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Trades that could work!!

Tolstoys Nudge

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Its surely now completely obvious what our team needs..

We need a strong presence up forward, a finisher and someone in the midfield that can really break the lines, thus really enabling Bailey's run & gun game plan..

We also need a big, strong ruckman, as White will be gone soom, and certainly is no shadow of his former self, Johnson is seen as more a forward prospect, Jamar just does not do enough, and Meeson is still really learning..

The success of the bulldogs trades of recent times have made alot of clubs realise (finally) that trade week is a great way to address real areas of concern.

Especially now, with the 2 new teams & subsequent draft concessions, trades will be more previlant and more vital than ever.

Here are some trades that I think can work, for us, whilst being realistic for the other clubs as well..

Please bare in mind, I not considering players who will most likely be de-listed, as no other clubs would be interested..


1) Send Colin Sylvia to Adelaide for Luke Jericho

2) Trade Ricky Petterd to Port Adelaide for Paul Stewart

Petterd is a talent, which is whats needed to gain a key forward!

3) Brad Miller & late pick to Brisbane in exchange for Justin Sherman

4) Jamar & 3rd round pick to Fremantle for Robert Warnock

5) Brad Green, mid pick to Hawthorn for Tim Boyle

Green would really thrive at a place like Hawthorn..for 4-5 years!

6) Cameron Bruce & 3rd round pick to saints for Justin Koscitschke

Still wouldnt be taken by saints, as they over rate Kossi, but imo COULD work 4 both teams

Other targets should be: Matt Rosa, Daniel Kerr, Jarryd + Mitch Morton, Mitch Thorp, David HAle, David Armitage, Matt Priddis, Drew Petrie, Farren Ray, David Mundy, Travis Boak, Kris Barlow..

These trade are to be treated as IDEAS, a broader concept.. and SINGULAR, i dont mean they should all actually happen, nor do I even suggest they will..

We need a target down forward, and an injection of pace!!

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Just for arguments sake, these players I think will be delisted:

Jace Bode, Chris Johnson, Mark Jamar, Matthew Whelan, Adem Yze, Ben Holland, Isaac Weetra..

Will go close if not traded: Newton, Carroll, Miller, Buckley...

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Starting early this year Nudge?

This is just me speaking my mind, Im not dealing in rumours or scuttlebutt, just what we need..

Its important to analyze this list now, so that come end of year, its easy, you think the club isnt doin it yet??


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I would never get rid of Rivers.

I would also prefer to keep Sylvia - blood him more as a forward and I really think he'll develop into a strong marking forward.

Geelong wouldn't take Bruce, I don't think.

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If we trade Petterd it will be to the GC team, we'll get a 1st rounder for sure, possible add Miller to that as well.

Thats just silly..

Sorry mate, but Petterd is NEVER gonna get a 1st round pick, sorry but no..

Miller, I hope u mean he'll just go 2 GC, cus he wont even get us a 3rd rounder..

I see ur point, but its up to US who we trade with, plus GC cant trade yet!! silly post all roun mate, sorry, but it was..

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1) Send Colin Sylvia to Adelaide for Kurt Tippett

Colin is rumoured to want 2 go to Adelaide, Tippett would be exactly what we need.

Not a hope in hell that Adelaide will part with Tippett..... The thought is nice but if hell freezes over and Tippett does happen to get off-loaded by the Crows, it will be in a deal with the Gold Coast side when they enter the competition (he will go home to GC or stay in Adelaide)

2) Trade Daniel Bell to Port Adelaide for Paul Stewart or or Adam Cockshell

Stewart YES..... Cocksmell NO!! (marijuana is bad mmmmmKay!)

3) Ricky Petterd to Brisbane in exchange for Justin Sherman

This I think is a bit premature on behalf of Petterd...... Give the kid a chance to show us what he's got before you go delisting him!

4) Nathan Carroll and mid-round draft pick to Fremantle for Robert Warnock

This is actually a ripper! But take out the mid-round draft pick..... Fremantle are so stupid come trade week that they will actually think they are getting a great deal!!!!! :)

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Other targets should be: Matt Rosa, Daniel Kerr, Jarryd + Mitch Morton, Lachlan Hansen, David Armitage, Matt Priddis, Drew Petrie, Farren Ray..

Well thats it for now,

I Expect some criticism, but thats what its for, We need to make some moves to help our list, which is not as bad as first thought, but our real issue is disposal, and lack of forward options..

These deals are quite fair (does'nt mean there gonna happen, its the IDEA that matters), so enjoy.. pls add some you guys think would be good!

Thanks.. :D

criticism LOL u are going to get crucified for this trash :lol:

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I would never get rid of Rivers.

I would also prefer to keep Sylvia - blood him more as a forward and I really think he'll develop into a strong marking forward.

Geelong wouldn't take Bruce, I don't think.


