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It's a packed house at Crown, and by the looks of Twitter literally every player (with the exception, possibly, of the GWS crew?) will be at the AFLPA meeting or on videolink.

Thoughts? Vlad going to cave? Players going to back down?

What the players want:

Effectively $220mil over 3 years

Removal of rookie list and expansion of main playing list

Pension scheme for former AFL players

AFL is suggesting this is going to cost more than the broadcast deal, costing it at $1.32bn over 5 years?

Currently players get $811mil over 5 years, or approx. $162mil/year.

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Guest hangon007

It's a packed house at Crown, and by the looks of Twitter literally every player (with the exception, possibly, of the GWS crew?) will be at the AFLPA meeting or on videolink.

Thoughts? Vlad going to cave? Players going to back down?

What the players want:

Effectively $220mil over 3 years

Removal of rookie list and expansion of main playing list

Pension scheme for former AFL players

AFL is suggesting this is going to cost more than the broadcast deal, costing it at $1.32bn over 5 years?

Currently players get $811mil over 5 years, or approx. $162mil/year.

Geeeeeeez if Kerry Packer was only still alive ... I smell an opportunity.

But I agree with HT ... I reckon both will give a bit.

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not so much in favour of removing the rookie list as making sure they are adequately renumerated. not sure what they are on now but it wasnt much if memory serves me correctly.

also super and support for after football - inc those who have only been on lists for 2 years - needs to improve (as is my understanding).

couldnt give a stuff if judd got more $$ - thatd be wrong.

as for andrew d saying his pay packet isnt relevant - id say its pretty bloody relevant when 2+ million bucks would wipe out a lot of debt.

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I agree that Vlads salary seems high, but to retain someone at that level, you need to pay at what that level commands elsewhere. I would suspect that is why he says it isn't relevant. I think there definitely needs to be a rise, but it shoudn't be what they are asking for. As for rookie list, not fazed (salary raised though) and Pension plan, for sure. Could be a bit of a stoush this one though.

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This will just give all the facts, or as much as is allowed to be given..before Mediation takes over.

Neither side is going to back down...The Players put on the show,

it's a little like World Series Cricket in 1977 when Ian Chappell & Ian's Brother Greg and a few other players realized they were being shafted.

Demetrio's wage is appalling in my view.. What has he really done???

Half the Clubs are swimming in $$$ the others are on drip feed welfare with Tarps over the seats.

The Players want a life-once their brutal days are over....& i am backing the players to win, but it's going to be a long fight to get there.

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players want it tied to the total revenue... I think they will get it in some capacity, but the definitions will change, and so will the rates... AFL seem dead set against it at the moment...

They're currently at 22%, I think they'll get 1% more each year for the next three to 25%... at the moment they're asking for 27%...

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It's a packed house at Crown, and by the looks of Twitter literally every player (with the exception, possibly, of the GWS crew?) will be at the AFLPA meeting or on videolink.

Thoughts? Vlad going to cave? Players going to back down?

What the players want:

Effectively $220mil over 3 years

Removal of rookie list and expansion of main playing list

Pension scheme for former AFL players

AFL is suggesting this is going to cost more than the broadcast deal, costing it at $1.32bn over 5 years?

Currently players get $811mil over 5 years, or approx. $162mil/year.

Not really sure how the deal works but i'd heard they are after 27%, which is approx 350 mil of the tv rights pie over five years. I'm guessing the 162mil per year figure is total player payments per season. Anyone have a link to see the afl annual report? Interested to see how it all works.

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You know I've been envious but mostly critical of A Demetriou performance over his time at the helm! This guy has the most cushy and enjoyable job I think in Australia, get remunerated more than some big CEOs in the country and in the past 5 yrs at least has managed to cause a downturn in attendance (to population increase) has managed to get away with adding a team in Qld (gold coast of all places) and Western Sydney WTF. And still no team in Tassie?.. Has managed to sanction more rule changes than any of his predecessors most being an absolute joke, and are close to replicating basketball, increased concessions to likes of Port, Nth, Syd still till this day, 2 premierships later Sydneysiders still don't give a stuff about AFL (38000 on w/end against pies). My point is, why can't clubs now choose to run their own show, bigger depts,reduce the size of an over staffed and over paid AFL commission, & let the clubs determine their fate now with less changing of the goal posts along the way (xcuse the pun) Our game doesn't compete on the world stage and won't be taken over ever by soccer or rugby so here here to players asking for more And past players deserve som of the pie as well. Fnally , with no vendetta against Demetriou, why shouldn't his role be a tenure of 3~5yrs then he can be reelected or has to hand the reins over. Why can't club supporters even vote who becomes in charge? Hes not accountable enuf and should be ....Bring back the ' [censored] off Oakley' stickers

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Syd still till this day, 2 premierships later Sydneysiders still don't give a stuff about AFL (38000 on w/end against pies).

