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Posts posted by Seekers SEECAMP

  1. If he really wants to leave West Coast have no choice but to make a trade or lose him for nothing to then pre-season draft.

    I think our first round pick will be enough, especially considering it one of the first. Lets just hope that Judd nominates us as the club he wants to go too!

    Those of us on this site who don't know Judd personally would be reasonable in our assessment of his character to speculate that he would assist (as oppose to hinder) trade negotiations to ensure all parties are satisfied. FWIW, I doubt he will leave WC. If he does, & with our 'touchables' as a bargaining chip, we are not a chance.

  2. I think you'll find some people at board level have already started looking to the future.

    So how do you know that?

    The administration ( I presume you mean the CEO, yes??), has been busy trying to balance the ledger... but the PNL statements will only get harder to manage unless we manufacture some on-field success.

    If you are alluding to Judd being a chance for us next year...think again. Unless he has a momentary lapse of reason, Judd would command way too much for our small purse to handle...unless we are prepared to give big time. ...and so what exactly would you be prepared to part with? And would WC be interested?? If you reply to this post, try & be realistic!

  3. I have been one of his harshest critics for some years now, but he should still be allowed to serve out his contract. He has done his best and has spruiked hard for the club. It's just a shame he's a mediocre coach.

    Paul Garner has already positioned the club on Danihers future. He will serve out his contract.

  4. but we don't want to be starting with a new coach in '08 who hasn't had a head start with this group. I think it would be a good idea for a new coach ( presuming we can't get a MATTHEWS or a SHEEDY) to have at least 2 months (8 H & A matches to recognise what players he's got) to realise our strengths & weaknesses from the "inside".


  5. At half time we were doubling them, and I thought that they wrote the stats down wrong.

    We didn't seem to move the ball anywhere but sideways....

    Don't sound so surprised..thats our game plan and we've been doing that for 3 weeks now. Unless the penny drops somehow, get used to it.

  6. "Yep, it would have been nice to see someone like Newton or Buckley or Petterd show something, instead of a whole collection of hacks show nothing"


    Not sure that would have helped our cause today..but it would have been good to see what our stocks hold for the future. Mind you,how long and often have we been saying that.

    The brand of football we are bringing the the table in 2007 is worrying

    Hack players or not, from what I saw today nothing was going to save us. We were confused, unaccountable and with no semblance of a game plan. Even if our more talented players had been out there, from what I have seen of our first 3 games I fear it would have been sheer luck more than anything else if we had got over the line. There are major issues with how we are going about our business. And its not G rated.

    Another Barry Crocker.

  7. I would credit this Board under Gardiner as being responsible and sensible enough to have outlined their expectations for 2007. To achieve less than we did last year will see him go. Yes this Board is most "unMelbourne" aren't they.

    This will be the lithmus test. A high stakes decision is forecast at seasons end and will shed a far sharper focus on exactly whether this bunch has got what it takes.

    For now, I will hold my judgement, just as Gardner has.

  8. Sandy paly to win - not to develope MFC hopefuls.

    March 07 Tha AFL announced, in consult with all 16 AFL clubs to do away with club affiliations with the VFL etc.

    "Either way, all have endorsed the idea of doing away with the farm system and of reclaiming or, in the cases of the South Australian and West Australian sides, gaining total control over the welfare and development of players from draft day onwards".

    The sooner the better.

  9. How could he go into survival mode? If he does not get Top 4 he's gone.

    Are you certain this will be the case?

    The rub here is we don't have the list and haven't come anywhere near resembling anything like an premiership outfit for as long as I can remember. Never have.

    Would be most 'un Melbourne like' to step out of the familiar surrounds and charter new waters.

    A modicum of credit if we win? Highly Unlikely.

  10. This could have been the plan all along...

    Lull the opposition teams into a false sense of security by using the bad "run and carry" and then catch them by surprise by using the good "run and carry".

    It could explain this week's team selection. There are many players in the chosen team who are more than able to "run and carry" the ball.

    Watch out for big things this week…

    Clint, you must be on the "brains trust" panel at Melbourne?

  11. Also of concern was the Craig Hutchinson story with Russell Robertson in relation to his knee injury.

    6 weeks was absolute best case scenario, but 8 weeks was likely, with 10 weeks being the worst.

    It is obviously more severe than first thought.

    Which begs the question as to why he was allowed to return to the field again after the initial injury???

    Things just keep getting better.

  12. Of course.

    But even you must have a tinge of sadness should ND get the sack and disappear from our screens. At least he has a personality, and knows how to handle the media and what they're for.

    That said, I'll be the first to wave goodbye if we get a decent premiership coach hungry to have a crack at this list.

    Farnkly, I don't think he handles the media at all well.

    But yes Dappa , I'll join you in the ticker tape parade should the day come. ;)

  13. I think some of you guys are living in lala land.

    Best way to damage already damaged goods in Juice, is by playing him in a tight, aggressive and mentally tough Cat backline.

    Maybe youre right...and I can see youve psyched yourself out of the game before a ball has been kicked too.

  14. Of all the youngsters on the list, Petterd is the only one close to being ready for blooding. I would've considered Bucks, but with Bate and CJ so down on confidence at the minute, it would be irresponsible to play any other youngsters.

    Yep, La La Land.

    Its a lamentable scenario eh Finks..we have had 10 years under the present coach to develop a list and be a capable force and yet today we still find ourselves rehashing ancient plywood and squabbling over the mental fragility of our teenage future. La La land indeed.

  15. Brownie, JB and Newman were quick to say how well regarded he is by the players. Couldn't help but feel a bit bad after they said that. But only for a second.

    A second too long dappa.

    Balme was well liked too...even by the one and only Garry the great- hmmm. ..infact so much so Lyon hurled a major league hissy when Neil's head rolled from the block straight to the basket. But the meat in the sandwich here is simply that he could not coach!

    Who the hell are JB and Brown to the Mfc anyway? and what would they know? and I doubt Newman would bag the Rev straight to his face.

    Save for mediocrity, there is no room for soft heads and warm hearts in this caper.

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