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Pink is for Panzy's

Guest Redleg_24

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I'm just looking forward to the headlines if we win - TICKLED PINK

I've been in the red and I can tell you sliding into the pink is....the honourable thing to do.

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I've been in the red and I can tell you sliding into the pink is....the honourable thing to do.

That is either one brilliantly written piece sexual innuendo, or some kind of accounting terminology I am unfamiliar with. Probably going to go with the previous. Well played Sir, I tip my digital hat off to ye!

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Would you pizz off mate. Its about giving up the jumper. Its all too much for me. Not only does it have to be pink. But we have to have the pink lady in the centre too? HA!!! Talk about overkill!!!

Go FLAMINGO'S .. YAY!!!!!!

I've lost members of my family from it and if family history is any guide I will lose some more unless a cure is found, so that means that your worries come a very distant second to mine.

Anyway we were the fuchsias for a while, yeah?

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

Our first time at bat on the big stage for 2 years = PERFECT time to do this. Big crowd, big TV audience. Fantastic way to drum up support for avery worthy cause. Our own president is going through a tough time due the big C and yet you want our club especially to not give a rats about cancer awareness and donating to proceeds to hopefully finding a cure to one of the biggest blights on western culture. Balls you are a disgrace. This is a fantastic opportunity for our club to grow as a result of wearing PINK. you should be ashamed of your small mindedness about our F'ing jumper. We change our jumper many times through the year for supposed 'clashes' at least this a good reason

I dont see how I am a disgrace. A little heavy. I said at the very opening to this thread that I believe the cause to be a very very worthy one. Having been touched by cancer myself (as explained above) I support any cancer research/charity. All i said is that i didn't like tthe idea of having the whole jumper Pink and then the Pink lady in the middle of the jumper to boot.

I suggested that there were alternatives such as those suggested above.

However, I am prepared to admite defeat as you all seem to love the Pink so much. I WOULDVE THOUGHT PINK SHORTS AND PINK SOCKS WOULD HAVE BEEN ENOUGH.

Any way..let's move on. I am sure you can all turn your attention to talking about whether Jack Watts is or is not good enough on some other thread. Or alternatively go back to speculating about Ricky going to the gold coast. Thats interesting!

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

I've lost members of my family from it and if family history is any guide I will lose some more unless a cure is found, so that means that your worries come a very distant second to mine.

Anyway we were the fuchsias for a while, yeah?

We were the Fuscia's. So Go Fuscia's it is!!!!!!!!

<img src="http://www.dannyburk.com/images/gerbera%20fuschia%202.jpg">

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

At the risk of being shot down like Balls, I tend to agree. While I support the cause wholeheartedly, to me tampering with the jumper for a one off smacks of a marketing ploy reminiscent of the duck-egg-blue M&M jumpers worn by Carlton a few years ago - not to draw any false comparisons between a multinational organisation and a very worthy charity.

Is it not enough that we are hosting this event, donating profits from the dinner at the MCG as well as giving it huge promotion through a large national television audience? I am expecting that Chelsea Roffey will also be umpiring, and that the umpiring panel well be decked out in pink, along with other pink-themed changes on the night. My point is, it seems there will be adequate visual cues present on the night to remind and reiterate the BCNA's message without having to alter our strip - I note that the Bulldogs won't be changing their's, and they, under the guidance of Susan Alberti, are just as heavily involved as the MFC. There are other ways to show absolute dedication to the cause than by tampering with one of the strongest visual symbols linked to your brand.

On the flipside, you could argue there have been that many variations of our jumper over the past 30 years that adding pink is not that major (cf. 80s royal blue, clash strips, colour reversals etc.).

I certainly don't agree with the strength of the words used in the OP, nor that it is a disgrace, but I can at least understand where he is coming from.

You put it much better than i did in my originating post. I was a little fired up after lunch. I apologise.

The point i was making was there are so many ways we are showing support. I dont think we needed to change the entire jumper to make the point. But anyway, your rational post is appreciated.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

Great cause and I'm glad my club is right behind it, I too have been touched by breast cancer. I still wish they didn't mess with our jumper.