Besides, I wanna keep Rivers, and Syl, but WE CANT KEEP EVERY MFC PLAYER!!

this is the problem, Sylvia, if he can get us something we need, DO IT>>

Ditto any1 else, at this point in time, we cannot be complacent i these hard times, we need 2 be aggressive and realise that trading players can work, esp Syl, who I was so excited bout, but hes just not cutting it so far.. is he??

Im not saying lets do ALL THESE TRADES!! good god!!

So u wanna get better by keeping every1?? nice theory..

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How bout this---- don't trade anyone under 24!

anyone over 24 is tradable because that's where we are at.

no point trading pettard or Sylvia because they are young and talented.

Bruce should be up for trade, even Green if a suitable trade rises (i.e. top 15 pick).

Maybbbeeee Bell the only young player id consider delisting, because he might want to go home.

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criticism LOL u are going to get crucified for this trash :lol:

U moron!!


In what way?? bloody hell, some people!!

What do you suppose we do!! idiot!!

As for trading Petterd, Im not saying delist him, just that Sherman could be better suited to us, and Ricky MAY wanna go home,

FOR all those idiots who just shoot every NEW idea down, get off the fence and actually get crative!!


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I've been thinking about things like this, and that 'aint a half bad effort.

I don't think ANY of them will happen, largely because no other club would rate our players as highly as you have.

That said, I'm more attracted to the targets you suggest. Had you mentioned someone like J. Brown I would have had trouble finishing reading the post, but some of the unexpected ones made me think...

I like the idea of Kosi for the right price, but in the end Rivers, having not seen any footy in 2 years, wouldn't probably net the bigfella. I've mentioned in the past though that a direct swap wouldn't be the worst thing. And yes, I'd be just as happy to retain Rivers.

Hansen, Petrie and Ray? No way. Petrie is meh, Did you see Hansen the other night? And Ray is just not going to improve things enough for what we'd have to give up for him.

Also, I doubt Miller will go. Bailey has come out in the media and suggested that he's one of his most important players. I doubt that'll change. Also, if what we need is a tough presenting FF, then why get rid of Miller? I know he doesn't play that deep, but if what we need is someone who's a physical presence then getting rid of him only digs us a deeper hole.

Bruce for Prismall? I'd take that. They won't agree to it though. Bruce is approaching 29.

And Carroll with the mid-round pick? The only reason I give that credence is the fact it's Fremantle :D Oh, and also that they might jut take whatever they can get if Robbie already said he wants to go.

Petterd to Brisbane for Sherman. That hurts me, but only because it makes some sense. Sherman, an outside ballwinner with searing pace. Petterd a mid-height, which we have a lot of. Sherman would be at a bargain price too because he's not played a lot this year. I just reckon Petterd is maybe a bit too good to trade for that price. f we could offload a dofferent player? Maybe Miller and something?

The Bell trade is ok. I'd only trade him for a player who's approaching 50 games... not for a draft pick. We need someone with a relatively mature body, not another guy who'll take 4 years to get up to standard.

Col Sylvia won't get Tippett to Melbourne. I'd like to see MFC go at him aggressively though. I heard the CEO, or president of Adelaide a few weeks ago say he was one of their most exciting players.

I know people hate mentioning Green's name, but I reckon it's true that you have to trade something to get something, and Green would net something really good for us if he went to a club with too many fast outside players. Someone like Geelong or Hawthorn who have guys who are struggling to get into the 22. It would be a win-win... The only concern being that with his professionalism, Green could play another 5 or more years and really hurt us.

Oh, and either of the "other" Mortons would be good too.

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I see ur point, but its up to US who we trade with, plus GC cant trade yet!! silly post all roun mate, sorry, but it was..

Really? Gee I never realised that :rolleyes:

Don't underestimate a team with a bunch of 1st rounders desperate to get Queensland players with experience onto their list....

One thing I'll acknowledge is if there is anyone who completely understands silly posts on demonland it's you

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U moron!!


In what way?? bloody hell, some people!!

What do you suppose we do!! idiot!!

As for trading Petterd, Im not saying delist him, just that Sherman could be better suited to us, and Ricky MAY wanna go home,

FOR all those idiots who just shoot every NEW idea down, get off the fence and actually get crative!!


get back to u later fudge, going to watch the replay of todays game

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Just for arguments sake, these players I think will be delisted:

Jace Bode, Chris Johnson, Mark Jamar, Matthew Whelan, Adem Yze, Ben Holland, Isaac Weetra..

Will go close if not traded: Newton, Carroll, Miller, Buckley...

You lost me there.

Bode had an ok game and gets better every week.

CJ has put two good ones together and only needs to improve a bit further to retain a spot. It's not beyond him to make a spot in the 22 his own.

Jamar... Agreed.

Whelan???? You have GOT to be kidding. He's our best small defender. He's only 28. I can't figure out why he's only just gotten into the 22, but he's a GREAT MFC player.

Yze.... Agreed, sadly. Would only be occupying space that a youngster could take. And what more could he possibly offer us? A few cameo goal sprees next year then off to the big MFC changeroom in the sky? No thanks. Some players need to be told.

