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Cousins Gone


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thread was posted on bigfooty Sunday night asking the question "is there an iceman in the AFL?" before the cousins thing started, saying that it will come out soon. different journo's have stated on radio this week that the difference between ben cousins the brownlow medal winner and his current physical condition over the last week is astounding

andrew rule was hinting at a "rumour" that chris judd has given the WCE board and heirarchy an ultimatium

fix this drug problem, or im not playing for west coast ever again

west coast have a long running issue with drugs, why did andrew embly try to belt daniel chick, whom ben cousins has been staying with recently?

Well thats an absolutely salivating prospect, because I don't think the Eagles can fix the problem, it runs a lot deeper than just Cousins and their track record is diabolical. To address the issue they could potentially lose three or four of their top ten or lose the best player in the land.... hmmm. Interesting how two weeks ago the Eagles and AFL were basically denying there was any drug problem at all, and now without anything actually being admitted the whole thing looks set to crash down around their ears. Could we see Judd playing in the red and blue.... I'm saying my prayers.

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I'm a bit skeptical about this. Expect Cousins to miss round 1, maybe round 2 and 3, and be back in the side by at least round 4 (I expect earlier than this though). This suspension will give him a bit of a jolt, and if rumours are true (none of which have any basis by the way, we're all just hypothesizing at the moment) he should probably be sacked.

But the Eagles were soft on Kerr and will be too focused on winning another flag to waste a talent like Ben Cousins in the stands. It's just a shame that a club with such a [censored]-weak culture has enough talent on its list to win a flag, whilst other clubs with good honest workers like us, the kangas or bullies can't throw around the type of money the Eagles can.

In a one/two team town (?Freo considered a 'Perth' team), these guys are treated like and think they are royalty. It's time they grew up, and the only way they will is if their board hands out harsher penalties to ANYONE caught transgressing (star or not). I have heard numerous stories from people in Perth about the arrogance and behaviour of WCE players out on the town. I may be wrong, but I highly doubt Cousins' punishment will be anywhere near harsh enough. As I said, 1 or maybe two games out and he'll be back again, dominating the competition. And Even if his team-mates do learn a lesson from this (which I hope they do), I still can't see the punishment being much harsher than what I've stated. After all, winning is the name of the game. And West Coast can't afford to lose games - their public will simply not accept it.

I too am very unconvinced about the severity of Cousin's suspension. He could be back for round 1 in my humble opinion. He's too good a player for the Eagles to leave out .

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I too am very unconvinced about the severity of Cousin's suspension. He could be back for round 1 in my humble opinion. He's too good a player for the Eagles to leave out .

Heard or read today (can't remember which), that Worsfold has spoken to Cousins, who has vowed to do his best to fix his problems and will speak again with the coach in a week. Wouldn't be surprised if he's back at training after that conversation... Let's just wait and see, but me thinks the coach is paving the way for a swift 'resolution' to the problem. Don't think round 1 is realistic, as that would be perceived as far too soft by the football public, but round 2 is not out of the question. As you said, "he's too good a player for the Eagles to leave out".

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Heard or read today (can't remember which), that Worsfold has spoken to Cousins, who has vowed to do his best to fix his problems and will speak again with the coach in a week. Wouldn't be surprised if he's back at training after that conversation... Let's just wait and see, but me thinks the coach is paving the way for a swift 'resolution' to the problem. Don't think round 1 is realistic, as that would be perceived as far too soft by the football public, but round 2 is not out of the question. As you said, "he's too good a player for the Eagles to leave out".

If the rumours are true, and Cousins really is addicted to a certain drug, than he'll be lucky to make it back onto a football field.... ever!

I don't think a lot of people truly understand the severity of the situation. The guy appears to be a drug addict, it's not a problem you solve in a week or three. It is a serious, life-threatening issue, and if West Coast has any shred of decency, they won't worry about getting him back on the field ASAP, they'd worry about getting him clean and sorted, and that could take months or years.

Everyone is watching them now, including the AFL. They'd have a lot of questions to answer if in three or so weeks Cousins makes a miraculous recovery from a problem he's had for a long time now.

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If the rumours are true, and Cousins really is addicted to a certain drug, than he'll be lucky to make it back onto a football field.... ever!

I don't think a lot of people truly understand the severity of the situation. The guy appears to be a drug addict, it's not a problem you solve in a week or three. It is a serious, life-threatening issue, and if West Coast has any shred of decency, they won't worry about getting him back on the field ASAP, they'd worry about getting him clean and sorted, and that could take months or years.