I live in Sydney, and a fair majority of people I come across through the City and Eastern Suburbs do. Out west is probably majorly different. That said, they are obsessed with League, but it would be interesting to compare League crowds last weekend cause I would bet it was bigger than most if not all. Considering the game was at ANZ stadium, and most Swans fans don't like the trip out there, it is a pretty good crowd. It will never be the same in Sydney as Melbourne, but I do reckon that is a pretty decent level of interest. As for accommodating another team though, well that is a different issue altogether.

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I live in Sydney, and a fair majority of people I come across through the City and Eastern Suburbs do. Out west is probably majorly different. That said, they are obsessed with League, but it would be interesting to compare League crowds last weekend cause I would bet it was bigger than most if not all. Considering the game was at ANZ stadium, and most Swans fans don't like the trip out there, it is a pretty good crowd. It will never be the same in Sydney as Melbourne, but I do reckon that is a pretty decent level of interest. As for accommodating another team though, well that is a different issue altogether.

Would be very interesting to find out how many Demonlanders are actually in sydney, and what you all think of this GWS expansion.

I think it will be a disaster, but at the same time i hope i am wrong. Because the way i see it the foundation clubs are all going to suffer, in order for prefabricated teams that NOBODY really cares about to thrive, or at least attempt too.

But as a victorian, these sides are not created for my benefit, so i will watch very closely.

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Demitriou is worth every cent he's being paid at the moment. He has grown AFL into the colossus that it is today and is doing a fine job, even if it makes him unpopular at times.

He's an easy target for supporters, but when you look at the health of the game now compared with what it was like when he came in then you cannot deny his impact.

I agree with the AFL. Their role is to do what is best for the AFL competition and the health of football in general. I'd much rather that this money go towards growing the game than the players. The players are well renumerated for what they do.

Pay only becomes an issue when we are competing for the best athletes with other sports (ie, against cricket, rugby, rugby league etc). I agree with a rise for the lowest level of player (ie, rookies etc) but the rest of the competition should have their wages increase with the cost of living.

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Demitriou is worth every cent he's being paid at the moment. He has grown AFL into the colossus that it is today and is doing a fine job, even if it makes him unpopular at times.

He's an easy target for supporters, but when you look at the health of the game now compared with what it was like when he came in then you cannot deny his impact.

I agree with the AFL. Their role is to do what is best for the AFL competition and the health of football in general. I'd much rather that this money go towards growing the game than the players. The players are well renumerated for what they do.

Pay only becomes an issue when we are competing for the best athletes with other sports (ie, against cricket, rugby, rugby league etc). I agree with a rise for the lowest level of player (ie, rookies etc) but the rest of the competition should have their wages increase with the cost of living.

Is it always a sign of success to expand???

I think the AFL has jumped itself on this one personally.

A decade of consolidation i think would strengthen the competition going forward...I worry the game is spread thin in too many areas right now.

Granted, i was astounded when the Broadcasting rights were signed off at $1.25 Bill. But don't forget the supporters will pay for that, Ch 7 will bombard the telecast with advertising.

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Guest Artie Bucco

Demitriou is worth every cent he's being paid at the moment. He has grown AFL into the colossus that it is today and is doing a fine job, even if it makes him unpopular at times.

He's an easy target for supporters, but when you look at the health of the game now compared with what it was like when he came in then you cannot deny his impact.

I agree with the AFL. Their role is to do what is best for the AFL competition and the health of football in general. I'd much rather that this money go towards growing the game than the players. The players are well renumerated for what they do.

Pay only becomes an issue when we are competing for the best athletes with other sports (ie, against cricket, rugby, rugby league etc). I agree with a rise for the lowest level of player (ie, rookies etc) but the rest of the competition should have their wages increase with the cost of living.

