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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. These kinds of opinions are equally as bad as the premature opinions about Watts. Arguing that Nic Nat may not be able to improve his football skills is the same as arguing that Watts may turn out to be an average AFL player. How about we just shut the F#*k up and enjoy the fact that we have both of these talented youngsters playing our great sport.
  2. Ahhh... I wouldn't go with that comparison just yet. Fiora and Pavlich? Masten and Morton? Morton hasn't shown any more than Masten at this stage.... Unless of course you are a biased Melbourne supporter which makes it nearly impossible to debate such issues or in this case comparisons. I will just assume you are a biased one-eyed melbourne supporter that loathes any player not wearing the red and blue. Man do I hate these kinds of posts.
  3. We don't have a Gysbert or a Pau Johnson at the MFC.
  4. Not trying to ruin the party or anything but I hate these "rate a player because of their disposal count" posts. I didn't watch the match and maybe he did play well and most of these disposals were effective. But that is all I care about. Players who really use the footy well. Not how many times they get it. This includes people that claim Morton is a star already. He is a high possession getter but doesn't always use the ball well. Hopefully he improves over the years. Looking forward to seeing him play this year.
  5. Just read it on the MFC twitter !!! So exciting !!! Go dee's !!!!
  6. I'm sorry Thomo but this is pathetic. In Davey's first couple of seasons, he wouldn't get within 5 meters of a contested situation. He would always be dabbing one hand or one foot in. Exactly the same can be said about Green. He used to be labelled soft in his early days because he would avoid putting his body on the line when it was needed. Now look at both of these players. While they are not Campbell Browns, they have certainly shown that they can put their body on the line when needed. Some players have a natural "no fear" style to their play and for others it comes after experience and confidence. Confidence in the body is a big thing too. Bennell is still very slight. There are far too many good thing's about Bennells game and dropping him would do nothing but lower his confidence. Point it out to him at the match review and tell him he needs to work on it. Bennell will be fine. He is in his second year of footy. Jesus !
  7. I will admit it. I have always been a critique of Bate and the type of player he is. Was worried that the game is too fast for him and he didn't have enough strengths to cover his weaknesses. Last night he blew my mind.... Fantastic Game Bate. Really stood up for us. Saw a bit of leadership from the big fella last night. Brilliant effort.
  8. I'm excited, but I also have some bad vibes for some reason. I really hope we are switched on because if we are a little off at the start then it could get ugly. Go dee's. Good luck Hughesy !
  9. MFC tragic's..... They are everywhere around here. Does he really have the ability to play in all those positions? Or is it the potential? He looks like a fish out of water in the forward line. His ruck work is average. The backline is where he has looked most comfortable. Malcom Blight's comments? Malcom Blight? Sweet Jesus. He is a liability in our 22 when he is played. The guy has miles of work left to do before he can even be considered a good footballer.
  10. What a refreshing and intelligent post. Please post more often. Edit: No sarcasm intended.
  11. Joel fitted into our teams needs? He has added experience to the backline and that's it. We have plenty of backs? Rivers playing for Casey this week is proof. We got him because he was the only worthwhile pickup in the pre season draft. A number of positions? Where else could he play? On Joel's form last year, nobody would have said he would get a game at Melbourne !!!! Nobody !!! It's not about current form jayceebee.
  12. He has had injuries as I said. I'm sure you are smart enough to know that players have ups and downs and sometimes need a change of scenery to reignite their career. I believe that Alwyn would flourish in a new environment. A new team such as Melbourne who's prospects are so positive and exciting and to play with his brother. Do I really need to explain that? Yes it may be a risk and he may not turn out but ffs the upside far outweighs the down if we were to get him for next to nothing. Easy to say in hindsight. He has reignited his career at the dee's it seems. Voss dropped him for the first final. Where are all you posters that state, "I will take the opinion of an expert over yours"? Honestly. Congrats to you Nasher if you rated him previously.
  13. I would have no problem picking him up in the NAB draft for a late pick or the pre season draft. Bar injuries, he is a very valuable player. Once again, no brainers on this site just cannot and will not see any value in a player that is not wearing a red and blue jumper. I wonder what you all thought of Joel Mac before he was picked up by the dees? If I had asked anyone what they thought of trying to get him to the dees last season, I can only imagine what the response would be..... Alwyn is a very good and dangerous player when fully fit. His issues with injuries is the only question mark I would have in determining whether or not we should go for him. Nothing worse than ignorant and biased Melbourne supporters.
