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Garry Lyon


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1 hour ago, poita said:

I'm not interested in his relationship dramas or mental health issues, so please don't go there.

Can someone please tell me why Garry inspires such disdain, animosity, hatred, etc from members of this forum.

I started seriously following the MFC in 1987 as an 8 year old, so only really saw Robbie Flower play his final year. I have seen the entire careers of Stynes, Viney, Neitz, Jones and other greats of the club, and rate Garry above all of those for his on-field contribution to the club. He is the best MFC player I have seen, and he was captain of the best MFC sides I have seen.

So, why the negativity?


To me he was a great player, that can't really be questioned. My issue with Garry, which may well be an unfair one, is that he epitomises everything that was wrong with the club for so long. To me he is the face of the boys club that appointed their own and saved their own and very nearly bought about the downfall of this club. 

There are others but he is the first to mind whenever I think of the wrongs of that time and the reasons why. 

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Brilliant player who played through incredible pain and on occasions, dragged us over the line based on his leadership capabilities alone (1997 vs. Richmond, 1995 vs. Brisbane). Gave us one of the few genuine A graders we have had since 1980. Gaz also gave us a media profile and quite frankly is one of the best Melbourne players I have ever seen (see his performance vs. the Doggies in the 1994 qualifying final or his performance late in 1995 vs.  North for more info).

Shocking club power broker and king maker who set us back a good 2 years (we are only approaching or 2010/2011 win loss ledger now) with his hand in getting Bails sacked over the radio, protecting a CEO and football manager who were clearly doing more harm than good (who happened to be some of his best mates) and appointing a bloke whose tenure will be remembered as one of the worst periods for any club in AFL history. 

If anyone questions Gaz's commitment as a player, they have rocks in their head. Questioning his role in some off field decisions while not worthy of hate,  is worthy of scrutiny. 

As for his current situation, I hope he gets through it. Depression is a tough  road to hoe and he will need all the support he can get. All the best Gaz.

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4 minutes ago, Chris said:

To me he was a great player, that can't really be questioned. My issue with Garry, which may well be an unfair one, is that he epitomises everything that was wrong with the club for so long. To me he is the face of the boys club that appointed their own and saved their own and very nearly bought about the downfall of this club. 

There are others but he is the first to mind whenever I think of the wrongs of that time and the reasons why. 

Now this is the part I don't get. Lyon was one of many on a panel that appointed 2 coaches (Bailey and Neeld), both of whom were from outside the club. Connolly was appointed to assist Bailey, and that was universally applauded at the time. Craig (another outsider) was brought in to assist Neeld, and again the appointment was universally applauded.

People on here are just looking for someone to blame, and the highest profile person is the easiest target.


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So, not one plausible reason listed yet.

The lack of respect shown to a club champion is embarressing. The thread from last week was full of it.

He was reluctantly talked into helping the club appoint the coaches.

I would give my right nut to have a player such as Lyon to play in the current team with hoges. Great leadership, such skill, some of the best kicking for goal ive seen. rewatch 1994 final against dogs if you don't recall how good he was. Ten goals in 3/4s. He and the Ox were on fire!  Gaz is one of my all-time favs.

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Agree 100% with Colin B. 

And will add "The Hollywood Blvd" scenario into the mix. 

That whole situation was not good for the club. 

Only Senior players who played in premierships should indulge in such traits

"one in all in"

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41 minutes ago, DemonDave said:

Ron Barassi returned as "The Messiah" with a 5 year plan to turn the club around in '81. He failed and yet is still seen as a favourite son, yet Lyon is hounded and vilified for being on a committee to choose two of our coaches, is that really the reason he is not universally loved?

Bit harsh on Ronald Dale, I believe his work from 80 to 85 played a large part in setting  up our relative success 87 and through the  early90's.

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12 minutes ago, mo64 said:

Now this is the part I don't get. Lyon was one of many on a panel that appointed 2 coaches (Bailey and Neeld), both of whom were from outside the club. Connolly was appointed to assist Bailey, and that was universally applauded at the time. Craig (another outsider) was brought in to assist Neeld, and again the appointment was universally applauded.

People on here are just looking for someone to blame, and the highest profile person is the easiest target.


It may well be due to his profile that he becomes the face for me, as I said my thoughts may well be unfair. Schwab and Connelly were both part of the boys club that did exist and did massive damage to the club on all levels, not just on the field. The fact they were saved and the coach was sacked wreaks of boys clubs protecting their own. That decision alone put us back at least 12 months, if not 2 years. 

