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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Awesome stats Stu. A real insight into the contribution a 400 + champion gamer would have on a young group like ours in many ways. You've really had a deep think about it.
  2. Would improve our side without any doubt. It is genuinely concerning that the cognitive abilities of some supporters and posters here (whom make sense most of the time) become so distorted due to emotional factors. Saying no to improving, aiding and building our list. Cool.
  3. Weird. Peter Ryan's article suggests that he is looking elsewhere for opportunities whereas the MFC article simply says that Brett's 'contract will not be renewed'. The latter indicating that we may have someone in mind to take up that role? Or perhaps a mutual departure from both parties. Funny how two articles can be interpreted so differently depending on a few words.
  4. Just looked at that twitter account. Fairly suss...
  5. It's an interesting one. Of course it's only VFL, but watching the game on the weekend I thought he looked as solid as I've ever seen. He played with super confidence, used the ball really well and was combative in the contest. He rarely made an error. We've seen him produce that kind of footy only over the course of one year. (2013 or 14?). Unlike Garland, I still think that there's a spot for Dunn in our backline but only if he can produce his best footy consistently. We have nobody who can mind the bigger bodies and when his kicking and decision making is on song, it's a weapon. Maybe his demotion to the VFL at this point in his career will be the kick he needs going into next year? Or maybe it won't and we'll see him traded? It's difficult to know how much influence Roos had in making the calls to demote both Dunn and Garland for the majority of the year and I wonder whether Goody may give Dunn another chance. Like others, I think Garland's days are numbered. He is just that in between size player who doesn't have any real weapons and is incredibly inconsistent. If Dunn has a ripper Grand Final on Saturday, it'll certainly make things interesting.
  6. Disagree on all counts. At 22, he is built like a string bean and has very little aggression which is always a concern if you're a big guy and frankly he didn't really impress me at all yesterday. (That's not to say he won't improve). I can't see how the club would be after a guy like him with we have two under-developed ruckmen on the list already. We are after someone who has a fully developed body, who would offer more versatility than Spencer and who would potentially be able to play in tandem with Max. We definitely do not not need another young, underdeveloped, project player Ruckman.
  7. I'm talking about harbouring young players from interstate. Franklin didn't go 'home' did he? He went to Sydney after spending eight years at Hawthorn, winning flags and warding off interstate interest the entire time. How is it so hard to see that angle I'm coming from? Franklin going to Sydney is irrelevant.
  8. O'meara, Franklin, Coniglio, Nev Jetta. What an absurd thing to say. Well managed clubs keep their talent, no matter where they come from. Unless of course unforeseen circumstances arise which looks to be the case with Hogan. (Father's illness). You must be in a safe-jacket within a house built of mesh as we speak. Don't venture outside mate. Too many potential hazards are awaiting.
  9. Hey, I heard Hogan might be leaving? Did anyone else hear that? Regards STMJ
  10. The fact we got Weideman and Clayton as two first rounders and gave away this years irrelevant. Every year we should look to improve our draft position. Whether it's to get back into the first round or second round. It don't matter. The club will think of ways to package picks and players to improve our position, that should be obvious to anyone. Why would anyone think the club would be 'happy' with the picks we've got going into this year's draft? We want to improve don't we? Whether or not other clubs come to play will determine whether or not we improve our draft position.
  11. No, it would never have escalated that far. It was pure speculation and nothing else.
  12. That was never going to happen, no matter the talk.
  13. Good call, I've like some of his work this year. Reminds me a bit of Jake Lever in his build. Would happily rookie him.
  14. GWS are genuinely scary. They have arrived. But unlike any other young side we've seen that announces itself at some point, GWS have hordes of talent coming through together at the same time, rather than a handful like most other clubs. It makes me sick. Their list profile is unbelievable and they have an insanely well balanced team that is built for modern-day football. They have the running power of the dogs/port, they are are as skilled as anyone (other than Hawthorn) and they just beat the best contested ball winning side of the modern era in a [censored] qualifying final.
  15. Mate, if Hitler put on the MFC jumper you'd support him.
  16. Ps. Any way of being able to 'like' ones own posts?
  17. Jordie McKenzie finished 4th in our bnf in 2012 FYI. Polling well in a depthless and talentless side isn't reaaaaaallly a true reflection of the worth of any given player is it? Richmond's list resembles ours of a few years ago. Except for their top 4-5. The rest are utter poo.
  18. Hope you're on the mend. I'm feeling the love today. Look at me go.
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