Everyone is watching them now, including the AFL. They'd have a lot of questions to answer if in three or so weeks Cousins makes a miraculous recovery from a problem he's had for a long time now.

Completely agree, and well said. If he is really an addict of the drug everyone is implying then that is very, very bad news for Ben Cousins. I've seen first hand what that drug does to people, so if he's in deep then you can forget about seeing him this season, and possibly forever.

This is not the time for West Coast to concern themselves with getting Cousins back on the field. Yes, their primary business is to win premierships, but they also have a social responsibility to their players. The last thing in the world this guy needs right now is the pressures of professional sport. His head is in the wrong place right now.

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If the rumours are true, and Cousins really is addicted to a certain drug, than he'll be lucky to make it back onto a football field.... ever!

I don't think a lot of people truly understand the severity of the situation. The guy appears to be a drug addict, it's not a problem you solve in a week or three. It is a serious, life-threatening issue, and if West Coast has any shred of decency, they won't worry about getting him back on the field ASAP, they'd worry about getting him clean and sorted, and that could take months or years.

I don’t think he appears to be a drug addict. He appears to have been hit really hard by the break up of his gf and is venting it by going out and getting trashed as a way to not have to deal with his problems. Having emotional issues and taking drugs may mean your messed up but he certainly should not be labelled as a "drug addict’

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I don’t think he appears to be a drug addict. He appears to have been hit really hard by the break up of his gf and is venting it by going out and getting trashed as a way to not have to deal with his problems. Having emotional issues and taking drugs may mean your messed up but he certainly should not be labelled as a "drug addict’

The fact is we dont know. But the severity of incidents are disturbing and reflecting a destructive manner and perpetual lack of judgment. There is sufficient room for concern that he may well be.

Worsfold said the problems have been evident with Cousins since July last year on the track.

Cousins has had a number of problems dating pre the booze bus incident in early 2005.

His girlfriend issue appears the outcome of these behaviours not the cause.

Having emotional issues and taking drugs because of them goes along way to gettting to a form of addiction.

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a question to those better informed...

Am not for one moment suggesting Cousins is indeed guilty of drug offences, thats for courts and such to decide.

What is the AFL's stance regarding penalties for drug offences of the nature suggested ( but not substantiated to date ) to have happend in the Cousins instance.....i.e should a player test postive for substances such as Meth Amphetamines etc.

does the three strike ideology still apply..and what happens at the third strike ?

Surely something of this nature must bring the game into disrepute. The AFL seem remarkably ( if not typically ) quiet on all fronts

On a personal front transgressors should be encouraged to and assisted in getting help.

On a professional footing, dismissal is the only outcome, zero tolerance.

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I stand by what I said.

Back page of th HUN today, "Besieged WCE coach John Worsfold was emphatic yesterday he wanted banished superstar Ben Cousins back at the club and hoped it could be within a month..."

They WILL be soft.

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I stand by what I said.

Back page of th HUN today, "Besieged WCE coach John Worsfold was emphatic yesterday he wanted banished superstar Ben Cousins back at the club and hoped it could be within a month..."

They WILL be soft.

Couldn't agree more.

Worsfold is part of ther cultural issue at West Coast -lambasting critical journalists, demanding good press coverage, not taking criticism etc.

he walked out of a conference only last week.

The amusing irony of all this, if it was such a serious matter for Cousins,

is that Worsfold is a Pharmacist by profession.

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If the rumours are true, and Cousins really is addicted to a certain drug, than he'll be lucky to make it back onto a football field.... ever!
I wonder if we have any specialists in this field available to tell the story of what drug addiction can do to some people? {edit: I think we all know the answer to that - it can kill you or even worse, spare your life and leave you a vegetable and that's what Cousins and his family and friends are possibly facing right now}

In my experience in the legal field I understand that the problem is not just the addiction to a particular substance, it's also the chemical effect which the substance could have on a person's mind. Problem is that for some, these drugs have minimal effect; for others it could mean that their brains are pickled forever. Leaving aside our club loyalties, I think we should be hoping for Cousins' sake, if he is hooked, that he hasn't gone beyond the point of no return.

I don't like preaching on this subject but anyone who tells you a particular drug isn't harmful or is just as harmful as alcohol or cigarettes - run away from them as fast as you can.

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Worsfold is part of ther cultural issue at West Coast -lambasting critical journalists, demanding good press coverage, not taking criticism etc.

he walked out of a conference only last week.


I hope you watched him being interviewed on The Footy Show.

It was one of the more honest conversations you'll ever hope to hear from a coach. He was fantastic.

