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2011 Membership Running Tally


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Then your friends have never been members at all. :rolleyes:

Its people like that who will always find an excuse not to buy a membership. Its such a crud metric that defies logic and reason the more you think about.

They are also the ones who whine the most about the club administration or onfield. At the end of the day, they are not real supporters. But obviously, if we are yet to sign 10,000 current members, we must have picked up alot of new members.

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Very pompous and high horse of some . Castigating any who's life might not revolve around an unerring commitment of funds annually.

This is the real world and in it people have choices. They also have various livelihood commitments and then there's discretionary spending. Being a member is a choice. It's how many wish to follow the game and support the club. Some aren't that fussed. That's not a crime. We ought not dispense such folk to the fires of heresy but embrace them and encourage such supporters to attend more and more.

It bemuses me when people act all lah de dah , they're members and surely any fair dinkum supporter would/ought to be !! Many of us are whether it's value or not. We do because we can . Some can't and some don't. It might not sit well with some that there are those that actually feel return on spending is a reasonable prerequisite but that's their prerogative .

There are many reasons why footy followers support a team. We could use as many as we can attract irregardless of the how or why.

FWIW I'm a demon for life meaning my membership is automatically taken out every year. I would buy a membership if I lived in Afghanistan, Just to be a part of it. I believe $400+ a year is a small contribution for something that brings me so much joy. If you follow the club the least you can do is pony up some cash.

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FWIW I'm a demon for life meaning my membership is automatically taken out every year. I would buy a membership if I lived in Afghanistan, Just to be a part of it. I believe $400+ a year is a small contribution for something that brings me so much joy. If you follow the club the least you can do is pony up some cash.

It is quite good value entertainment - plus the more we have, the more we have to watch and enjoy in the future.

THe club has done well, the players are improving, now it is time for the supporters to do their bit.

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Very pompous and high horse of some . Castigating any who's life might not revolve around an unerring commitment of funds annually.

This is the real world and in it people have choices. They also have various livelihood commitments and then there's discretionary spending. Being a member is a choice. It's how many wish to follow the game and support the club. Some aren't that fussed. That's not a crime. We ought not dispense such folk to the fires of heresy but embrace them and encourage such supporters to attend more and more.

It bemuses me when people act all lah de dah , they're members and surely any fair dinkum supporter would/ought to be !! Many of us are whether it's value or not. We do because we can . Some can't and some don't. It might not sit well with some that there are those that actually feel return on spending is a reasonable prerequisite but that's their prerogative .

There are many reasons why footy followers support a team. We could use as many as we can attract irregardless of the how or why.

You should more closely read the posts - I thought we were saying those that haven't signed up yet don't give a frack about a practice game in Tassie that is hardly covered.

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You should more closely read the posts - I thought we were saying those that haven't signed up yet don't give a frack about a practice game in Tassie that is hardly covered.

Strangely enough I was addressing that which I was addressing, the unwarranted haughtiness of some . Seems some got it, you didn't .

Try keeping the observations of apples to ... Apples !!

Sometimes best not to say anything than to offer an irrelevance .

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no fighting



If BB and I didn't fight in the off-season what the hell would we do?

3 years straight now, got to keep up the record...

And yes, that number is quite good. I hope those that are thinking as consumers realise that the brand they invest in their footy club and probably not think like a consumer when it comes to the Demons. I can understand people waiting to see how the teams looks for that season, I don't understand the argument that it isn't a good purchase to be membership if they won't use it.

It isn't a consumer product, it is a form of ownership of the club that ensures it's future so that I may enjoy it and any future rpfc's may enjoy it.

Note: This is a side argument to BB and OD's argument not the crux. So I have missed the point I concede.

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Very pompous and high horse of some . Castigating any who's life might not revolve around an unerring commitment of funds annually.

This is the real world and in it people have choices. They also have various livelihood commitments and then there's discretionary spending. Being a member is a choice. It's how many wish to follow the game and support the club. Some aren't that fussed. That's not a crime. We ought not dispense such folk to the fires of heresy but embrace them and encourage such supporters to attend more and more.

