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The first thing I remember about footy is the peanut seller who used to ply his trade at Princes Park carrying a large Hessian bag full of shelled peanuts but there's nothing else about my debut appearance at a VFL ground that rebounds from the memory banks.

I remember things from my teenage days like the rough and tumble gasometer wing at Arden Street, the foul stench of the toilets in the outer at Windy Hill, the tasteless, colourless hot dogs at Victoria Park, the engine drivers sounding their sirens as the trains whizzed past the sardine can shaped Glenferrie Oval and the creaky wooden stands at Albert Park where South Melbourne used to play. Later still, there was the perpetually boggy Moorabbin Oval and the rain swept VFL Park at Waverley while nowadays you have the toffy bars at the Dome but there's absolutely nothing like the M.C.G.

The place is the very pinnacle not only of football grounds but also of international cricket and other sports. I reflect on the ground at this time because it's only a matter of weeks since it held crowds of close to a hundred thousand on successive weekends of the AFL finals series.

However, the one ingredient that was sadly missed at the MCG was the presence of the club that was founded there and that has called the ground its home for almost 150 years. Are we ever going to relive the glory days of the Melbourne Football Club when the team was a power of the competition playing at the best ground in the country, the best in the world?

Yesterday, on the fourth day of trade week, the new Demon regime headed by coach Dean Bailey sent a message to its players, supporters and the football world at large. The players who represent the club will be part of a brave new world of football – a changed landscape where the team will be expected to play the game with passion. The game of football will no longer be simply a ritual at Melbourne – the new management means business. The kind of business you do in the month of September at the M.C.G.

On the day when Carlton and the Eagles finally put the Judd Saga to rest, the Demons completed two deals of their own.

In the first, they gave away their most talented footballer, a man with silken skills and unbridled ability to play the game at the highest level. Travis Johnstone put in ten years at the club but for all of his ability, he never really reached the dizzy heights one expects these days from a number one draft pick. Recently Paul Roos was talking up Jude Bolton and he mentioned that his player would not be traded cheaply because he had finished in the top ten of the club best and fairest for three years in succession. Despite his undoubted talents, Johnstone had done that on only three occasions in his decade at the club, albeit that in 2005 he actually took home the "Bluey". However, given that when the 2008 season starts he will be nudging 28 years of age -well past the club's under 23 benchmark for the concentration of its football talent - Trapper was let go to Brisbane after representing the club 160 times for a first round draft selection at number 14. That's life in modern day football.

On the same day that it shed itself of a player recruited in the first round of a national draft, Melbourne also gained a first rounder in 21 year old 201 cm tall ruckman John Meesen who has had an altogether different history to that of Johnstone. Originally from the Geelong Falcons, Meesen was a first round selection for Adelaide at pick number 8 in the 2004 National Draft but he managed to feature in only two AFL games for the Crows and neither of them was anything to write home about.

He played most of his football in the City of Churches playing for the SANFL's Redlegs – Norwood Football Club where he must have come under Bailey's notice when the new Demon coach was an assistant at Port Adelaide. Hopefully, he can bring out the best in what he saw at that level and manage to develop his player into a leading ruckman in the AFL competition because Melbourne's ruck stocks badly need a boost with Jeff White entering the twilight of his career.

Given that big men take a while to develop, the Demons are banking on him coming of age and blossoming as an AFL ruckman in the next couple of seasons. Meesen is ready, willing and keen and displayed that by telling the club’s website Melbournefc.com.au, "I am really thrilled to be joining the Melbourne Football Club and can't wait to get stuck into pre-season training on October 31."

General Manager of Recruiting and List Management Craig Cameron said, "[w]e are very pleased that we were able to strike a deal to get John to join the Club. John is an outstanding runner and at only 21 years of age, has plenty of potential to become a long term player with the Melbourne Football Club."

A nice welcome but the trading away of a talented footballer and introduction of a relatively untried young ruckman are not of themselves enough to inspire the possibility of a return to the finals. Surely, there's more?

Speaking on SEN however, Cameron indicated that that there was nothing on the table for tomorrow's final four hours of trading before the week's activities draw to a close at 2.00pm. Naturally, he couldn't entirely rule out the possibility of more exchanges because there's always a chance of a last minute deal on the final day of trade week.

Whether or not there is more to come as a result of the final day's trading really begs the question where Melbourne is concerned. Since Bailey was appointed coach, he has signalled a change in (I hate using this word but I will here) "culture" at the Melbourne Football Club with his delistings and his fearless approach to trading. The main problem with the club on the field in recent years has been the inconsistency of its performance. There are moves afoot to ensure that the problem is overcome and that the team will finally find itself on more solid ground.