He admitted that yes, rumours of players using drugs have been rife for many years, but that he could not suspend a player because Joe Public decided to ring the club and say that Player A looked out of it on Saturday night. He said that when he sat the players down and asked them if they used drugs, they said no. Given that the club is not informed about the results of drug tests (not until a third strike anyway), Worsfold had no proof and could therefore not suspend players who, despite being tools off the field, were turning up to training and performing on the field.

He also said that the club has had solid evidence, and have been aware of Cousin's issues for 6 months, but it wasn't until the drug use started affecting his ability to train, that they were left with no choice.

I can understand why they would want to keep all these issues quiet, and while they would give their players the benefit of the doubt. You can't throw players out of your club without solid proof that they are doing something wrong, not only is it illegal, it is also not going to help team morale.

The bottom line is, Cousins has a serious drug problem and it is his issue and his fault. Nobody made him take up the habit.

It would have been good if the club had dug a little further to try and substantiate the constant rumours, instead of having blind faith in their players and waiting for proof to smack them in the face. Of course, if the AFL changed the drug-testing rules to give clubs access to positive results first time around, this wouldn't have been an issue. I think it is the club's right to know when their player is tested positive. Waiting for third time lucky is just plain idiocy.

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it al really shows that the AFL are really "serious" about drugs.. they seem happy enough to allow it surrepticiously...throw lip service at it..

As they seem so concerned about inferences of collusion to pervert the outcomes of games...aka 5 dollar bets on self...then the only way to put everyone on an even footing is to adopt the same efforts as athletics etc.. ..random dope tests at games. otherwise surely drugs are impacting results , even adversely more than any penny enny bet might.

I think its marvellous that Ben is geting the help he so obviously needs....However its a profession apparently..and he ought to accept all that means.. There arent to many work environements where drug use is tolerated.

Cant help but feel he's brought it all on himself ..poor diddums !!

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I hope you watched him being interviewed on The Footy Show.

Yes I did, and Sorry, I'm not convinced by an attitude of Worsfold that borders on spin last night.

He was asked specifically about the Federal police wire tap evidence (admissable in court if approved by Authorities) 5, yes 5, years ago.

guess what - he didnt answer the question. That club's heirachy is doing a masterful act of "..gee if only we'd known sooner..."

If you believe Worsfold's approach last night you'll believe anything.

Last week Dalton Gooding's performaance was equally simplistic.

Yes, Cousins didnt have to get involved i that lifestyle, but let's agree that being a star in WA, highly paid, is not exactly reality as we know it. They have some level of responsibility they refuse to accept.

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guess what - he didnt answer the question. That club's heirachy is doing a masterful act of "..gee if only we'd known sooner..."

You don't know what was happening behind closed doors.

A club can only do so much. It took a while, but they finally realised that there are some things they can't deal with, and drug addiction is one of those things. They are not equipped to help a player kick a drug habit.

I don't blame them for keeping all this stuff quiet. Would you want our club to air all its dirty laundry in public?

I'm not saying West Coast are innocent in all this, far from it. They should have done more to get to the bottom of these rumours, but at the same time, you can see why they chose to stick their head in the sand and let their players win a premiership.

I bet if they were in Carlton's position on the field, things would have boiled over much quicker. Success can cover up a lot of ugliness.

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You don't know what was happening behind closed doors.

A club can only do so much. It took a while, but they finally realised that there are some things they can't deal with, and drug addiction is one of those things. They are not equipped to help a player kick a drug habit.

I don't blame them for keeping all this stuff quiet. Would you want our club to air all its dirty laundry in public?

I'm not saying West Coast are innocent in all this, far from it. They should have done more to get to the bottom of these rumours, but at the same time, you can see why they chose to stick their head in the sand and let their players win a premiership.

I bet if they were in Carlton's position on the field, things would have boiled over much quicker. Success can cover up a lot of ugliness.

Fair comment Jaded.

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Yes I did, and Sorry, I'm not convinced by an attitude of Worsfold that borders on spin last night.

He was asked specifically about the Federal police wire tap evidence (admissable in court if approved by Authorities) 5, yes 5, years ago.

guess what - he didnt answer the question. That club's heirachy is doing a masterful act of "..gee if only we'd known sooner..."

If you believe Worsfold's approach last night you'll believe anything.

Last week Dalton Gooding's performaance was equally simplistic.

Yes, Cousins didnt have to get involved i that lifestyle, but let's agree that being a star in WA, highly paid, is not exactly reality as we know it. They have some level of responsibility they refuse to accept.

Fair comment PGS

I also watched the interview, it more sounded like he was spind doctoring to me, althought he made some good points. To me he sounded like he did not want to be in the studio answering the question regarding drugs and cousins.

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