Don't get me wrong, there were many faces in the boys club but for reasons that may well have to do with his profile his is the one that stands out above all for me. 

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16 minutes ago, DubDee said:

So, not one plausible reason listed yet.

the lack of respect shown to a club champion is embarressing.  the thread from last week was full of it

he was reluctantly talked into helping the club appoint the coaches.

i would give my right nut to have a player such as Lyon to play in the current team with hoges.  great leadership, such skill, some of the best kicking for goal ive seen. rewatch 1994 final against dogs if you don't recall how good he was.  10 goals in 3/4s.  him and the Ox were on fire!  Gaz is one of my all-time favs

I didn't read the thread last week as I knew it would be just as ignorant a pile of BS as the ones against Mitch the other year. That was embarrassing as a club.

No one is also questioning his on field talent, it is the backroom influence and dealing that people take issue with. He may have rarely held an official role with the club but don't for one second think he didn't hold considerable sway over what went on at the club for a few years there. 

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33 minutes ago, Emerald said:


There are probably a lot of ex Melbourne players who have a worse character than Garry Lyon but we don't see them on television and hear them on the radio.

I've seen a few of them actually smoking a cigarette.

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2 hours ago, mo64 said:

I really don't understand your post. You say that "most" shouldn't get involved, but how do you know who'll be a success or failure unless they do get involved? Jason Dunstall shouldn't have gone on the board at Hawthorn. Are you basing it on the "good bloke" criteria? Garry Lyon rubbed you up the wrong way, so he shouldn't have had any involvement, despite having enormous respect post career within the football community.

It's all about experience 'mo64', Garry wasn't qualified to do the job he was handed by Jim. Similar to Hird getting the EFC catching job.

In this day and age getting the runs on the board is very important and even then no guarantee of success. I have no problem with players pursuing a career in football or the media but never should the 2 be confused. Just because you appear knowledgeable in the media doesn't make you a coach or give you the ability to select a coach.

I'm happy for players to put themselves up as board members but the only criteria should not be that they were past champions, another recipe for disaster. 

Dunstall & Brererton were on the HFC board, who do you think was the one that was the right man for the job?

This has nothing to do with rubbing me the wrong way or being a good bloke or not. I've been around long enough to know he might of been having a bad day when I met him, but he must of had a few bad days by the way...and in front of a few others I know.

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3 minutes ago, rjay said:

It's all about experience 'mo64', Garry wasn't qualified to do the job he was handed by Jim.Similar to Hird getting the EFC catching job.

In this day and age getting the runs on the board is very important and even then no guarantee of success. I have no problem with players pursuing a career in football or the media but never should the 2 be confused. Just because you appear knowledgeable in the media doesn't make you a coach or give you the ability to select a coach.

I'm happy for players to put themselves up as board members but the only criteria should not be that they were past champions, another recipe for disaster. 

Dunstall & Brererton were on the HFC board, who do you think was the one that was the right man for the job?

This has nothing to do with rubbing me the wrong way or being a good bloke or not. I've been around long enough to know he might of been having a bad day when I met him, but he must of had a few bad days by the way...and in front of a few others I know.

Are you saying that Dunstall wasn't a past champion or isn't a good board member? And there's a massive gap between GL doing some honourary work for the club and Hird being appointed head coach. 

And it's just your opinion that GL wasn't qualified to sit on a panel to select a coach. I've yet to see an official job description for this task. It's pretty obvious that Lyon's personality clouds your opinion of his football intellect. 

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Garry got involved against his better judgement to help out the club and his mate.

After Flower he is the best player this club has had in the past 30 years, often playing under duress, but never shirked his duty or a contest.

He was a great leader who willed himself and his team to greater efforts.

He made 2 bad decisions however that is 2 of what is a litany of poor decisions made by this club for over 50 years.

He is and should always be seen as someone who left nothing in the shed and has always attempted to do what he felt was right for the club.

Can only think those old enough to have seen him play have forgotten what he produced regularly and those who are younger base their opinions on the media persona and not his outstanding record as a player and captain of our club.

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38 minutes ago, mo64 said:

Are you saying that Dunstall wasn't a past champion or isn't a good board member? And there's a massive gap between GL doing some honourary work for the club and Hird being appointed head coach. 