I agree.

I'd like to see the minimum wage for players increased, as I understand that rookies have a base wage of $35K and are expected to work harder to claim a spot.

I'm also supportive of an improved superannuation scheme for the players.

I'm against any significant increase in the high end wage earners, and I agree with the AFL that a percentage of total earnings is unfair.

To my understanding, this would include money coming in from things such as the Debt Demolition - the players have no right to a share of the money donated by supporters to ensure the survival of their club.

Seeing as AFL clubs are unique beasts, not being private enterprises, and surviving on the donations of supporters, the rules that apply in other sports are not necessarily relevant here.

I don't expect the players to realise this anytime soon.

It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.

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I agree that Vlads salary seems high, but to retain someone at that level, you need to pay at what that level commands elsewhere. I would suspect that is why he says it isn't relevant. I think there definitely needs to be a rise, but it shoudn't be what they are asking for.

you do know that Vlads' salary has become that... whilst he has been at the top yeah?

I can't remember the figure, but im fairly sure he game himself a pretty hefty bonus in the last couple of years as well

Edited by Deelirium
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The players are working with artificial contraints - draft and salary cap. There's been talk about what leverage they might have short of strike action - which they've ruled out. Threat of attack on the draft which is restraint of trade is a powerful weapon.

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Exactly. As if Demetriou (or any CEO) would ever get to set his own salary. LOL

Probably as in other businesses, not directly but by being in the cosy Director-CEO club environment.

Exec salaries have grown enormously over recent years - the ratio of CEO to low-paid workers wages used to be a factor of 10, now it is 100. This is never justified except by 'we need to pay this to retain the best'. But what were the best doing 20 years ago? Working hard for their 'miserable low' pay and being retained.

Shifting the 'blame' to directors in business is a joke. These guys are all mates in the same circles. You'd hand out free beer if you knew free beer would be returned.

But I can't understand why this would apply to AFL directors. Are they in the cosy Directorial-CEO club that abounds in business? What's the background of the AFL Directors?

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Guest Gotzy15

This will just give all the facts, or as much as is allowed to be given..before Mediation takes over.

Neither side is going to back down...The Players put on the show,

it's a little like World Series Cricket in 1977 when Ian Chappell & Ian's Brother Greg and a few other players realized they were being shafted.

Demetrio's wage is appalling in my view.. What has he really done???

Half the Clubs are swimming in $$$ the others are on drip feed welfare with Tarps over the seats.

The Players want a life-once their brutal days are over....& i am backing the players to win, but it's going to be a long fight to get there.

i totally agree 'why you little' I think the whole thing is an absolute disgrace and that the players should seriously consider strike action if they dont get a fair deal which is what they have not be getting for a long time. The AFL should be doing a lot more to look after their players (the guys that put the bums on the seats) and ensure they are set up once their footballing days are over. I absolutely despise Andrew Demetriou. He does very very little and gets paid a sh..load. He is the definition of lazy and taking advantage of other people. I dont understand how he can sit back and just swim in $$$ when there are soo many problems within the game. There are clubs that are struggling to survive, substandard facilities etc etc and Demetriou hasnt done a thing about it. I say time for a new CEO

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shouldnt the shareholders be those who get a say in Demetrious being at the helm. Are those shareholders the clubs or club members themselves? Who appoints Adrian Anderson, rules committee,etc. I believe its a member at each club that gets this rite.

When do they stand to re-elect?

Obviously he does a good job, no ones questioning this benevolent society. Get Michael Moore in there?

, again I say, it should be a tenure, a bloody idiot could run the AFL to its current form- its now on auto pilot and their stuffing it up with a constant revision of rules.

and making the call about them entering into to many areas to develop is absolutely right. Whats the competition out there, NRL?

Consolidate, get a team in Tassie, and consider the emergence of clubs in their own rite or die by the sword and merge, who said merge?

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Guest Artie Bucco

Those critical of Demetriou's salary... What state do you think the game would be in, if it could only afford David Gallop?

You need to pay the best to get the best.

For the job Demetriou does, he's worth every penny.

I don't expect everyone to understand that or accept that, but it's true.

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Guest Artie Bucco

Honestly, what do people think of players demanding a share of money donated for the Debt Demolition?

I personally didn't donate money so that the players could get a pay increase, and I'm offended by the idea.

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