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Everything posted by Beetle

  1. Looks like a straight swap, Prismall for Lovett could be on the cards.
  2. despite needing a pacy midfielder what we badly need and haven't had for as long as I can remember is a decent Centre Half Forward (aside from Schwarz) and a decent Centre half back.
  3. this man is the hard ass we've been crying out for.
  4. I just saw Judd with his Mummy on their way out to Princes Park from the Lexus Centre. He informed me he is timing how long it takes for the showers to get hot once you turn the hot water tap on. That along with what brand of toilet paper the club uses and what fragrance the fabric softener used on the towels is, will ultimately determine which club he heads to.
  5. at the end of the day, football is a busines for these guys. This may be a strange comparison but imagine if you grew up drinking Coke all your life and you loved it more than anything else but had the opportunity to choose between working for Coke and Pepsi. Pepsi were offering you a better environment in which to work and a much better salary, where would you go? Footballers only have a life span of around 15 years max these days so they need to look after themselves in the best way they can in that time. It's a sad state of affairs and I completely understand where you are coming from but they are the plain facts.
  6. ...makes him pretty central to most clubs then.
  7. i'l like him to hold a press conference out the front of the Lexus Centre
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