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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. The thread was made in 2012 on the back of Neeld appointing 2 young captains.

    Since then, Neeld has been sacked and his young captains have barely gotten a kick, whilst Jones is on his way to another Bluey.

    Hopefully the next coach gets it right.

    So you wrongly equate leadership with being the best player in the side?

    You really think that if Jones was a half-decent leader he wouldn't have been made captain in their stead?

    Completely unsurprising.

    Just another who doesn't understand the concept of leadership and what is required.

    I'd wager London to a brick that you subscribe to the archaic notion that he best player should be captain.

    How quaint.

  2. The closest ground to the MCG which is in the City of Melbourne is also in Yarra Park. It is called the Richmond ground. Why can't we share with them? Everybody shares the "G" with us!

    Aim high FFS.

    You're aiming at the gutter...

  3. I reckon knowing his craft is a lot different to coaching it, and the Lions have failed to successfully develop a successor in his forward line, despite all the time he has missed with injury providing an opportunity.

    I doubt he'd be much interested in coaching either.

    Doesn't seem the type to me.

    Not sure what would tie Wellman to MFC now anyway.

    The club has changed it's training base, 99% of the staff, and only a handful of players would even know him.

    His only real ties would be to Garland and Frawley.

  4. Like I said, Clark will be fine.

    It's normal to have a bit of pain for a good few months after having a screw removed, as bone grows where the screw was.

    Kinda like mild arthritis.

    But structurally the lisfranc is sound.

    Just cautiously letting it heal completely and rebuilding his fitness after over a year off.

    • Like 2
  5. Lets hope it doesn't reoccur. Could be game over if it does.

    Extremely unlikely.

    This isn't like a hamstring tear where scar tissue can create a weakness.

    Clark will be fine.

    The club is just being overly cautious because of how important he is.

    • Like 2
  6. I wouldn't get your hopes up on Ratten.

    Assistant coaches rarely move on after only 1 year, unless there are extenuous circumstances.

    Ratten went to Carlton because of his ties to the club and the real opportunity to become head coach eventually.

    Ratten is winning at Hawthorn, experiencing a strong culture, and would not be stepping into the top spot at MFC.

    He's also not worth raving about.

    Let it go...

  7. Don't ignore the gargantuan effort West Coast have made in developing Naitanui.

    I've no doubt whatsoever that we wouldn't have invested even half the resources they have in developing him.

    We'd be lucky if he'd reached the level of Majak Daw by now - a handful of highlights, but not a lot of substance.

  8. What 316 clearly doesn't get, is that teams need Toumpas' type of player - highly skilled receiver - to be successful, as well as the Viney/Wines clearance winning type.

    Our problem is that while other teams develop their skinny outside types into hard running contributors, ours tread water.

    We need to develop them like other clubs have developed Walters, Wingard, Dal Santo, Griffen, et al.

    If any of those players ended up at MFC, they'd be gone by now.

    With the right development, a guy like Jamie Bennell had every chance of ending up just like Walters.

  9. We are talking about Joel Selwood, Luke Parker, Rory Sloane, Dustin Martin, Callan Ward, Ollie Wines, those types of players.

    There will always be room in the game for these players.

    The MFC probably decided that game no longer exists when they drafted Morton, Cook, Gysberts, etc.

    But, they forgot to take into account that the aim of the game is to score goals and to do so - you actually have to get the ball.

    Todd Viney appears to be on the right track, Terlich and Jones were great pick ups and good on him, he has done an amazing job.

    No you're not, you're talking about players being villains.

    You type so many words, yet say so little.

  10. I've not seen any evidence of CC doing ANY good work at the club.

    He was a good spruiker at events, but it wasn't really important to his role at all.

    The club seemed to realise that after Bailey's sacking, as he was moved into more of that role & kept away from the footy dept.

  11. Hogan and Viney play aggressive football, they are men's men.

    Trengove is a girl, Toumpas is a girl, Cook, all these guys you probably love - Morton, I could probably roll on.

    I don't care how seriously you take me, but Nathan Jones should be captain and Viney and Hogan are cut from that cloth.

    The trouble with MFC is that we have too many skirts on our list.

    Do you think Tom Scully was worried on the weekend, that he would feel a hit? Not in the slightest.

    Intelligent rebuttal...

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