We clearly weren't the first. This is extreme!!!!

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Guest Thomo

Great commercial decision. Our Jumper will be in every news service in the country on Saturday, even in NSW and QLD. Not just in the sport, but in the News, reaching an audience outside of the AFL supporter.

These sort of initiatives and exposure will be bought up when negotiating our next sponsorship deals, and will result in greater revenue for the MFC.

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At the risk of being shot down like Balls

That is either one brilliantly written piece sexual innuendo, or...

Hahaha, nah, but seriously chaps it's just a colour.. come to realise this and your little rants will seem so terribly petty and embarrasing. The pink isn't going to turn anyone away or affect our culture in the negative at all. If anything it makes us come across more humanitarian like...

Our club WILL support the fight against cancer at ANY (percieved) COST!! They will do so in ANY way them seem fit with complete disregard for what broad minded people, or anyone for that matter thinks.

I'm not a fan of pink either- I mean, I go to the gym and fly-kick monster trucks and stuff, but i'm a huge fan of the concept- its a token which reconfirms why my admiration for these Dees is so strong! Go Dees!

Edited by nostradeemus
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Would you pizz off mate. Its about giving up the jumper. Its all too much for me. Not only does it have to be pink. But we have to have the pink lady in the centre too? HA!!! Talk about overkill!!!

Go FLAMINGO'S .. YAY!!!!!!

Insecure much?

Sounds like you're typing from the 50s with that attitude mate - wearing pink and recognising women! Don't they know real men do neither? Get a grip.

It's for a good cause. I'd understand the negativity if it was a one off commercial grab like the M&M Blues or the yellow Pura Saints or the crass commercialisation of the hawks' new 'kokoda' strip, but for this?

If you're so impassioned about the history the jumper represents, where's the animosity towards the 'away' jumpers?

Anyway have you seen our guernseys the last few years? The dyes on the new materials make the yoke look pinkish anyway rather than a blood red.

This thread hasn't done you any favours.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

Insecure much?

Sounds like you're typing from the 50s with that attitude mate - wearing pink and recognising women! Don't they know real men do neither? Get a grip.

It's for a good cause. I'd understand the negativity if it was a one off commercial grab like the M&M Blues or the yellow Pura Saints or the crass commercialisation of the hawks' new 'kokoda' strip, but for this?

If you're so impassioned about the history the jumper represents, where's the animosity towards the 'away' jumpers?

Anyway have you seen our guernseys the last few years? The dyes on the new materials make the yoke look pinkish anyway rather than a blood red.

This thread hasn't done you any favours.

wasn't looking for favours. Thanks anyway.

Hate the Clash jumper to FWIW.

And yeah, what happened to getting that blood red back and that deep blue? Nothings changed from what I can see? Anyone?

jUST GOT A TXT from Jimmy. Reminding us about ladies night at the G. I will be taking my mum. Her first game in 25 years. She listens to the radio every week. She is pumped. I will make sure she wears pink 'n Blue for the occasion.

Go Fuscia's

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While I won't agree with the OP... I WILL say that I'm not too sure about this. If we come out and kick the first 5 goals, I'll still look on and feel a bit weird cheering for pink. Might just ruin some of the fun for me. :D

That said, it's for a good cause and all that. So it's ok...

It' just... hmmm.

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I just got told this but Aparently in the 19th century pink was for boys, blue for girls.

Also "girl" was term for all babies.

"Boy" was a term for a servant.

So I guess back then, pink was quite manly, if a little bit girly.

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Ha ha, what a joke.

We wear a white away strip at times so what is wrong with a bit of pink. Pink is the new black Balls, everyone knows that. Your nobody if you don't wear pink.

Love the pink.

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Do the people asking why aren't the Dogs wearing pink too not realise how ridiculous that is????

Doesn't seem all that difficult to figure out.

Balls, our jumper colours are darker than what they were last year. It can be plainly seen when holding guernseys from last year and this year side by side.

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I just got told this but Aparently in the 19th century pink was for boys, blue for girls.