It bemuses me when people act all lah de dah , they're members and surely any fair dinkum supporter would/ought to be !! Many of us are whether it's value or not. We do because we can . Some can't and some don't. It might not sit well with some that there are those that actually feel return on spending is a reasonable prerequisite but that's their prerogative .

There are many reasons why footy followers support a team. We could use as many as we can attract irregardless of the how or why.

Good call.

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MFC is a club your not part of a club unless your a member.

MFC has one of the lowest supporter bases in the AFL.

MFC has one of the highest member to supporter ratios in the AFL.

If your a supporter but not a member and you have complained about

Facilities, on field performance, proposed mergers, having to play home games

Interstate, coaching panel, game scheduling, attracting talent from other teams,

Lack of block buster games, not being taken seriously, lack of respect from

The rest of the competition, lack of premierships and poor attendence at games

Your a hypocrite

20 bucks a month is achievable for the majority of the population

Its this shitty complacency from MFC suppotters that has seen us in

Diabolical positions in the past.

Get on board get behind the club both in voice and hard earned at least then

Your part of something bigger than yourself.

When Grimesy gets up on the stage and thanks those who made the

Premiership possible. He's not talking to down hill skiers and freeloaders

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MFC is a club your not part of a club unless your a member.

MFC has one of the lowest supporter bases in the AFL.

MFC has one of the highest member to supporter ratios in the AFL.

If your a supporter but not a member and you have complained about

Facilities, on field performance, proposed mergers, having to play home games

Interstate, coaching panel, game scheduling, attracting talent from other teams,

Lack of block buster games, not being taken seriously, lack of respect from

The rest of the competition, lack of premierships and poor attendence at games

Your a hypocrite

20 bucks a month is achievable for the majority of the population

Its this shitty complacency from MFC suppotters that has seen us in

Diabolical positions in the past.

Get on board get behind the club both in voice and hard earned at least then

Your part of something bigger than yourself.

When Grimesy gets up on the stage and thanks those who made the

Premiership possible. He's not talking to down hill skiers and freeloaders

I know this attitude is confronting and accusatory and exclusive.

Sometimes the truth is.

We have less of these supporters than other clubs (our supporter to member ratio is the highest in the league) but it still applies to some Dees fans.

Get on board.

Tell 'em rpfc sent you.

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MFC is a club your not part of a club unless your a member.

MFC has one of the lowest supporter bases in the AFL.

MFC has one of the highest member to supporter ratios in the AFL.

If your a supporter but not a member and you have complained about

Facilities, on field performance, proposed mergers, having to play home games

Interstate, coaching panel, game scheduling, attracting talent from other teams,

Lack of block buster games, not being taken seriously, lack of respect from

The rest of the competition, lack of premierships and poor attendence at games

Your a hypocrite

20 bucks a month is achievable for the majority of the population

Its this shitty complacency from MFC suppotters that has seen us in

Diabolical positions in the past.

Get on board get behind the club both in voice and hard earned at least then

Your part of something bigger than yourself.

When Grimesy gets up on the stage and thanks those who made the

Premiership possible. He's not talking to down hill skiers and freeloaders

I hear ya Diablo. If you're a member, you're a supporter. Anything less and you're just a fan.

Edited by Demon Disciple
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MFC is a club your not part of a club unless your a member.

MFC has one of the lowest supporter bases in the AFL.

MFC has one of the highest member to supporter ratios in the AFL.

If your a supporter but not a member and you have complained about

Facilities, on field performance, proposed mergers, having to play home games

Interstate, coaching panel, game scheduling, attracting talent from other teams,

Lack of block buster games, not being taken seriously, lack of respect from

The rest of the competition, lack of premierships and poor attendence at games

Your a hypocrite

20 bucks a month is achievable for the majority of the population

Its this shitty complacency from MFC suppotters that has seen us in

Diabolical positions in the past.

Get on board get behind the club both in voice and hard earned at least then

Your part of something bigger than yourself.