  14. Bub, I agree with you to some extent. Enforcer and co. can critique you all they like but the true fact of the matter is that Jack Watts is a number 1 draft pick and all of this is a result of that single fact. All the talk about him, the fact that Natanui was in the same draft year, the pressure, all the media, the way the club are handling him and keeping him at Casey. It's all a result of this number 1 pick business. I think the club made a huge mistake playing him in the QB match last year and they know this. He will be kept at Casey until he gains some confidence and plays some good matches. If Jurrah was a number 1 pick, we would have treated him the same. Scully would have been the same had he still been at school this year and not able to do as much of a pre season and train as often. Your comparisons with Neitz and Fletcher are fair but once again it comes down to this number 1 pick. Who knows what will happen with Watts. All I can hope is that this bull#*$ doesn't affect his footy.
  15. Cool. Well I hope you don't cry yourself to sleep each night if one or a few of our draft picks don't become superstars. And with the criticism. It was more for players that have been on our list for a while and are still underperforming and making errors. Maric is still young. So how about wait along with the rest.
  16. Yes. I have my views on Watts. Every person has their own opinion which is fair enough. However, making comments like the one's that have been made about Tapscott/Watts, (and any Melbourne player as a matter of fact), makes me sick. I don't believe that Watts will become a superstar. I HOPE he does. I will never say to someone that he WILL become a superstar because not only is it complete guesswork from a one-eyed Melbourne supporter, it also adds this ridiculous weight of expectation on the player. I understand Watts has to have some expectation because he went at number 1. But we have seen number 1 draft picks in the past not always turn out to be Riewoldt's, Franklin's and Judds. So I ask people why they make these absurd comments!? Especially to a player like Tapscott who went at 18. Dunn went at 14 or something and he is barely in our best 22 and soon he won't be !!! I enjoy reading educated, non - biased posts on this forum from supporters of not only MFC but supporters of the game AFL. People that are realistic and can give criticism and praise to players when they deserve it. I do not enjoy people that make profound statements about players like that and I especially do not enjoy people that take offence to players that rightly deserve criticism.
  17. Thanks Rhino for deleting my post. I'm sorry you can't take criticism yourself.
  18. I love posts like these. He is going to be a superstar? Based on a highlights reel of the U/18 championship on youtube? Let him play a f@*#9ing game first ! Jesus.
  19. Read my post in the Bruce and Bate thread and you will see what I think pitmaster.
  20. If you read the whole thread you would embarrassingly realise that people on these forums ask for reasons why an opinion is made. If I had simply said, "A straight swap, Rivers for Garland," people would have asked me why Rhino. You do understand this yes? Just to let you in on something big guy, Rivers has had an injury and was nursed back through VFL. It's not a matter of which player they "prefer". Forums are made for exchanging ideas and having opinions Rhino. Thank you for your constructive post on this issue.
  21. Terry Toweling. Hold your horses. We beat Brisbane. By a lot. Many of their players didn't do well. Staker is their third best tall after Brown and Fev so of course he will not get the same supply. Whilst Garland did well helping out and leaving his man to contest other situations, I don't think he played all that well. He looked rusty, he gave away clumsy free kicks and when the ball was kicked to Staker, Garland was caught out on a number of occasions in the first half. All I am saying is, I would rather have Rivers in Garlands position at the moment. And I believe that's a fair enough opinion. Garland has missed a year of footy and you can tell.
  22. And your reply really indicates that you do have an idea Choko. What is wrong with what I stated? Please enlighten me?
  23. It's not about impatience. These threads are just as bad as the "bashing" threads as you call them. Bruce and Bate played exactly how they should have played last night and it's about time. In fact, I wouldn't have been surprised if Bails and the coaching staff had a stern chat to them both about standing up in this game. I expect Bate to play with this consistency from now on and the same goes with Bruce. I will continue to wine and moan if they drop off again next week and the week after. They have set the standard for themselves now. Nathan Jones is different. He has had a fantastic first 5 rounds and we can see that his disposal has improved tenfold. Terrific to see. Wouldn't surprise me if he was leading the bluey.
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