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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. It is very much like a merry-go-round with the player bashing/pumping... Happens every year. Thank god there is someone on here with a few brain cells.
  2. Apologies to the people that feel I am being a bit harsh. I think I am being realistic. Even if it is harsh. Collingwood game he had a quarter where he stepped up and hit a few targets. Please specify the guys ability. What does he have that is so unbelievably exciting? This is what annoys the hell out of me. Melbourne supporters that can predict how good he will be, how much ability/potential he has yet the same lot are the ones who say that Nic Nat will never be a good footballer and Rich has peaked. Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. Imagine putting the lot of you in front of a bunch of West Coast or Brisbane supporters and trying to discuss these issues? Ha ! Biased supporters. The best.
  3. Just so you know Rhino. Due to time constraints, I am unable to reply to every one of your rebuttals. It seems you have far too much time on your hands and for that, I will let you enjoy my lack of response. It's cute that you get a kick out of replying and criticizing so many posters on this site for thinking outside the square sometimes and proposing ideas. It seems you will only jump on board when the FD do. Sad really. I enjoy reading your band of merry men also, (Nasher, Enforcer and co.) It's enjoyable to read posts that give yours a tap on the bum. Keep them coming. Regards.
  4. Hurray for MFC ! Finally dropping Morton. Jaded, your comment about him 'maybe' being injured just proves that there are far too many who just can't seem to comprehend one of our "future stars" struggling. Cale Morton has rightly been dropped. There were a number of players that could have been dropped this week but Cale has given us barely anything the last few weeks. I don't think many demonlanders understand the game very well. Cale Morton needs to add more than just being able to "run all day" to his game. I really think it's sad how many people rate the guy so highly with no backing. Useless stats are used time and time again on this site. "Morton had 26 disposals on the weekend, he must be good". I have some advice for all who think this player is god. Go back and watch the last few games of ours and tell me the following. How much respect does he pay to his opponent? Does he win many contested possessions? Does he take many contested marks? Does he have an appetite for winning his own ball? Does he show much urgency to win the ball when the ball is in dispute? Does he tackle? Does he block for team mates? If your answer is "well not every player has to be an inside player or a hard nut" then tell me this..... When he accumulates possessions out in the open field, how effectively does he use the ball on average? Be honest and truthful. The problem is that Morton is nowhere near hard enough/ doesn't have the desire to play for his team mates to be an AFL footballer and he is nowhere near damaging enough by foot to be an outside player at this point in his career. He better bloody fix one of those problems soon. P.S. Dappa Dan - How wrong you are about rating Morton's kicking so highly.
  5. No he doesn't. His disposal lets him down and he needs to work on it as well as a few other things. Good that he got a taste, now he knows what's required. There was an article the other day about what stats AFL coaches believe are valuable etc. Jordie has shown us he can find the ball, but he hasn't shown us that he can use it well. Learn the game.
  6. Just thought of another example Nasher... Bennell. What's going on with the positional changes/experimentation there? Back then forward.... It has certainly done a great deal of damage to his development and game !
  7. Nice to know the thought is there. Isn't it Rhino....?
  8. Have a look at the James Frawley Thread. You said the above in reference to trying Garland forward and putting Frawley in the backline. This is even funnier. You have suggested a move for Rivers to go forward. Yet you think it's absurd trying Garland there..... How does that song go by Frank Woodley.....? "I might contradict myself, but at least I don't contradict myself"..... It was something similar as I showed above. Some pretty interesting thing's... Especially the moving of Rivers !!! Ha !! Sentence needs revising.
  9. Development can imply "experimenting". Good god. That is a ridiculous thing to say. Cale Morton is a perfect example. We play him and have played him in a variety of positions since drafting him. I would call that experimentation and it certainly hasn't hindered his development. Some players have natural positions and play them very well. Others can be used in a variety of positions. Awful post. It's so frustrating to see people so narrow-minded. The truth is, there would be nothing wrong with seeing how it goes for a game. Even half a game. It would hinder nobody's development. Rhino said the exact same thing about Frawley before he could crack a game. Bringing Frawley in was losing a strength and adding a weakness. Didn't want the defense "unsettled" or "meddled" with. But look what has happened. On top of that, Garland takes the third or fourth best forward? We can easily cover for him. Sweet Jesus. Too hard for some? To think outside of a tiny square box? Garland has played forward and would be much more comfortable playing there. Not only has Garland played forward before, but he is much more athletic and versatile as a player. Cheney is fairly one dimensional. Once again. The development of nobody would be hindered if we threw Garland forward for a game or two. If it didn't work, then fine, back he goes. However I see a lot of upside to the move, having a player that could potentially move forward and back depending on who we play. A coaches nightmare to match up on. Would be a perfect time to try this year as we don't even know what our forward line set up will be like. Yes you are correct. Switching the whole defence to the forward line, and the whole forward line to the defence is just as far fetched as trying out Garland as a forward for a game or so...... Ahhhh man.
  10. Not really. We were very lucky throughout the match. Collingwood kicked 22 points. Our midfield stepped up after the first quarter. They put pressure on Collingwood's ball users and in turn Collingwood found it hard kicking to a target. They tended to bomb the ball to contested situations and lucky for us we had a third man go up most times.