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Speaking on SEN however, Cameron indicated that that there was nothing on the table for tomorrow's final four hours of trading before the week's activities draw to a close at 2.00pm. Naturally, he couldn't entirely rule out the possibility of more exchanges because there's always a chance of a last minute deal on the final day of trade week.
That's a very, very interesting asessment and you present an extremely positive outlook fot the club going forward and I agree what you say about this heralding a significant change of direction.

Still, most supporters don't or won't understand this and today's Hun has a story about a backlash from Demon fans over the trading of Travis a la the Shane Woewodin situation.

I can't help but think that it would be beneficial for us to swing another trade or two in order for the trade week to be regarded fully as a success. I think St. Kilda have had a good week pulling off the deal that landed Adam Schneider and Sean Dempster who are both aged 23 and both premiership players. If Buchanan is still on the table I'd be making a play for him today.

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With the draft almost over a few things seem to be clear.

1) Bailey is a man who is not scared to make the changes he feels are necessary. Getting rid of plenty or older talent with brown, godfrey, ward, trav, biz. I thought brown had another year left but hey maybe it was time. So we seem to be starting fresh...which is most likely the right move.

2) Jamar and PJ are not going to be Melbourne no. 1 rucks when white leaves. With the pick up of Meesen it seems that Jamar is dead weight as he can't play forward or back. Not to mention PJ has a very long way to go.

3) Bailey seems to not be worried about our crappy backline. We have rivers coming back but Bailey was ready to get rid of Carrol. This seems odd as we really have very little doing down back. Carrol, Wheatly, Wealen, Rivers, Bell wouldn't really scare any strong forward line. Does this mean he will pick up another backman with pick 14?

4) Brad Miller is a survivor. How that man can keep on staying around the club is amazing. I will put it down to him having passion and being a good clubman behind the scenes. I have no idea why they wanted him so bad and I would have taken schneider from sydney in a heartbeat.

So what do we expect...is melbourne being groomed for the finals next year or are we doing a rebuild from the ground up. Personally I just want to see a huge change in culture and if we are lucky a real star to emerge. Nietz is going soon and brock likes to hit people in other countries so who will step up this year. We know little about Bailey’s big picture so the choices made over some players are a few clues. I seems hard to really know what his major plan is but if he beat out every other coach for the job I hope it's a really good one. I guess we can wait and see but some moves are a bit odd.

I just hope we aren't settling for an average 'Lets just give the kids a go' year. Lets aim for allot more in our 150th year with our only 300 gamer as captain! This really needs to be a big year for the Dees...might have to buy a membership. Nah stuff it, Brad Miller can buy one for me. It’s the least he can do!

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A sound analysis, Bender.

I must confess, with our horror injury run, I was taking our 2006 form as more indicative of the state of our list, but Bailey seems to be going for a rebuild. His focus is quite clearly on the 22 year-old group. While it's kind of sad that the Bruce-Green generation is no longer the centre of our group, I think it's a very positive step forward. I love Cameron Bruce, but is he a Premiership captain? I often wondered.

I think Meesen is an excellent pick. You're right about PJ and Jamar. Meesen is a real future pick, and I like that.

The backline does worry me. As does faith in Miller. I am beginning to wonder if the "potential" he shows (eg in the much-vaunted Fremantle Semi in 2006) is actuall "Miller playing out of his skin". That said, Daniher and Bailey and obviously Paul Roos must see something in him and in Bailey's case, he is entitled to make decisions as coach and we should judge them by their outcomes. Who would have thought that David Rodan would have become the player he was at Port this year? I'd say that's a tick for Mark Williams even though he would have been slammed for it at the time.

But back to the backline. I think Ryan Ferguson, as much as I love him, doesn't have it in him to be a key position backman. And if Bailey's willing to get rid of Carroll, that really only leaves Rivers. Who is obviously a gun and possibly our most important player. Draftees are generally not up to key position play in their first couple of years, so my speculation is Miller at fullback next season, with Bailey perhaps hoping for a Campbell Brown-esque resurgence. Does Miller have it in him? A couple of towellings of Barry Hall would say yes. But far more numerous disappointments might say no.

Again, Bailey seems to know what he's doing so let's let him do it.

And stay tuned for 2008 - The Year Of The Syl.

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The Kangaroos have snaffled Magpie midfielder Ben Davies in return for pick No.96.

It's a fire sale down at the Cattery. Geelong has sent Tim Callan and pick 66 to the Dogs for pick 62.

If you like draft picks, then this is the deal for you - the Dogs and the Eagles have just swapped a bunch of selections in next month's draft. The Dogs get picks No.30, No.35 and No.62. In return, the Eagles get picks No.22 and No.54.

The Bulldogs and Crows have finally done the Ben Hudson deal. The Bullies get Hudson and pick No.43, the Crows pick up picks No,30 and No.38 from the Dogs.

