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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." Oscar Wilde
  2. Ahh man the old "Gary Lyon" opinion on Bate. You just do that sir. Gary wouldn't be the only "expert" to be wrong about a player.
  3. I was more than content writing that amount of words. Yes I can't see the point debating each of his lines because a ) It will just ignite further debate and b ) I really can't be bothered/don't have time. He can rate him as highly as he likes. I don't see him as part of our future, unless he adds another dimension to his game.
  4. Dappa, It's just a case of opinion for the player. You rate him higher than I do and stats can work with him and against him. You seem to think that all my posts are negative. I have written many about players who excite me and I am extremely happy with the way thing's are going at the dees. You and a few other's seem to think I am a bit harsh on a couple of players because your opinion differs to that of mine. I have shared what I believe about Bate and there are plenty that don't rate him as highly as you. Just as there are plenty who rate him as highly as you ! The fact is that he is currently playing VFL football and is not in our current best 22. I am not saying that won't change but it is worrying for him. Let's see what happens Dappa. Him along with Morton who I am constantly told will become a 'superstar'.
  5. I think some fill the hole better than others. Hodge is known for floating into a pack to make a spoil or mark the ball and Rivers does it better than any other defender we have I believe. Grimes seems to be the one who may surpass him in years to come but I still think Rivers valuable because of his ability in that area. I agree with you that he lacks a bit of pace and his disposal can be iffy.
  6. Fair enough. Opinions, opinions. I guess we will see what happens in the next 6 - 8 years.
  7. You questioned how valuable a loose man role was and I answered you. I never compared Rivers to Hodge as a player and which one is of better quality. Rivers plays the loose man role very well. He plays on an opponent and has the ability to foresee when it is he should cut across and step into the hole. He plays that role better than anyone else in or side and that is why he is so valuable. I am not comparing other parts of his game to Hodge's but thank you for sharing that. I believe we have a solid backline at the moment and we don't need Warnock. Frawley to take Franklin. Garland to take Roughie. (will be fine on the lead but I worry about the strength of Roughie. Rivers to take Peterson or Skipper and help out Frawley and Garland when required.
  8. That's one thing we can agree on.
  9. Are you kidding? Luke Hodge? What role do you think he has played the last couple of years including their premiership season? I'm not sure if you have played football Rhino but a quality loose defender can be as handy as one that plays man on man.
  10. Your ego is setting in. Try and communicate like a grown up if that's what indeed you are claiming to be. On the Bartram issue. He has always had more strings to his bow if you are comparing the guy to Bate. The only problem he had was his decision making and kicking and both are much improved this season. Bate on the other hand has little going for him it seems. He can be a great kick from 40 +. He can take a good chest mark occasionally. But there is nothing else. Pressure off the ball, awareness, second and third efforts, ability to take a solid grab in a contest. As you have pointed out already rpfc, if he can't start imposing himself as a big bustling forward who is capable of taking big contested marks and kicking big bags of goals then he needs to work on other areas and shed some kegs.
  11. Interesting.... Guess we will wait and see. I have never rated Bate as much as most seem to here at demonland. Must improve other parts of his game if he wants to play one's, but he has never really looked like a natural footballer. I will say it again... He is not good enough to be a full forward type like Fev or Bradshaw and he is not good enough as a half forward flanker because he doesn't have the agility and mobility to play that role. I'm sure he would have been a great player a decade ago but the game has evolved and now needs fast, agile and skillful players. My two cents.
  12. We are indeed and it's great to see. Don't forget that so are they ! Think about the players they had out in round 1. Wasn't it Franklin, Hodge, Lewis, Brown and Bateman or something?! Enormous test this Sunday.
  13. So don't contribute? Pretty simple. No one wants to hear you expressing your surprise.
  14. No 'a' in boring my friend but thank you for your input Tez P.S. You wouldn't happen to be E25 but under another account name would you...?
  15. Very insightful opinion you have there E25. Anything more to add? Your knowledge of football astounds me.
  16. Not every time. And when Davey takes them, they are far more effective on average. Winning and losing games may not entirely come down to kick outs Jaded but the point of my post was that it is something we need to work on it seems.
  17. Remember it vividly. Was a complete fluke. haha.
  18. Missed the game last night but Collingwood are on top of the ladder and beat Geelong. They must be a bit more effective in most areas including kick outs, even if they bombed it last night. Maybe the kicks were to better advantage or something. Bit different. Fair enough. I tend to have a different opinion with both zones/setups and Garland kicking. Garland is an ok kick. Not bad and not great. AFL standard he is ok. Unless we had a clear break away, there would be no issue with Davey taking kick outs and then having time to gain possession in the middle and link up or kick inside 50. Seems like we have coped pretty well without him since he has been out Jaded !! We have won the last three !
  19. Glad we got away with a win today. Didn't look great early on and I think a big part of why we struggled was to do with our kick out setup or lack of one! It honestly looked like school boy footy. Garland bombing long to which ever side Jamar was on, hoping he would either mark it, or make a contest bringing the ball to ground in hope that some of our mids would feed off it. Firstly, why does Garland seem to be the designated kicker? Why doesn't Davey kick out? He has a far more creative and effective kick and when he took them today nearly everyone hit somebody. Secondly, what the hell is every other player doing? We have no setup whatsoever. Most players just seem to stand around waiting for the long kick to either side. There is no movement or leading from anyone ! It was honestly pathetic today, and although we won, had it been Hawthorn or any other quality team with decent disposal, we would have been smashed every time Garland went for the long bomb. To me it looks like there is no structure, setup, idea or whatever you want to call it and it's really worrying. I really hope from now on, Davey takes every kick out except for when there is a fast break and we can get it out quickly after a behind. Anyway. Just one thing that I thought needs a lot of improvement from today. Good to win again. Next week will be a huge test. Go Dees.
  20. Had another great game today. He probably hit more targets than most in our team and again was fantastic in the clinches. Jones has improved his kicking immensely. Don't know why some people still think he is "ordinary at best".
  21. Paul Johnson at his best could win a brownlow..... I mean c'mon...
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