  11. You are contradicting yourself old timer. He has already said we have enough depth in our backline to cover for Garland if he went forward and you yourself have also pointed out that we have his spot covered by naming all those defenders above. ^ There would be nothing wrong with trying out Garland in the forward line and bringing someone like Cheney into the side. You are killing two birds with one stone having them both in the side. Garland - Adds a new string to his bow by playing forward. (Even though this was his position before being drafted) Cheney/whoever else - Will gain valuable game experience at AFL level rather than VFL. Garland is by no means our most important defender. He is versatile as most people know and moving him forward could be one of the greatest thing's MFC have done.
  12. Wow. No I just genuinely thought he did more bad than good. Oh well.
  13. Was just an off day for him in terms of his kicking... Nothing else to say is there? He is usually prolific. Nothing to worry about.
  14. I am not hating. I enjoy watching the development of Cale but I can't believe my eyes after reading what some of you guys are saying about his game !!! I'm hoping there are some who agree with me on this !
  15. Jaded, I enjoy what you have to say a lot of the time but I can't believe you are saying this. Morton does not enjoy one bit of rough stuff. There were a few instances today where he didn't go anywhere near hard enough. I'm very much on the opposite side. I thought he had a shocker today. Did some good things at times and his goal was nice but for the most part I thought he was nowhere near intense enough at going in for the ball, he panicked and turned it over a lot or put team mates under a lot of pressure. He was caught many times and had terrible awareness today. He was also far too loose on his opponent. (Brad Dick). I can see that Cale has some thing's going for him but today was not a great game and he needs to improve many areas of his game. Melbourne supporters please wake up.
  16. Look the word up in the dictionary and you will find out how. If you really want to debate this titan, it would be an argument on the definition and word "home". Not the place where he is currently living. There is a clear difference...
  17. There is your comparison. The funny one. Remember now? Read above. The dead horse is this argument Rhino, and you are the one flogging it as you are still struggling to interpret and make sense of what I have said. To really make thing's crystal clear for you I will explain again so we don't have to continue this pathetic squabble. I made the point that it makes perfect sense for melbourne supporters to be more concerned about Petterd leaving then anyone else on our list. I am not factoring in anything other than what Petterd wants. Nothing to do with whether or not the GC would prefer another player like Jamar or something. So, Petterd, who is from the Gold Coast, spent most of his childhood there (I am guessing), who's friends and family reside there and where he began playing football would naturally be thinking about both options. Added to this is the fact that he hasn't yet signed a contract extension with MFC. Thus, strengthening the belief that he is weighing up both options. This 'speculation', as you have described it Rhino can be nullified as Petterd has already stated that it would be fantastic to play with mates at home and have family and friends watching, (or something to that nature). On the contrary, we have also heard comments about him loving the MFC, having a close relationship with a couple of the players and stating something like 'having unfinished business with MFC" via twitter. With this information Rhino, it is fair and accurate to say that Petterd would be thinking about the two options. Do we have an agreement on this? So the 'speculation' Rhino. The 'speculation' would actually be about his decision and whether or not he is leaning toward one side. I have never suggested that he is more inclined to go or to stay. I have simply and plainly said as follows: "Melbourne supporters have the right to feel more concerned about the Petterd situation than any other on our list." As for your comparisons again. The Rich one. If you cannot see the obvious differences in scenario between Petterd and Rich, you need to seek medical attention. However, if it was an attempt at sarcasm, you should be doing stand up comedy and not spending 9,000 odd posts worth of time trying to argue with people on forums. I bid you good day.
  18. Oh man. How pedantic do you want to be. You know what I mean titan. Grow up. Once again.... Please read all posts I have made on this thread before you comment next time. Thank you in advance.
  19. He is good at doing that. I think it's what gets him off.
  20. No they weren't flat out sprints. Maybe around 70 %. They had been doing them before I arrived and Blease finished before Bail but it was good to see him running well at that pace after what has been said on here. He then went and did some stationary drills with a few other players like Newton and Meeson. Good to see Sylvia running but again it's only training. Not sure if he will play on Monday. Jones looked the goods from what I could see. That is the guess of an onlooker though so I am not saying he is a certainty by any means !
  21. Thought I would venture down to junction this morning to have a look at the boys train. Hadn't realised it was a closed session however so I was asked to leave about 30 mins in. Here is what I saw for any interested: * Blease and Bail both doing 100-200 meter run through's. (was good to see blease running strongly) * Jones was doing a bit of an agility test and then did some kicking and marking. Looked to be moving well. * Tapscott and Gawn were doing interval sort of training around the ground. Jogging and then sprinting etc. The main group then came out. * Jurrah was with them which excited me. Looked to be bouncing around. * Sylvia was running fine. I was then asked to leave by one of the staff. Definitely should have looked at the open session times on the site. Anyway. Thought I would share it. Good to see those injured guys out there training and looking sharp. Can't wait for Monday. Go Dee's
  22. No. That is my belief. All I said was that melbourne supporters have every right to be worried because of those factors. There is no overuse. You make silly comparisons and think for some reason that Petterd's situation is the same as any other player's. I gave the point a necessary flogging so pea-brains like yourself and Enforcer could see that Petterd's situation is quite a lot different to most other player's and in particular, the comparison you hilariously joked about. It seems you still don't understand.... Not to worry.
  23. Opinion on Cale: * Looks much more confident. (Seen him back back into a few packs, more of an appetite for the contested ball) * Looks to have grown into his body a little bit more and no longer looks like a stick creature. * With his improved confidence, you can see him willing to take risks with his kicking and a few have paid off. * Coming along nicely. Have always been a bit worried about his disposal but it looks like it's improving steadily.
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