When Grimesy gets up on the stage and thanks those who made the

Premiership possible. He's not talking to down hill skiers and freeloaders

Well said DD, i bought my Membership last September when i renewed the MCC subscription-No excuse IMO. Real supporters know the state of the club-Waiting for Round one results is a Cop Out of large proportions.

Edited by why you little
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31st of March comparison:

2009 - we had 27,128 members

2010 - we had 27,595 members

2011 - we will have ????????

Now as @ 18th March - 29,213. Already:

Now 2,085 better off than at 31st March 2009.

Now 1,618 better off than at 31st March 2010.

clearly losing momentum JCB (tongue firmly in cheek)

I wonder how many we would have now if we had won on friday night!

Unsure. But we've now signed up ~1,420 odd memberships since that loss in Tassie...clearly that loss resulting in significant damage to the bottom line for the club !

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31st of March comparison:

2009 - we had 27,128 members

2010 - we had 27,595 members

2011 - we will have ????????

Now as @ 18th March - 29,213. Already:

Now 2,085 better off than at 31st March 2009.

Now 1,618 better off than at 31st March 2010.

clearly losing momentum JCB (tongue firmly in cheek)

Unsure. But we've now signed up ~1,420 odd memberships since that loss in Tassie...clearly that loss resulting in significant damage to the bottom line for the club !

40,000 is definately attainable if the players put in some good solid performances. It is now "their time" so to speak.

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31st of March comparison:

2009 - we had 27,128 members

2010 - we had 27,595 members

2011 - we will have ????????

Now as @ 22nd March - 30,066. Already:

Now 2,938 better off than at 31st March 2009.

Now 2,471 better off than at 31st March 2010.

Fair to say that we'll be well and truly more than 3,000 up on the same time last year on the 31st of March.

Losing momentum old dee....that loss to Hawthorn on Tassie by your reports has had a significant impact having signed up 2,273 since that loss - god knows how many held off because of that 'practice' game... :rolleyes:

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FWIW I'm a demon for life meaning my membership is automatically taken out every year. I would buy a membership if I lived in Afghanistan, Just to be a part of it. I believe $400+ a year is a small contribution for something that brings me so much joy. If you follow the club the least you can do is pony up some cash.

Jeez mate, Forget living in Afganistan, I live in Canberra and renew my membership every year, I drive down the Hume a few times a year, risking life and limb and only seeing them on TV when WIN decides that they have run out of repeats of some sitcom that can put on i must be a real hero.

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Jeez mate, Forget living in Afganistan, I live in Canberra and renew my membership every year, I drive down the Hume a few times a year, risking life and limb and only seeing them on TV when WIN decides that they have run out of repeats of some sitcom that can put on i must be a real hero.

You are a hero.

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31st of March comparison:

2009 - we had 27,128 members

2010 - we had 27,595 members

2011 - we will have ????????

Now as @ 25th March - 31,087. Already:

Now 3,959 better off than at 31st March 2009.

Now 3,492 better off than at 31st March 2010 !!

Well already more than 3,000 up on the comparison of 31st March tally from last year. Job well done. In fact, 3,492 up on last years figure. Yet, there are still 6 days to go for a more accurate and comprehensive comparison.

Go Dees ~!

PS. I might even have to re-evaluate my prediction of ~36,700 odd from December the way it is going. Impressive.

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31st of March comparison:

2009 - we had 27,128 members

2010 - we had 27,595 members

2011 - we will have ????????

Now as @ 25th March - 31,087. Already:

Now 3,959 better off than at 31st March 2009.

Now 3,492 better off than at 31st March 2010 !!

Well already more than 3,000 up on the comparison of 31st March tally from last year. Job well done. In fact, 3,492 up on last years figure. Yet, there are still 6 days to go for a more accurate and comprehensive comparison.

Go Dees ~!

PS. I might even have to re-evaluate my prediction of ~36,700 odd from December the way it is going. Impressive.

If we win on Sunday HT watch it surge!

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