somehow MFC are at fault for not overruling a player's urge to go back on the ground. 

    That being said most of these media outrages are just tame distractions from a sychophantic brigade that would be too scared to say anything controversial. 

    This is what I've got issue with.  The media have been salivating in Collingwood lately and scathing on Melbourne, all on made up narratives to suit their agenda, whatever it is.  It was good to see both Goody and Trac throwing shade on the BS reporting that Trac's family were not happy with the club's handling of it.  What did Caroline Wilson base that off?  The fact Trac deleted a couple of Instagram posts.  That's her evidence.  She's a hack.

    Were the media this scathing last year on Collingwood when Cox played through and completed a game with broken ribs and it wasn't until THE NEXT DAY that his ruptured spleen was detected, by which point he'd lost 3 litres of blood?

    Were the media this scathing back when the same thing happened to Matthew Lloyd, and his was detected 2 days later, and he was told if he'd gone to sleep he wouldn't have woken up?  He continued playing when the club doctors he was "just winded".

    I actually give credit to Melbourne for putting him in an ambulance before the game was over.  The hospital didn't pick up on it until 2 am, after 3 previous scans didn't pick it up. 


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  3. 23 hours ago, 4_Kent_Watts said:

    Yes Thanks i would want one because No-one else seems to want them. I also use the Melbourne Premiership ring as my picture on YouTube. I didn't get the 2021 one but i would gladly accept one or one in another year that we won... when we win it. 

    Unless any of us are premiership players, why would any of us get one?  These are presented to the players, not anyone else.

  4. My take of it is that it's Collingwood yet again trying to bully their way into wanting their own outcome.  I don't have an issue with rings per se, but it would be a club thing if they want to do that, not the AFL.  The players get medals from the AFL, the club can commemmorate it anyway they like.  Melbourne did present rings, and they look great, certainly not the ugly, garish thing that was on Twitter yesterday, but a classy ring with the MFC emblem and engraving on the inside.  But my point was, it was a club thing.  If Collingwood want to give their players rings, go for it.  But don't bully the rest of the clubs and the AFL to do it.  

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  5. 11 hours ago, whatwhat say what said:

    i may have shed a little tear watching that

    i was sure that the kid wasn't going to still be with us

    fabulous he is

    It's such a beautiful story, I'm so glad KC is healthy now.  How amazing is Mali for her paying tribute to her little brother like that!  

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  6. On 19/04/2024 at 12:32, roy11 said:

    Glad to see the flags added - that's new isnt it?

    Reminds me, still want to get my 2021 one signed by May and Kozzie and framed, beautiful top

    Long story of the representation of the flags.  In short a few years ago the rights to the flag were sold to a clothing company who decided to exploit it for monetary gain, to the point where they were charging exorbanent fees for the use of the image and not investing it in indigenous programs like they promised. In fact they were threatening to sue people for using the flag without paying for it, which lead to a campaign to reclaim the rights and boycott that company.  AFL were supportive of that campaign and they refused to pay to use the rights.  Last year the federal government bought the rights back and made the use of the flag available for everyone to use again.

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  7. I remember one time at the MCG, I think it was 1989, when Grinter squarely laid a punch in the guts of a Richmond player and got 7 weeks for his efforts (he had some suspended penalties on him).  If he played today he'd be the most heavily fined player in the AFL.

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  8. My great grandfather Raymond Harbour fought in France in WWI, and while he came home alive, he did have a bullet lodged in him for the rest of his life that couldn't be removed.  My mother attempted to trace her family tree, and couldn't go much further back than Raymond (her paternal grandfather) as it seems he was adopted as a young child - the records were not very well kept on these back in the late 19th century.  We do know he was brought up in Bendigo, and that was where my grandfather was born.  Pop Harbour was a very private man who did not like to speak much about his war experiences, however he did live until 1974, and one time, when my auntie was pregnant with my cousin Karen, Pop just one day opened up and just started talking.  My uncle and mum started to record what he was talking about, and I wish I knew where that tape was.  Not long after, Pop died, and then Karen was born.  


    Edit - I've just discovered this on Pop, talking about his war medals.  Uncle Alan has his medals. - https://vwma.org.au/explore/people/336690

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  9. I'm going to poke the bear here.  Isn't it interesting how one of the factors that got Maynard off was the opinion (I say that loosely) that he attempted to spoil the kick.  Yet what got Max King suspended for a week? Ill-attempt of spoiling.  Such [censored].

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  10. 31 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Yep, thought that made it even better.

    If Collingwood really want to have a cry, then whatever.  Darcy Moore pretty much throws it to Higgins anyway, so should have been a free kick.

    Before he kicked that goal, the Ch7 comentators (BT in particular) cheerleading that Collingwood were looking like staging another miraculous come back made me want to vomit - Jack's goal shut that up pretty quickly from there on.

    It really would have made my week to see BT in actual tears last night.  Oh, well!!

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