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Big Carl

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Posts posted by Big Carl

  1. 13 minutes ago, At the break of Gawn said:

    I’d give him a performance based contract; every effective kick that hits a target he gets $1000. He’ll be lucky to get $100k next year.

    It’s a pity Goodwin’s contract is not entirely performance based. We might then be having a different conversation about whether he is there in 2020.

  2. 2 hours ago, Billy said:

    Why do we seem to miss the scrutiny from the media?

    Is it because we are still an insignificant club & can’t be trusted & no one cares.

    We have been woeful, from a preliminary final to second bottom must be one of the biggest falls from grace in the history of the AFL yet it’s “Oh yeah that’s  Melbourne move on”

    Nearly every  expert tipped us top 4, so it’s totally unexpected yet unexplainable, but it’s just zero care factor from everyone 

    Could you imagine the uproar if it was Collingwood or Richmond & why does Goodwin & the players seem to get away scot free?


    Add Champion Data to that list. They rated our list as No. 1. 

    Must be the same experts that were tipping the Federal Election result.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Sigil said:

    They have made a change with Jonesey and I hope it keeps going well for the team.

    24 disposals today and some really good kicks (and more kicks than handballs).

    Still uses the ball better than a lot of his team mates.

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  4. On 6/30/2019 at 6:27 PM, ding said:

    No, this list wont be winning us a premiership, but the problem starts in the coaching box. Fix that first before even thinking about rebuilding the list.

    Roos was a leader of men and he gave us hope.

    Goodwin sprouts corporate BS after every loss ( "Connections" etc etc) and has lost all of the momentum we gained from the last couple of years of Roos' tenure.

    Get rid of him before the club is forced into yet another list rebuid. The boys might love him, but he is game day poison.



    Yes, I’m tired of the BS coachspeak after every game.

  5. 19 hours ago, DemonOX said:

    What’s the bet not only do we lose but Goodwin is out coached by the blues coach. 

    Wouldn’t surprise me at all. 

    The players will probably be thinking we just need to turn up and we will win, it’s Carlton after all. Ha ha ha. 

    Most coaches “out coach” Goody!

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, poita said:

    The bottom of the barrel has been well and truly scraped clean this year. At least the inclusion of Brad Hardie means that Brian Wilson is a sure thing next year.

    How many of Melbourne's 1950s/60s premiership stars are still waiting on inclusion? Plus Garry Lyon should have been in a decade ago.

    Frank Adams

    Don Williams

    The Cordners


    Stan Alves

    Gary Hardeman

    Garry Lyon


    from other clubs who are still not inducted

    John Dugdale (Legend of NMFC)

    David McKay

    Brent Crosswell

    Thorold Merrett

    Geoff Raines.....



    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Petraccattack said:

    I just saw that the worst Brownlow medallist of all time,  Brad Hardie was inducted.

    [censored] me dead, he was 1/10th of the player G Lyon was.  What a joke the hall of Fame is.


    Staggering some of the names that have NOT been inducted when you cast your eye over some of the recent inducteees.

    • Like 1
  8. 32 minutes ago, ProperDee said:

    I have read all the comments and agree with 99%. Aside from the bleeding obvious,  one poster hit the nail on the head - lack of on field leadership in that last quarter. Jordan Lewis’ generalship in the last would have been very useful. There was eff all leadership coming from the co-captains.

    BTW, I’ve resigned from the Simon Goodwin fan club. The man is not a coaches bootlace. TMac to CHB in the last quarter was a gimme.

    Goodwin is in his 5th year at MFC.

    We are way past the “jury being out” on his coaching ability. Time for a total review of ALL coaches for 2020. The skills and forward coaches need to be shown the door for a start.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    If you can’t kick set shots from inside 40m what about 5 times in a match you cannot win! 

    The one thing that wins football matches is kicking goals. Why is it then that clubs spend very little time on teaching players to kick. Get someone down to MFC and teach these guys how to bloody kick!

    • Like 2
  10. 23 hours ago, Gorgoroth said:

    tbh I am disenchanted with the whole AFL, hardly watched our games let alone other teams and I’d usually watch 5-7 games a week plus all the Fox footy shows. 


    Couldn’t agree more.

    The 80’s and 90’s were the best era of football.

    Too American now.

    No more big key forwards kicking bags of goals.

    No more specialist wingmen.

    I’ve lost interest in the game too. Used to love it.

    AFL are clueless.

    • Like 3
  11. 41 minutes ago, —coach— said:

    Not sure they are hurting all that bad, if I was as bad at my job as some of them are I wouldn’t have a job with weeks. Yet they continue to earn excellent money regardless of whether they win/loose/draw.

    Agree. Same applies to the Coach, support coaches and the CEO.

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