And it's just your opinion that GL wasn't qualified to sit on a panel to select a coach. I've yet to see an official job description for this task. It's pretty obvious that Lyon's personality clouds your opinion of his football intellect. 

It might be just my opinion but it's also proven to be a correct opinion. 

I would think if you were going to have someone from outside sit on a panel to select a coach the first qualification should be that they have been a coach and a successful one at that.

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13 minutes ago, rjay said:

It might be just my opinion but it's also proven to be a correct opinion. 

I would think if you were going to have someone from outside sit on a panel to select a coach the first qualification should be that they have been a coach and a successful one at that.

Only one member of a selection panel needs to have that experience. That Garry Lyon didn't wasn't his fault. If we didn't have anyone with that experience on the panel, you can blame the Board and the CEO of the time, not Lyon.

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1 minute ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

Only one member of a selection panel needs to have that experience. That Garry Lyon didn't wasn't his fault. If we didn't have anyone with that experience on the panel, you can blame the Board and the CEO of the time, not Lyon.

Absolutely and I do.  It's one of the reasons, rightly or wrongly that he cops a bit on this forum.

He can and should take some of the blame along with the CEO, President and board for coming into oversee the FD though. He didn't have the experience to do this and shouldn't have taken it on. The board should have done their job and stopped it happening, unfortunately we had a weak board at the time.

Anyway, enough from me on this...

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I don't have strong feelings about retired-footballer Garry either way. Tremendous player, brought many joyful moments on field ... I do think he is quite succinct as a footy analyst, can make his point in a few words (compare this to Dermott for example) ... but in answer to the OP's question, I can think of two reasons why he is on the nose for some.

First, his "will he or won't he" miniseries about becoming the MFC coach when it was obvious the whole time he wouldn't. That got a lot of people off side.

And his anodyne performances on TV when confronted with any kind of controversy or challenge. Whether it's Sam Newman acting the goat, or Caro going off about something, Garry can't seem to put his own stamp on matters. You can almost see him thinking "what course of action will least offend Eddie?"

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I believe Garry has tried to do his best for the dees in what ever capacity has been asked of him, he was not alone in choosing coaches and you can only choose from those that apply based on the resumes and their interviews, game plans, etc...  In hindsight it is easy to criticise when things don't work out. I wish him all the very best.

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6 hours ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

Brilliant player who played through incredible pain and on occasions, dragged us over the line based on his leadership capabilities alone (1997 vs. Richmond, 1995 vs. Brisbane). Gave us one of the few genuine A graders we have had since 1980. Gaz also gave us a media profile and quite frankly is one of the best Melbourne players I have ever seen (see his performance vs. the Doggies in the 1994 qualifying final or his performance late in 1995 vs.  North for more info).

Shocking club power broker and king maker who set us back a good 2 years (we are only approaching or 2010/2011 win loss ledger now) with his hand in getting Bails sacked over the radio, protecting a CEO and football manager who were clearly doing more harm than good (who happened to be some of his best mates) and appointing a bloke whose tenure will be remembered as one of the worst periods for any club in AFL history. 

If anyone questions Gaz's commitment as a player, they have rocks in their head. Questioning his role in some off field decisions while not worthy of hate,  is worthy of scrutiny. 

As for his current situation, I hope he gets through it. Depression is a tough  road to hoe and he will need all the support he can get. All the best Gaz.

Very easy to blame Lyon for choice of coaches. It shows how bad our footy clubland  when it continued to want to be saved by such a strong media person & ex champion. You can't take 1/2 measures & expected a great result you can't be 1/2 in a footy club ... Club totally @ fault!

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Undoubtedly the 2nd best player to have pulled on the red & blue in the past 45 years that I have been following the Club.

Had the good sense to avoid the temptation of many great players before ( and after) him to succumb to the 'siren song' of coaching.

As a result, he has avoided the fate of Watson, Voss, Hird, (and, in due course, Buckley).

Regrettably, he answered the call of a sick/dying good mate and strayed into areas that he was strangely ill-equipped to handle.

I sincerely hope that his arguably negative off-field contributions do not detract from his wonderful on-field contributions - others have mentioned his efforts in a final against Footscray et al, but my favourite memories of Garry include him taking on a rampant 'Sticks' Kernahan at Princes Park and doing incredibly well to break even (and win All Australian selection as CHB at the end of the season)?

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