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Everything posted by M_9

  1. Currently TAB Sportsbet have Sydney $1.42 and Brisbane $2.75 which translates to Sydney 35 Brisbane 65 in my set up. (and that's markedly different from my Sydney 60 Brisbane 40 I think I was going on Swans shouse performance last week when I posted the weights and forgot that the Lions have nothing to play for (but I still think they;ll win)
  2. I'd like to see how others would weight Sydney v Brisbane. Throw up some figures please people and we'll see how much we vary.
  3. The whole point is that this concept is different because of the amount of movement re the leaderboard from week to week, with punters scoring anywhere from 80 to 400 points. It's a pretty complex piece of software consisting of a MySQL database (10 tables) plus 17 files with over 3300 lines of code in total (php and HTML). Trust me, it would be difficult to change the program too much. Odds can always be converted and rounded to the nearest 5 whilst adding to 100.
  4. I like to get the games up early in the week - Sunday night or Monday morning when I enter results. When do Sportsbet odds come out? Also the two weights must total 100 and go in steps of 5 so maybe Geelog 5 West Coast 95, Essendon 85 St Kilda 15 etc
  5. Geez. You're making it complicated! If Demonland choose to run with it next year you may be the person to frame the weights?! There's just so many factors involved with AFL (coin toss re wind advantage, team make-up that you don't know about until the last minute). I'd be interested to know your weights for this round. Sydney v Brisbane one of the harder ones.
  6. Essentially the weights are static. You can adjust them but it's a matter of accessing the database, and probably more fiddly than it's worth. I may look at adding an option for the Admin (you might need to help me with a bit of SQL Nasher )
  7. Thanks for the tip Deanox. I'll definitely add that, probably as a pop-up window. Re the weightings - I just pluck the numbers out of my head! I've been running the program for 3 years on my local club site (http://www.torquaytigers.com.au) and it's been really well accepted by the few who've bothered to enter (14 this year). Last year a Demonlander picked up $60 for second place. My Dees mate DemonRay will collect $100 this year for first (unless he falls over this round). I reckon someone will sponsor it if it runs on Demonland next year. Re the weights. As I have to put the matches up Monday morning there's a fair bit of guess work involved (injuries, tribunal etc). You could leave it until later in the week, but I don't think it's a big deal. You can go in steps of 5 eg Geelong 5 West Coast 95 Sometimes I adjust the weights with the idea of someone being able to catch up by picking the upset correctly. I had the Dees as an upset when we beat Freo and got a total of 460 points that week. I'll publish the stats for this season on my site next week - High score, Low Score, Median etc. DemonRay leads but I don't think he's won a round this year.
  8. I've been running an on-line comp for the last 3 years and I'm toying with the idea of putting out in the marketplace next year. It's a bit different from your usual comp in that the teams are weighted. I've offered a free copy to Demonland to run next year. It's the same software as is used for this board, so it shouldn't be hard for them to configure. Management takes about 10 minutes per week. My weightings for round 22 are Fremantle 70 v Collingwood 30 North Melbourne 30 v Port Adelaide 70 Geelong 10 v West Coast 90 Adelaide 50 v Western Bulldogs 50 Carlton 70 v Hawthorn 30 Sydney 60 v Brisbane Lions 40 Melbourne 80 v Richmond 20 Essendon 80 v St Kilda 20 So for example, if you pick the Dees and we get up you get 80 points As well as your 8 selections you have to pick a certain winner (double points) and an upset (1.5 points) I'd appreciate it if a few Demonlanders could take 5 minutes to register and tip. I've disabled the activation link so any email address will do. Have a go. You may have probs if you're using IE6. Click here I'd appreciate it if you could PM me with any problems (or post here) Cheers, M9
  9. Geez, did I get on here first? Cameron the man in an about turn.
  10. I've barracked for the Dees for 40 years and pay for premier membership every year. I travel interstate at leat 3 times every year. I go to ever Club function (B&Fs, the lot). I live in Torquay and have to put up with the crap I read about the Handbaggers every day. But I'll tell you all something for nothing - being equal favourites for the wooden spoon is dead right, We were flogged today by a team missing their best 4 - Ablett, Scarlett, Chapman and Harley. Three winners today only - Bell, Meesan and Buckley. The rest were crap. Don't be conned by what other posters might say. How Yze can be elected leader is beyond me. He's only interested in kicking 'miracle' goals'. We were made to look stupid today and if you believe any different you're living in gaga land.
  11. I'll be sure to get a video of the many Dees and 'Roos supporters sitting at Jupiters watching a match some 1000km away. I've been a passionate Dees man for more than 40 years, and back the club to the hilt, but the AFL is fast losing me, and any more stunts like this I'll towel it and follow my local club. You've cost me at least $400 Demetriou you bastard. :angry:
  12. What a bunch of prix. Myself and two mates make at least 2 interstate trips a year, and have booked flights (Virgin) and accommodation (both non-refundable). Demetriou said early Roos games would not be shifted because of fans like ourselves. Many Roo supporters would have taken advantage of cheap Tiger flights, and I know of three other Dees fans who did.
  13. The fact that a 31-year old in Junior has won our last two B&F's is an indication of where our list is at. Virtually all of our senior list are well past their best - White, Neitz, Yze, Holland, McDonald, Robbo, Green, Bruce, ... the list goes on, have played their best footy. You could easily add Moloney, Carroll, Wheatley and Miller to that list. Frawley, Garland, Bode and Buckley have shown little, if anything. $4 with the Toigs is about right. I love the Dees, but FFS get realistic.
  14. It's DB - just announced on SEN in press release from MFC
  15. I've just been corresponding with WJ re tipping sites. I ran one last year and I think I've got all the bugs out. I'm happy for Demonlanders to have a go at it (no charge). It's a bit different in that teams are weighted. Here's an extract from the rules: # The object of this competition is to accumulate points. Points are awarded by correctly choosing a winner. For instance, let's say the game is Carlton vs. Geelong and the points are awarded as 80 for Carlton and 20 for Geelong. You choose Carlton and they win. Then you get 80 points. But if Geelong wins, you receive 0 points. # For each game, the underdog team will be awarded more points than the favorite. So in the above-mentioned game, Carlton is the underdog. Also, all points for each game will add up to 100. # In the event of a draw no points will be awarded for that match. # For an upset special, you will be able to choose among a list of underdogs. If your chosen underdog ends up winning, you get 1.5 times the points possible for that game. Say it was the same Carlton-Geelong game as above. You choose Carlton as your upset special and they win. Therefore you would receive 1.5 X 80 = 120 points. However, if your upset special does not win, you receive 0 points. # Choosing the certainty of the week is almost same as the upset special. The only difference is that you receive twice as many points and you can only choose among favorites or teams in even (50-50) games Join up and have a go (repeat - no cost!!) http://www.torquaytigers.com.au/Footy_tipping/
  16. M_9

    Round 1 Team

    My mail from a reliable source is (quote) 'Yze is causing problems as won't play for Sandy because of the consecutive games record' I know it's been done to death, but it'll be very interesting to see ND's stance should Adem fail to show something against the handbaggers.
  17. http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/com...5E19742,00.html Go the 'nator!
  18. http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/com...5E19742,00.html -and hopefully picking up a few new supporters along the way.
  19. http://www.realfooty.theage.com.au/realfoo...3166987116.html "Chewy" (Hawthorn supporter) on bigfooty Finks - what's the go there? You'd better explain yourself!
  20. In case you missed it: (a 1.4Mb swf file) http://www.torquayfc.com/index.php?option=...&task=view&id=7
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