Holland. We all love him, and so does the list I have a feeling. But time is not on his side.

Weetra. An experiment gone all wrong. But it should be noted that the club has stuck with guys who've shown the GP NOTHING in the past. I was surprised (and relieved) to see Newton persisted with... Ditto Bode and CJ who'd shown little to nothing. They played Weetra early in the year and he's still extremely young. I'm all for clearing him away, but then there's a LOT of space being made by retiring and older players, so I have a feeling he may be kept on due to his age alone. You can only delist/draft/PSdraft and trade for so many players in one off season.

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Really? Gee I never realised that :rolleyes:

Don't underestimate a team with a bunch of 1st rounders desperate to get Queensland players with experience onto their list....

One thing I'll acknowledge is if there is anyone who completely understands silly posts on demonland it's you

I was not having a go at you..

Just stating that im talking bout trades this year..

Please bear in mind, these are just things i think could help..

Sylvia prob not enough to get Tippet, but if he gets traded, it should be for that TYPE of player..

Im not posting anything unreasonable, or saying things that WILL happen, gimme a break!

Green could also be trade bait, I think hes been grat, but if the price is right..

Im just sick of some who judge everything badly, they bag anyone who says sumthin differant, and it seems if they had their way, NOTHING WOULD EVER ACTUALLY CHANGE!!!

I love my club, and am simply throwing out ideas I see could help!! OK

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A common theme with trades often put up by posters is they 1) overrate the market value of Demon player(s) they are trading 2) over estimate the number of trades that will actually be done in trade week and 3) assume that other clubs are football dunces and would gladly trade away there talents to pick up an NQR from a bottom side and 4) because some clubs may be geographically far away posters think they actually have not clicked to the player's shortcomings that even posters here can pick up.

Every trade put forward is balanced toward MFC against the other Club sometimes ridiculously.

1. Port would gladly give a fit marking key forward for a player with modified OP training program over the past 5 years who is just middling in league football. :rolleyes:

2. Port will also gladly give an upcoming youngster for a six year NQR who cannot hold a position in a bottom club.

3. Pettard has had two injury stricken years and is rated as a player with real potential. He is a player with upside that will not translate at the draft table now.

4. Last year Carroll's name was tossed on the draft table and other teams sniggered. His game and his off field behaviour is known through out the AFL and he has "form" in WA. Why would a team with a marshmallow culture trade talent for culture sore?

5. Geelong will gladly trade an up and coming midfielder with good balance and disposal skills for 29yo who can win the ball but too often hacks the football by foot and hand. Bruce better years are behind him and Geelong wont stick their necks out.

6. Jared Rivers has had OP for the past 2 years and has no trade value. Kosi is limited but the Saints will want quality for him. They will commence a huge clean out at year end and why oh why would they chase an honest but limited running tall in Miller.

Unless we are prepared to trade the few bits of silver on our list (eg McLean), MFC will struggle to get a meaningful trade (pick 20 or less) away this year.

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You do realise Bruce is currently the captain don't you. Why on earth would we trade him for a bloke that has struggled to get a game for the last couple of years, and will want out at the end of the year unless he stays in for the remainder of the year. Geelong will realise then have to trade for what they can get. Aint going to be the captain mate.

Additionally why would we trade for Kosi. Injured, no awareness, not really that good. What makes you reckon we could improve him.

As G Lyon said until I hear the rumour that Sylvia wants to go to Adelaide from his own mouth then I will treat it as rubbish. Kid is from Ballarat why would he want to be traded to Adelaide.

And as someone else said CJ will not be delisted at the end of the year, and I doubt Bode will be either. Whelan, Buckley, Newton and Miller will al be there as well. Newton is the only question mark in my opinion if his rumoured attitude is still giving the club problems.

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A common theme with trades often put up by posters is they 1) overrate the market value of Demon player(s) they are trading

I totally agree with you on a number of points!!!

to be honest, I would think the same, however, for the sake of most of the ppl here, I tilted them our way, so at least they would CONSIDER THE PROSPECT!!

However, they are not ALL totally un-reasonable..

Especially the Petterd 1, the Bell 1..

Sylvia, with a pick could get Tippett if he wanted to go..

Warnock WILL most likely go, his value is about right..

As for Bruce 4 Prismall, it would need to be more complex, like us adding a kid or a pick..

Im more trying to show the concept, and the TYPES of players we need!!

But most ppl here DO over rate our list, thats the problem!!

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As for Bruce 4 Prismall, it would need to be more complex, like us adding a kid or a pick..

oh now we have to give up a captain and a kid or pick to get a bloke that struggles to get a game. Why not just give Geelong pick 1 for him and be done with it.

Get it through your head about Pris (as I know his family) the kid will leave at years end. Is out of contract and will hold all of the cards. Cats will do what they can to get something for him, but a captain and a pick or a kid is waaaayy over the odds.

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