Also "girl" was term for all babies.

"Boy" was a term for a servant.

So I guess back then, pink was quite manly, if a little bit girly.

I heard the same thign yesterday

It's also a good chance for the club to make a few $$ by auctioning off the match worn jumpers...or if they don't take the money it will at least go to the right cause..

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What a bizarre thread this is!! I do not believe that any of our players will be adversly effected by playing in pink, and as a previous poster said, so what if the odd commentator or spectator makes a crack about the colour. It will only serve to highlight their ignorance to the cause that the club is supporting.

As someone who has recently lost a brother, a mother and most recently an uncle to this dreadful disease; anything that helps to raise peoples awareness to the cause is priceless.

I have been attending Melbourne games since 1969, I have been a member for many years, I am passionate about the club and where it is going and I attend as many games as I can but through all of that I try to keep in mind the fact that no one dies in football, no one deals with the battles that any cancer sufferer has to deal with and the idea that it is after all, more than a game is nonsense.

So if we can use any tool available to promote cancer awareness and particularly breast cancer awareness I say bring it on.

Perhaps when you feel like cringeing at the pink jumper have a think about what this is really about; saving lives. I am sure that will help

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Only one problem here - it's not our jumper.

Speaking now as a marketer, I'm not sure how you deduce that this will result in greater revenue flows. Greater sponsorship offers will come once we are a consistently succesfull venture as this means larger crowds and better fixturing. I'm not sure sponsors will reward us for supporting a cause, as they would be better off donating the extra sponsorship money directly to the charity.

The way this works, is that extra media exposure of the guernsey we are wearing (to play along with your nit-picking) results in more eyeballs on the logos on our guernseys. This in turn boosts the media monitor valuations of our major sponsorships and delivers greater perceived value to our sponsors.

Going forward, when it comes to renewing our major sponsorships, these figures are then used, in part, to estimate the value of the overall sponsorship at which point it impacts upon our revenue.

You may think this sounds like a tenuous thread between this event and future revenues, but these are the measures used within the industry.

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I just got told this but Aparently in the 19th century pink was for boys, blue for girls.

Also "girl" was term for all babies.

"Boy" was a term for a servant.

So I guess back then, pink was quite manly, if a little bit girly.

Its a topsy turvy world and maybe the problems of wearing pink dont amount to a hill of beans. But this is our hill and these are our beans! (with apologies to Frank Drebbin).

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Guest hangon007

The point i was making was there are so many ways we are showing support.

Yes & wearing pink on our jumper on the night is just another way of showing our 100% commitment to the partnership.

IMHO ... this is a very, very powerful positive brand positioning statement. For both Breast Cancer Awareness & the MFC.

You see we have now both willingly entered a partnership where both "brands" stand side by side, dedicated to find a cure for this awful disease.

I should add ... I dont give a damn about "jokes" from commentators ... I am very, very proud of my football club making such a strong statement for this cause.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

methinks Brettmcg is the only one here who gets it.

So who thinks Watts will make it?

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Based on that notion we may as well have a novelty guernsey every week! What a way to get the sponsors' logos in the paper!

These measures you speak of also look at exposure over time - a few days/one night/one weekend will barely register. Otherwise you run the risk of the sponsors only jumping on board when we support these kinds of events.

No, that would be ridiculous. We wouldn't get any media exposure if we just did it every week. It would completely dilute the value of the event and lose all relevance and impact. Doing it just once is how you maximise this opportunity.

On this occasion, you're wrong that an event of this nature will barely register on our yearly figures. This is our biggest stage, media-wise, of the year by a long way. The figures are weighted based upon the TV ratings, attendance and print media exposure around and during the game and this is the biggest stage we will get all year on all of those scores so it makes terrific sense to leverage that opportunity with a value add for our sponsors who also get to have their brands associated with a great charity cause.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

Look at the NRL example i posted above. Talk about diluting your brand. The jumpers in that code stand for nothing though. Our do. They sell sponsorship all over it. We are essentially giving up our brand for the night

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