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The Dog and Eagle trade seems absurd.

i guess eagles have their eyes on someone they feel will go early in 2nd round.

fair enough premiers, thought it'd just be easier for you

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The Dog and Eagle trade seems absurd.

What's on the afl site is not right - big f'ing surprise!

It has the Dogs picks going to Adelaide and WC.

Big Footy has this:

Hudson and Pick 44 to Bulldogs

Picks 30 and 38 to Adelaide

Picks 30, 35 and 62 to Dogs

Picks 22 and 54 to Eagles

Pretty bad when the official site is trumped by BF!

My interpretation is the Eagles wanted 22 and are not going to use the later pick (apparently a rule change allows this)

The Dogs get 30 to give to the Crows and keep 35 rather than just hand over 22 to the Crows

Yes it's a bit complex ...

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Sam Power to the Roos in exchange for Pick 48.

Seems everyone's getting in on the act. Someone better tell those no nothing recruiting managers the draft is only 25 deep.

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What's on the afl site is not right - big f'ing surprise!

It has the Dogs picks going to Adelaide and WC.

Big Footy has this:

Hudson and Pick 44 to Bulldogs

Picks 30 and 38 to Adelaide

Picks 30, 35 and 62 to Dogs

Picks 22 and 54 to Eagles

i don't understand, there it has pick 30 going to adelaide and the dogs

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How hopeless in afl.com.au?

Every year they stuff up the draft coverage

and now "Trader Tracker" is way behind (no Callan or Davies trade up) and wrong (Dogs/Eagles/Crows picks)

When I go to www.melbournefc.com.au I still get some pre-season story about Daniel Ward's gambling problems - does anyone else get this too?

WTF is going on down there?

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I think a lot of these trades are about getting a player (that is very much fringe/going to be delisted) to the team they want to go to rather than forcing them to risk going through the preseason draft. Basically the teams are thanking the player for their service by helping them get where they want to be.

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From AFL website:


Adelaide receives: Sydney’s round two selection (currently No.28).

Sydney Swans receive: Martin Mattner.


Carlton receives: Chris Judd and West Coast’s round three selection (currently No.46).

West Coast Eagles receives: Josh Kennedy and Carlton’s round one and two selections (currently No.3 and No.20).


Adelaide receives: Melbourne’s round three selection (currently No.37).

MelbourneFC receives: John Meesen.


Brisbane Lions receive: Collingwood's round one selection (currently No.14).

Collingwood receives: Cameron Wood.


Brisbane Lions receive: Travis Johnstone.

MelbourneFC receives: Brisbane Lions' round one selection (currently No.14).


Adelaide receives: Brad Moran.

Kangaroos receive: Adelaide's round three selection (currently No.37).


Adelaide receives: Brad Symes.

Port Adelaide receives: Adelaide’s second round selection (currently No.28).


Richmond receives: Jordan McMahon.

Western Bulldogs receive: Richmond's round two selection (currently No.19).


Sydney Swans receive: Henry Playfair.

Geelong receives: Sydney's round three selection (currently No.44).


St Kilda receives: Adam Schneider and Sean Dempster.

Sydney Swans receive: St Kilda's round two selection (currently No.26).


Richmond receives: Mitch Morton.

West Coast Eagles receive: Richmond's round two selection (currently No.35).


St Kilda receives: Steven King and Charlie Gardiner.

Geelong receives: St Kilda's round six selection (currently No.90).


Adelaide receives: Western Bulldogs picks No.30 and No. 38.

Western Bulldogs receive: Ben Hudson and Adelaide’s pick No.43.


West Coast Eagles receive: Western Bulldogs picks No.22 and No.54.

Western Bulldogs receive: West Coast Eagles picks No.30, No.35 and No.62.


Western Bulldogs receive: Tim Callan and Geelong's fourth round selection (currently No.66).

Geelong receives: Western Bulldogs' fourth round selection (currently No.62).


Kangaroos receive: Ben Davies.

Collingwood receives: Kangaroos' round six selection (currently No.96).


Kangaroos receive: Sam Power.

Western Bulldogs receive: Kangaroos' third round selection (currently No.48).


Carlton receives: Richard Hadley.

Brisbane Lions receive: Carlton's fourth round selection (currently No.52).

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if people look at all the trades, the only player to fetch a first rounder was Judd, Wood and Johnstone!!!

judd is the best player in the afl at 24yrold

Wood is a 20 yrold extremely highly rated ruckman- ruckman always have huge currency...Jolly got us pick14 remember!!!

Johnstone- 28 yrs old- brilliant at times, but pretty inconsistent...

in the perspective of trade period, pick 14 was a great get.

hopefully we use it well

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